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-Believes marines from other chapters go into battle dangerously low on ammo, as most only carry the magazine in their weapon.

Why in hell would you believe that, particularly when it's blatantly untrue.

It's tongue in cheek friend. Look at the models themselves. :)


Probably should have used a smiley. lol.

Edited by Watcher in the Dark
  • 3 weeks later...

Hounds of the Hunt


  • hates polluted planets
  • Loves war orphans
  • has danced around a fire in a loin cloth
  • loves fire
  • turns his armor into a work of art
  • collects things from those he kills
  • hates fighting in the daylight
  • fights to prove his leadership
  • will die for his battle brothers
  • digs brands



Templars Ursine-


i) tendency to introspection due to long time spent between battles.

ii) Likely to pick up 'human' traits from working with them for so long

iii) Is inherently defensive in all regards to life, from conversations to combat

iv) Likely to have a private space where he gathers and stores objects significant to himself, from books to bolter rounds

v) unknowingly slightly arrogant to other Astartes due to Chapter's efforts to rebuild it warzones, instead of running to the next battlefield.

vi) Has a unhealthy compulsion and skill in blowing things to pieces.

vii) Is fascinated by humans and their interactions

viii) Crazy paranoid about anything personal, up to and including kill markings or campaigns.

ix) Is unlikely to do anything without support and a in-depth plan. Experiences discomfort when forced to 'wing it'

x) Likely to become attached to certain areas/people without knowing it.

Brilliant idea to truly keep you on the straight and narrow in regard to your own chapter.


i) believes every single life in the Imperium is worth protecting

ii) spends a lot of time trawling through the great libraries on his homeworld and takes time to write his own thesis on wide ranging topics from tactics to the nature of daemons

iii) does not believe in religion in any form particularly in regards to chaos

iv) friendly with all members of the imperium due to their isolation on the edge of known space with very little contact outside of the worlds they protect so take the opportunity to explore different view points or ideas to further refine their knowledge unless it is the ecclesiarchy

v) generally upbeat and jovial because they believe that the imperium has the strength to hold out on all sides and often find themselves at odds with those who believe it to be the end times or that there is no hope.

vi) sorrounds himself with images of death as a way of celebrating life,

vi) wishes to have contact with the wider imperium but protecting the abandoned worlds limits the opportunity to leave their ever expanding protection zone

vii) constantly seek to gain access to members of the librarium and techmarines, often feeling disappointment that they have been beat there and are not members themselves

viii) once he has decided to join battle he shows a reckless stubbornness at odds with his friendly and introspective persona outside of battle

ix) will constantly have a desire to return to the homeworld to take the half century ritual of defending the planet and adding to its libraries. Will also take the time to wander the planet and offer assistance to the populace training them in all aspects of warfare and defense against the wild beasts native to the planet. Will hope he is worthy of being chosen to pick two aspirants to replace the losses suffered in battle

x) constantly strives to impress the warrior that named them upon becoming a space marine and will seek to surpass them in knowledge and skill bringing renown to both

Host of the Graven Image



  • Split off from the Iron Warriors Legion, and feel no attachment to them or their Primarch whatsoever.
  • Hold numerous pacts with daemons, bound into weapons/armour/vehicles,, to make up for their lack of numbers (less than 50).
  • Wear armour coloured gold from the melted tributes of their "subjects" (i.e. victims).
  • Almost nihilistic, seeing mortals almost entirely as existing to serve their whims.
  • Worship Slaanesh, focussing on his domains of wealth, gluttony and power, rather than the usual sex, drugs and rock and roll.
  • As a consequence, no "Noise Marines" exist in the warband, although Marines with the resilience of Plague Marines are there, being those Marines almost entirely burned out by thousands of years serving Slaanesh.
  • Set themselves up as feudal lords on the worlds they invade, demanding tribute and service from those unfortunate enough to inhabit the planet.
  • Have taken the image of a golden bull as their symbol, after the golden statue created by their leader to venerate Slaanesh.
  • Currently make use of a variety of geneseeds, since they renounced Perturabo after he "abandoned" the warband during the Scouring.
  • Fight primarily to either subjugate new worlds, or as a fighting retreat to preserve what they've gained. Fighting the Imperium is almost a non-concern compared to finding anything to alleviate the boredom for even a moment.


I'm also thinking of adding a slight Slavic/East European/Tzimisce feel to them, adding to the "tyrannical overlord/voivode" image.

The Everguard


Strength - Win before the battle begins

Flaw - Youth leads to inexperience

The Bolt strikes before the Blade

Three Cultures to learn from each other

Indiviual Intelligence is the most important trait

Punish the collective for the failings of the individual

Information is the ultimate weapon

Innovation in war is more important then proven tactics

Experience must be tresured

Protect the chapter by protecting the Apothacary

10 Things of the average Blood Guardian:


I. He spends time intergrating with the population on his home world.

II. Spends time in librarium, studying the foe to his fullest extent.

III. Respects the all of Imperium offices. But doesnt have to respect the person in the office.

IV. He always tries to help other Brother Marines, regardless of chapter, in the current task.

V. Doesnt complain when given the task of guarding a supply line or scouting a area.

VI. Always respectful of officers who are above him.

VII. Treats the Emperor as his higher lord.

VIII. Treats Imperial civilians with some respect, not like trash.

IX. He always listens to the statements of Imperial Commanders, regardless if the statement is idiotic or not.

X. He always treats the field of battle as his true test of training.


Dang.. that was harder than I thought.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guys, quick question:


As some sort of metaphorical extension to this thread how interested would people be in having a challenge in which you have to model one space marine which represents the epitome of your Chapter?


If this was to occur after E Tenebrae Lux then absolutely, as I look at my Captain and really want to do another one that justifies his standing within the Chapter.


The current model I have of him is okay, but now I've been modelling again, I'd like to step up a gear and make him awesome :)


Either that or get the Chapter Master model I want to do done in his place.

Guys, quick question:


As some sort of metaphorical extension to this thread how interested would people be in having a challenge in which you have to model one space marine which represents the epitome of your Chapter?



Seeing as my Chapter's got an actual rank and post where exactly that is the job requirement... Yeah, I think I could manage. ;)

Right I may as well try.


Corvid Lords:


Strength: Believes In true justice for those who have been wronged and those who wrong others

Flaw: powerful precognitive curse

Viewed as dirty fighters due to their assasination, terror tactics and gurella warfare

have a mixed gene seed (raven guard and loyalist night lords cocktail) and as such are part of the brotherhood of the faithful, described as "sons of two fathers" along with the others

Hold a deep malice for the Night lords,

Many unique weapons (lightning claws with blades to the finger ends not the knuckles)

Uses fear to bring worlds into complience at first, but teaches the inhabitants a deep sense of justice to keep their world in order.

Strange anomalies play around the Corvid lords, their armour crackling with lightning like the post heresy night lords.

Believe that Konrad Curze had a split personality (one being the just Curze and one being the monster) and Revere Konrad, seperating him from the night hunter (who is in their eyes the Corvid Lords is a horrific monster that murdered thousands) as well as Corax (who they see as the public primarch of the chapter but also the reason they are there) and the emperor (obvious reasons).

Have made use of power whips to decapitate and cut their foes in half


Very hard but I did it

Has a 1% chance of being...




if theres one percent chance of them being something differnt, then there not the average marine?

So if I were to do this for, say, the Blood Angels you would criticise me for including "has a chance of going bat-^_^ insane", or for Space Wolves "has a chance of devolving into a Wolfen"?


These aspects play a big role in defining how the Chapter is perceived, even if the actual odds of these things happening are low. Ergo, it makes sense to say "a typcial Marine has a small chance of this applying..." since it is rare that these 'quirks' are deliberately and controllably invoked.

If its not average, then it's not average. Doesn't matter how important you think it is to you're chapter, one percent is insignificant. If space wolves had a 1 percent chance of turning wulfen, I would say that's not average for them, but I'm sure the rate is more.


It doesn't play as big a part as you think. If I'm not mistaken, there's a chapter that has more then 30% females. Your chapter isn't so special compared to them. Fighting tigers or tigers of veranda or somthing like that.

Host of the Graven Image

  • Split off from the Iron Warriors Legion, and feel no attachment to them or their Primarch whatsoever.
  • Hold numerous pacts with daemons, bound into weapons/armour/vehicles,, to make up for their lack of numbers (less than 50).
  • Wear armour coloured gold from the melted tributes of their "subjects" (i.e. victims).
  • Almost nihilistic, seeing mortals almost entirely as existing to serve their whims.
  • Worship Slaanesh, focussing on his domains of wealth, gluttony and power, rather than the usual sex, drugs and rock and roll.
  • As a consequence, no "Noise Marines" exist in the warband, although Marines with the resilience of Plague Marines are there, being those Marines almost entirely burned out by thousands of years serving Slaanesh.
  • Set themselves up as feudal lords on the worlds they invade, demanding tribute and service from those unfortunate enough to inhabit the planet.
  • Have taken the image of a golden bull as their symbol, after the golden statue created by their leader to venerate Slaanesh.
  • Currently make use of a variety of geneseeds, since they renounced Perturabo after he "abandoned" the warband during the Scouring.
  • Fight primarily to either subjugate new worlds, or as a fighting retreat to preserve what they've gained. Fighting the Imperium is almost a non-concern compared to finding anything to alleviate the boredom for even a moment.


The Everguard


Strength - Win before the battle begins

Flaw - Youth leads to inexperience

The Bolt strikes before the Blade

Three Cultures to learn from each other

Indiviual Intelligence is the most important trait

Punish the collective for the failings of the individual

Information is the ultimate weapon

Innovation in war is more important then proven tactics

Experience must be tresured

Protect the chapter by protecting the Apothacary


Strength: Believes In true justice for those who have been wronged and those who wrong others

Flaw: powerful precognitive curse

Viewed as dirty fighters due to their assasination, terror tactics and gurella warfare

have a mixed gene seed (raven guard and loyalist night lords cocktail) and as such are part of the brotherhood of the faithful, described as "sons of two fathers" along with the others

Hold a deep malice for the Night lords,

Many unique weapons (lightning claws with blades to the finger ends not the knuckles)

Uses fear to bring worlds into complience at first, but teaches the inhabitants a deep sense of justice to keep their world in order.

Strange anomalies play around the Corvid lords, their armour crackling with lightning like the post heresy night lords.

Believe that Konrad Curze had a split personality (one being the just Curze and one being the monster) and Revere Konrad, seperating him from the night hunter (who is in their eyes the Corvid Lords is a horrific monster that murdered thousands) as well as Corax (who they see as the public primarch of the chapter but also the reason they are there) and the emperor (obvious reasons).

Have made use of power whips to decapitate and cut their foes in half


Since this is the Liber and we're allowed to C&C, those are traits of the Chapter/Warband, not traits of the average marine therein. ;)


Don't get me wrong, they still sound interesting, but you've answered the wrong question. :P


In Lord Caerolion's case, I'm only referring to the couple of points I've highlighted, rather than the whole thing. ;)

Ghost Warriors:


1.show no mercy

2.prefers melee fight

3.attack from shadows

4.destroy a lot of enemies before battle begins, using partisan and terrorist attacks.

5.Respects imperial civilians, because he is protector of humanity.

6.Killed when protecting brothers/civilians/anyone loyal to the emperor is the best death.

7.On battlefield use your own mind, not codex(yeah, ghosts don’t like codex astartes)

8.Wears a lot of fetishes and Diadochian(their own planet) texts on the armor.

9.Wears a lot of tattoos.

10.he is severe and cruel, but very devoted to his brothers.

Edited by Elias
Has a 1% chance of being...




if theres one percent chance of them being something differnt, then there not the average marine?

So if I were to do this for, say, the Blood Angels you would criticise me for including "has a chance of going bat-:evil: insane", or for Space Wolves "has a chance of devolving into a Wolfen"?


These aspects play a big role in defining how the Chapter is perceived, even if the actual odds of these things happening are low. Ergo, it makes sense to say "a typcial Marine has a small chance of this applying..." since it is rare that these 'quirks' are deliberately and controllably invoked.

But a Blood Angel could go insane, and a Space Wolf could turn into a Wulfen. You couldn't pick a member of your chapter at random and, after observing them and seeing that they were male, say "this Marine has a 1% chance of being female"; you could pick a random Space Wolf, observe them, and say "this Marine isn't a Wulfen now, but they could turn into one".

Forgotten Sons

I. He better in shooting and hiding, than in close combat.

II. Probably he have some mutations.

III. He have some organs transplanted to him from his dead sergeant.

IV. Before becoming a marine he were lived on a floating garbage island.

V. If he start to hear voices of the dead, he will be sealed in his armor.

VI. Probably he is a little ironic.

VII. He think that Puritywings Terminators are purity-obsessed snobs.

VIII. Probably he is not very happy.

IX. He have some conflict whith marines from other company.

X. He is not such ascetic us other space marines.

Edited by гR.I.B.
This is becoming "describe you're chapter" when it's supposed to be "10 things about the average marine"


That's some nice stuff, but you're not really telling us about you're marines


Unless the average marine in the above chapter has an unknown pattern of dreadnought and a really big list of mutations. :D


I totally agree, though. Having been guilty of the same mistake at the start of this, I can see how people can make that mistake if they haven't actually read the thread, but it does make you wonder why they're not doing so.


VIII. They were beaten by the wooden-chaos-marines warband



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