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WE Land Raider Concept Sketch


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I wanted to get some feedback on my concept for my second WE Landraider:




I want it to be a main focal point for the army, and to match up in awesomeness with the first. I am thinking of really stressing the demonically possessed idea. I think a Bloodthirster torso would be the right size, but I am also thinking I might want to look at some third party mini's too, in order to give it a little different feel, any suggestions?



For the side sponsons I am thinking of doing demonic arms. A few questions, do you think that it is better to have the lascannons held in a fist, be the hand, or coming out of the wrist? Also what do you think about the demonic chains holding the demon to the Landraider, Good idea or not?


Let me know what you think,

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The bloodthirster chained into the hull I think is a great idea if you can pull it off well. The arms, however, I'm not particularly sold on...if you could find (or sculpt) something that looked really good then...perhaps.


I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this project though. You have a crazy imagination :)

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You can use the Soul grinder kit, use the Body, put it on the front hull, in place of the heavy bolter turret, put the heavy bolters on his shoulder or in replacement of his Harvester cannon.


This way it will give a more centaurian look to the whole, and the Deamon can be leaned forward, readying a strike of his axe!


The arms sponson like said, is not really a good idea..., would look better if you had the weapons sponson replaced by huge skulls, with the lasers embeded into the eye sockets, a bit like this 2th Ed era LR;


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