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Monstrous creature sized weapons

Brother Ambroz

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I'm posting this here because I figure I'd get more help over here than in the PCA general questions but I also put it there as well. Anwyays, I really like to plan waaaay ahead with my stuff as the DP for my army will be the last big model I paint for my Night Lords but I want to buy all the parts before just in case they go out of production for some reason (don't ask I'm just paranoid like that). Anyways so far I'm planning on using this head (after choppin off the antlers I think the skull would look amazing as a night lord prince), possibly the wings from this kit, probably use the regular DP kit for most of the rest, I'll do a custom tail (or at least the end) but anyways..... My question was where could I find a monstrous creature sized spear and shield? I know there's plenty of axes, swords and warhammers around but other than that there isn't a whole lot.....any ideas?
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Have you considered a warp-influenced shield?

By that I mean that the physical size of the shield corresponds to something that a terminator/crusader/SM special character might wield, but that it is extended (thinking clear plastic painted in warp hues and/or NL lightning) to reflect daemonic fields.


Does your army have any history fighting tyrannids? If so, another idea is to use a carapace as a shield/trophy. The carnifex comes with spares and they're chunky enough. You might fashion a spear (double-ended or better yet, a trident) from the vanquished beast's boneswords/scything talons.

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Does your army have any history fighting tyrannids? If so, another idea is to use a carapace as a shield/trophy. The carnifex comes with spares and they're chunky enough. You might fashion a spear (double-ended or better yet, a trident) from the vanquished beast's boneswords/scything talons.


I had to stop and say that that is a pretty awesome idea. If done right, it would look very nice and what better way to take a trophy from your opponent than to use their remains as a weapon and armor.

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Thank you all for the ideas brothers. I'm currently working on a terminator version of him now, using the chaos lord on manticore shield and spear for him. I wanted to try to make it look like his spear and shield grew in ascension along with him. I don't know why but I never noticed the avatar's spear, that'd probably actually work perfectly. The carnifex idea is a good one. I'll probably wind up using that as a backup plan. I'd like to be able to find an evil looking one but any would suffice. I have enough eight pointed stars laying around to chaosify any shield that winds up being the correct size along with some GS. Any other ideas though? Very helpful so far! :lol:
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