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did the 1k sons ever have dreadnoughts?

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Was curious if the thousand sons ever used dreadnoughts? the novel " thousand sons " doesn't mention it at all. Seems like they didn't exist within the legion. I know" collected visions" shows some. Was wondering if anyone could shed some light .thanks
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This guy did 10+ other Thousand Sons pieces of art and they have been around for years.


Also, 3.5 gave the option for Thousand Sons armies to give their dreads Mark of Tzeentch, so that's good enough for me.

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Yeah. It's hard to argue with that guy.

But there is no reason to assume why they wouldn't have dreads pre-heresy either. majorly because they have dreads now, therefore they must have had them pre-rubric

Also, Decent of Angels didn't mention dreads, dosent mean they didn't have them either!

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  • 2 months later...
Yeah. No reason why they wouldnt.. Although the question should be... Should Thousand Sons dreadnoughts have psychic powers?

Probably not, the impression I got from the Blackmane books was the majority of dreads were rubicae

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Probably one in every ten Dreadnoughts should probably be a Dreadnought Sorcerer.


That does give me the amusing mental image of a Librarian Furioso with Wings of Sanguinius engaging in an aerial duel with a Dreadnought Sorcerer on a giant Disc of Tzeentch.

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  • 2 months later...



I believe Thousand Sons never had dreads. And for the same reason why they were the smallest Legion. And the majority of them, coming from the first founding on Terra.


Any dead, and possible corpse saved, got resurrected or healed by using their powers (by specific covenant). As Ahriman mentions in the Thousand Sons novel.


Their only problem was the genetic mutation, and later the conversion to spawn, because that was irreversible. Hence Ahriman was happy with the spell, leaving the soul of his brothers bound in their suits. Because the soul could be recovered and rebound again in the suit. As was happening with their bodies while alive for thousands of years.


For Dreads to exist, you need someone really powerful to be very close to death, and then condemn them into the sarcophagus. So since they could save their members from death or resurrect them, why make them Dreads?


Yes there is one sketch in the Horus Herecy :Collected Visions tome, with a Dread labelled as Thousands Sons. But could be any other Dread, and since everyone else had few of them named, for the sake of 'balancing' the army they add a tag.

But according to fluff, you cannot have Dreads if you do not have powerful people near death.

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The Pavoni were able to recover people from certain death, were even apothecaries had given up. Also lets not forget in the novel end of chapter eight, and also Chapter 11 they also talk about it recovering the guy from death.

Resurrection also, at Grey Hunter novel, around the end of the book, but they were already in the eye of terror.


Also some of the sources at Thousand Sons wiki mention is on recruitment



Currently it is unknown how the Legion is able to maintain their current strength, although it has been observed only once, that they carried out what appeared to be some sort of resurrection ritual. This magical conjuration allowed their sorcerers to summon the spirits of deceased Thousand Sons from the warp so they could possess a mortal body. They were able to use either a living body or a deceased shell which made no particular difference, as both were effective. These newly possessed bodies then transformed into reborn Thousand Sons battle-brothers.


Nobody said they had no dreads and swear to his life, but they seem unlikely if someone reads all the fluff.

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Probably not, the impression I got from the Blackmane books was the majority of dreads were rubicae
That was also the implication I got from the 3.0 and IA era, that Daemonic Possession was super cheap and removed the insanity chart because the pilot had been hit by the Rubric.


By the way, are there any remnants of the old rule that a squad of nine Rubrics could serve as a daemonhost and have one of their members be possessed by a Lord of Change?

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The Pavoni were able to recover people from certain death, were even apothecaries had given up.

When the apothecaries in normal legions give up, they put the dude in a dread.


What happens when the Pavoni give up?

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The Visions of Treachery Artbook Series did have at least one piece of artwork with a 1K dread.

Since there a so few Sons anyway, maybe the only ones "dreaded" were when no one was around to patch them up in any other way?

Given their limited numbers, not every battle will have had a Pavoni within effective reach everytime someone gets hurt really bad. Or maybe the dreads were from those wounded before Magnus rejoied the legion and encouraged the cults and their arts. They would have operated more closely to regular legion procederes then I take it?

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Look, everyone can use Dreads with Thousand Sons.


Chaos rules on Dreads, could suit better than any other the Thousand Sons. Because going mad, could be translated as the stages of mutation. Or loss of concentration of the Enumerations.





Philosophical discussion :


The Combat Units of Thousand Sons had members from each Fellowship. So Pavoni members were at every unit. As where Pyrae etc.

If Pavoni couldn't save someone, he was dead or resurrected. We are talking here about the most powerful sorcerers who could do anything. Manipulating even the fluids inside a body from distance.

And as on the last novel of the Space Wolves, they even resurrected people.


Also mutation had affected EVERY member of the Thousand Sons. The ones surviving Pre-Heresy were the ones powerful enough to stop it.

Even Ahriman went into the stages of mutation twice but stopped short due to self control or Magnus. So did all the remaining members. If you are almost dead, at a state of a drone actually, I doubt to be able hold the mutation.

And I wrote drone, because Ahriman managed to manipulate two Dreads shoot each other. He couldn't do that against living Space Wolves, nor even against their dogs. Because a Dread is nothing better than the crystal fused robots the Thousand Sons used. Bit more independent but not true sentient beings. Also consider that they preferred to die than live like spawns. How about being almost dead, entombed inside an adamantium coffin?


Post-Herecy can't make Dreads out of Rubrics. And I doubt a Sorcerer could end up as a Dread. More likely die, or become a Daemon (or Greater one). Which is more plausible.


Also regarding Chaos Dreads, paragraphs 2 and 3 of page 40 of the CSM rulebook explains quite a lot. For Chaos troops is insult to become a Dread and is seeing as a mockery of punishment. Rather die.

So the ones that can be used, are from Pre-Herecy Era, or ones that went psychotic after thousands of years in the battlefield.


On the other hand the Space Marines want to become Dreads, and see it an honour serving the Emperor even at death. Which show that they are pathetic loonies and should have had more self respect.


However all the above should not stop anyone from fielding Dreads with Thousand Sons. Is only fluff talking. :P

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