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First Claw,Tenth Company

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The only problem with doing them as a tooled up unit of Chosen would be that i would be having to take the Exalted as an HQ unit. From what i understand of him in the books, he doesn't exactly get out much.

Or, i suppose, there is the possibilty of taking Ruven as a Sorceror?

Has anybody got a rough idea of when he turned his cloak over to the Black Legion?

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Guest ShinKosh

Sadly with the current 'Dex there is no way to make a seriously bad ass squad that isnt just a 5 man Chosen team decked out with power weapons or some such. Now if you had the flexibility of say a basic Vanguard Squad were each member can have his own selection of gear, you could maybe make them more personality themed. The current 'Dex however is rather poo.


With any luck though that’s all about to be sorted out very soon *hopes*.


As for the table Vs Fluff, there is no easy balance. 10,000 year old combat veterans they may be but as far as the rules go, they are 'just' chaos marine, who are as likely to die to the horrible glare of an imperial guard squads lasguns as they are to another marine (spike or vanilla).


Hey A D-B, you have a vague understanding of the rules and you write great fluff. You should ask to pen our next Codex. :confused:

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The only problem with doing them as a tooled up unit of Chosen would be that i would be having to take the Exalted as an HQ unit. From what i understand of him in the books, he doesn't exactly get out much.

Or, i suppose, there is the possibilty of taking Ruven as a Sorceror?

Has anybody got a rough idea of when he turned his cloak over to the Black Legion?


Well, using the Exalted would still be OK, as he did mention in the first book that he has gotten his claws bloody in the past. He just perfers to let his underlings do the dirty work. Plus, I personally think that as the Exalted took over Vandred's body, the creature became less willing to put itself in harms way, less due to a lack of skill, but because of a fear of losing his mortal shell, and getting sent back to the warp.


Hell, if all else fails, run Malek as the 'designated' Lord. Nothing wrong with that either.

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So, if i was to use them as chosen, it could look something like this:

Xarl: Aspiring Champion with Lightning Claw (Yes, it's not an eviscerator but the alternatives are Power weapon or power fist, and i feel that he would be best served with a weapon that would allow him to scythe through opponents without it slowing him down.

Cyrion:Chainsword that counts as a power weapon.

Uzas: Chainaxe that counts as a power weapon.

Sar Zell: Meltagun.

Those last three may seem somewhat unusual, but i would still like them to be able to perform reasonably well as a close combat unit so power weapons are almost a necessity. As for Sar Zell, i intend to use them as somewhat earlier than the books (Sorry A D-B, but it gives me chance to increase their numbers somewhat) so his inclusion seems necessary, as do a few others that i plan to use in the squad. However, this leaves Talos floating around. Chaos Sorceror with Warptime (representing his visions coming into effect) but no other upgrades? That still leaves him short of his boltgun Anthema


Ruven was in First Claw until relatively recently. So was Sar Zell; he used a lascannon. Uzas basically replaced Sar Zell, though.

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Ah, must have missed the bit about Sar Zell's Lascannon.

So, if i take Sar Zell, i can field Uzas as squad leader of Fourth Claw. That would make things an awful lot easier.

Any ideas for Sar Zell, modelwise?

I have placed a couple of orders and the bits and pieces are currently on their way to me, so i hope to have some progress, however minimal, in the next week or so.

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