Beachymike123 Posted March 2, 2012 Share Posted March 2, 2012 Hi guys and gals, here is my first draft of my DIY chapter, The Empeor's Watch. I warn you now, it is only text at the moment, but hoping to add pics and photos soon, as well as battle reports at a future date in blog form. so without further a do: comments and critique welcome. hope you enjoy reading. looking forward to feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrew J Posted March 2, 2012 Share Posted March 2, 2012 I would recommend copying and pasting the text in here so people can easily quote it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted March 3, 2012 Author Share Posted March 3, 2012 Andrew J said: I would recommend copying and pasting the text in here so people can easily quote it. fair point. ok then, here go's: The Emperor's Watch Adeptus Astartes Origins The Emperor's Watch were founded as part of the Third Founding in 001.M32 following Abaddon's First Black Crusade. They are descended from the White Scars chapter, who embraced these new sons in black armour and trimmed in red with open arms. Three squads from the Brotherhood of Kayarn Sagul, as well as specialists such as Techmarines, Librarians etc, were despatched and granted leave to oversee the development of the fledgling chapter. The squads in the Brotherhood adopted companies to mentor and develop, all under the watchfull eye of Sagul and his most trusted veteran brothers. At the time, The Emperor's Watch were a space borne chapter to better react to the roving warbands around the Eye of Terror, and it was early in their history they developed a pact with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Part of this pact was to supply a vessel (typically a Rapid Strike Vessel but occasionally a Battle Barge) to protect the Mechanicus fleets; in exchange the Astartes were gifted with newer sets of armour with enhanced vox-units, and Plasma weapons were upgraded to become more stabilised. It is worth mentioning that the chapter enjoyed an especially prosperous time in their first half century. In 023.M32 the White Scars requested that the Brotherhood members return to Chogoris, although Sagul himself requested he and his most senior veterans be granted leave of their parent chapter. The White Scars agreed to this and, after making sure all was in place for the Brothers to leave, The Emperor's Watch took to the stars for themselves much in the same way a child leaves their parents. Days later, Sagul, formerly interim Chapter Leader, was now fully appointed as Chapter Master. His veterans were appointed as the first of the chapter's Honour Guard, and were collectively known as The Last Scars. In 127.M32, The Emperor's Watch, came across the world of Mortrev in the Tabren sub-sector, to the galactic shouth of the Eye of Terror. A feudal world with masses of ores in concentrated mining areas, Sagul looked upon the world as a source of recruits. However, it was soon discovered that some warlords were allied to the Ruinous Powers and conducting horrific experiments. Sagul was disgusted at this, but his Adeptus Mechanicus were pleased that he had found this world. They struck a deal with The Emperor's Watch - if they cleared the heretics from the world, the Adeptus Mechanicus would supply them with the materials and labour to build a permanent Fortress-Monastry on Mortrev so as to take in a more steady intake of recruits. After deliberating with the Chapter Council, he decided to accept the Cult of Mars's offer. After a three month campaign using mostly infiltration techniques and subverting untainted knightly orders to their cause, The Emperor's Watch declared Mortrev as their new home and part of the Imperium of Man. Mortrev and The Citadel of Sagul Following the liberation and induction into the wider Imperium, Mortrev saw some slight changes to its society and cultures. The areas formerly controlled by the Chaos aligned warlords were given over to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Setting up small outposts and mining facilities, the followers of the Machine God began to extract ores and minerals; much of these were used for creating war materials on nearby Forge Worlds, but most of them remained on Mortev to help sustain The Emperor's Watch's war machines. This was the only other organisation besides the Adeptus Astartes to settle on Mortrev, and has remained so to this day. The rest of Mortrev is divided up among the barons who help keep a feudal state of balance. There are three large continents that make up the rest of the world - Restare is land belonging now to the Adeptus Mechanicus as a central production and shipping/despatch area; Tovark is the largest island located in the south east and largely covered in forests; Ardent is in the north west and the smallest of the islands, this is where the Citadel of Sagul was founded and the home of The Emperor's Watch. Tovark is where the majority of the civilian population live as well as the knightly orders. Only a handful of keeps are still standing to this day, as most have fallen to ruin over the passage of time. The same is true with the knightly orders not carried over by The Emperor's Watch. The forests that cover Tovark are exceptionally dense, and render travel by bikes extremely difficult. Because of this the chapter has adopted jump packs as their main form of rapid assault in order to traverse the terrain quicker, a trait they developed in the liberation of Mortrev as it struck fear into the heretical warbands that attempted to resist them. Since then, this has replaced bikes as the more traditional rapid reaction forces, although bikes are still used in some of the Orders for squads that have proved themselves worthy. Ardent is made up largely of rocky outcrops and cliff faces. In the centre was once a massive mountain range, but this has since been excavated and the Citadel of Sagul raised there in its place. Both Ardent and Restare are the only island continents to have space ports, although Restare's is largely used for transporting goods and materials and Ardent's is for personnel primarily with goods capabilities. The Citadel of Sagul is The Emperor's Watch's Fortress Monastry. The Armourium and Chapter Forges are located on the western side of the island, and have ports and craft directly linked to Restare, the better to enable the transportation of materials and allow the Techmarines and Forge Brothers the ability to meet with those of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Reclusium houses many sacred artefacts of the chapter, most of them from the founding days and early campaigns, but also the remains of Sagul and his Honour Guard as well. Their weapons are stowed here above the sarcophegi that house the sacred remains, and the chapter's Honour Guard today select from these weapons before battle. Sagul's fine double handed power sword and massive storm shield are now used to denote the Chapter Master himself, and these are his sacred badges of office. The Apothecarium and Librarium are located in the innermost area of the Fortress-Monastry next to the Command Chambers. These areas have added protection due to their importance, with teams of chapter serfs guarding and operating in these areas in shifts with small living quarters attached to the side. The Fate of the Last Scar Sagul fell finally in 423.M32 and was extremely venerable at the time, having overseen the founding of The Citadel and bringing Mortrev into full Imperial compliance. It was against a mighty Ork Warlord that he finally succumbed to a score of wounds. His original Honour Guard, made up of the White Scars who remained with him at the chapter's founding, had died over the years and been interned into the sacred Reclusium as a sign of respect. At that point in time, Sagul was officially the last remaining White Scar from the chapter's founding, and had felt the loss of his brothers very deeply and welcomed any who would challenge him. Sagul severed the Warlord's head with his last ounce of strength. The Apothecaries fought to save the Last Scar's life, but the former White Scar knew that the end was there. His last order was that The Emperor's Watch were to crusade against the Great Enemy until not one of them drew breath, an oath carried out by the chaplains since that day. The greenskins might be a menace, but they were not the true threat. Never, he muttered, would the galaxy tremble by the ruinous powers while his brethren drew breath. The Emperor's Watch were part of the 3rd Founding, designated to stand against the Black Crusades and all that dared to step into the material realm. The chaplains present assured the fallen Chapter Master that they would carry this out and this would now be every recruit's vow upon inception into the chapter. So t has been this way for the past seven and a half millennia. Following the Last Scar's death, the newly appointed Chapter Master Ferrum Drakus declared that all brothers of The Emperor's Watch recolour their exhausts and elbows white in honour of the Last Scar's achievments and as revered spiritual leader. The Razorback that was left to The Last Scars at the chapter's founding is still in its original White Scars colours, although its livery has been changed to reflect its current chapter. The Razorback was subsequently renamed 'The Last Scar' and has been used exclusively by the chapter's Honour Guard ever since. Combat Doctrine Like many chapters, The Emperor's Watch attack in a mass Drop Pod assault against opponents who rely on central points of command or strength. The Emperor's Watch use this against opponents such as Orks or Tyranids, where attacking key points is crucial to victory. Against opponents who seem more entrenched, such as Traitor Marines or Tau worlds, they will infiltrate and concentrate on one area at a time, using speed and stealth to overwhelm the area and prize it from the enemy's hand. The latter tactic can be performed by the chapter itself, but more often than not they will perform it only when they know reinforcements from other Imperial organisations are en route, as The Emperor's Watch do not have the resources to both maintain the momentum of the attack and keep hold of objectives. On the world of Desian these tactics proved most useful against the renegade Planetary Govenor there who had declared for the Ruinous Powers to gain autonomy from the Imperium in 496.M41. It was known that several Chaos cults had emerged not long afterwards, and much of the PDF had defected too. Three regiments raised as Imperial Guard units from Desian, however, had been detained by the order of Imperial Guard higherarchy pending investigation. The Emperor's Watch 5th Company, the Order of Shadows, requested that these regiments be released so as to aid in retaking the world. As soon as it was sanctioned, although the majority of officers had been executed as a stop gap measure, The Emperor's Watch began their assault. They attacked military installations first, ensuring their campaign would face minimum resistance from the start. This had the dual purpose of allowing the loyal regiments that followed in their wake proper military bases to operate from, even if a little battle damaged. Hab areas were the next targets, with resistance there being crushed utterly. The communications were disposed of with relative ease, with the most important being identified by remaining officers in the Desian Imperial Guard units. The only area left was the Planetary Govenor's Palace, which was heavily defended. Using stealth tactics, they took out several defence points and made their way inwards before finding their target. The renegade Govenor, however, was altered beyond recognition, however. In her place, however, was a daemon clad in mortal flesh, and growing stronger. The intention, it transpired, had been for the sacrifices of many of the population to heighten the powers that flowed into the Warp-spawn. The Emperor's Watch began their combat with the daemon, although many perished as the Changer of Ways grew in power. In a final twist, however, the Astartes captain, Julius Daren, ordered his Brothers to fall back as he activated a beacon. As he did so, an orbital bombardment of the Palace began, but not without one final supreme act of defiance from the nearly broken Daren. He drew his sword (a relic with prayers and blessed by the Chaplains) as the daemon drew the captain closer in its clutches, he plunged it through his hand and into the daemon's flesh, which broke its bond with the material world. After the bombardment was over, Draken's body was recovered and his name entered into the Book of the Honoured. Desian was put under penitant watch by an Ordos Hereticus Inquisitor following the incident, although the loyal Desian regiments had been exhonourated, although only half their original number still existed. Chapter Organisation The companies of The Emperor's Watch are effectively all Battle Companies, known as Orders. This is due to the tactics they employ and the myriad forces they face. Sagul decided this was the best course of action following both the liberation of Mortrev and the foes they face in the Tabren sub-sector. Each Order has its own traditions and livery, although every member of the Chapter still has the chapter symbol on their left shoulder pad, even on mark 6 shoulder pads. However, as with the original knightly orders of Mortrev, recruitment into an Order is allowed from any region, a trait from the teachings of The Khan. Each Order has its own trials to overcome, and these are based upon its traditions. For example, the 4th Company, Order of the Meteor, emphasises speed and decisve strikes, while the 9th Company, Order of the Flame, emphasises attacks with fire and striking while the enemy is still reeling. Initially, Scout Squads begin their training in the Phoenix Order, the Chapter's 1st Company, before finishing their training in their desired Order. Effectively, there is no dedicated Scout Company in The Emperor's Watch, but instead in this way the Scouts learn from their older Brothers in a more practical fashion. Beliefs The Emperor's Watch see the Emperor as the greatest man to have ever lived, and that his wars are sanctioned to better Mankind by removing all obstacles. However, they venerate their Primarch's actions during the Siege of Terra as inspirational and how every Battle Brother should conduct themselves, that is to never surrender in the face of overwhelming odds. Their Chaplains exemplify this often through various means, from employing jump packs to actually standing in front of their Battle Brothers and protecting them with their Rosarius. "A sheperd is useless without his flock" is a popular saying among the spiritual leaders, and many have a near suicidal temperment. Geneseed Jakhati Khan/White Scars, although there has been a slight mutation in some Battle Brothers that has become apparent over the years. The Catalepsean Node has become defective in many, and as a result many are unable to sleep. Whereas this is not to much of a problem to start with, especially when on campaigns, this can devolve into a form of madness after a while as sleep depravity kicks in. If left for too long, it can make the Battle Brothers violent as their tempers fray. If it happens to a Librarian, his psychic Brothers must put a pyschic dampening collar on him to help protect the rest of the forces around them. If it happens to Chaplains, they are often placed in a room and allowed to meditate as long as is required. There are ways to help solve this besides mediatation however, as this only solves the problem in the short term. Apothecaries can use hypnotherapy or surgery to correct the problem depending on how bad the case is, although once it has occured once it can become recurring over the Astartes's lifetime. If it proves too problematic and a Brother is unable to be treated, he is instead transferred to the Sleepless Squads. Initially when this defect first occured, around 500.M38, these squads were small and limited in number. Over the years, however, these squads have grown in size. Apothecaries have begun research into stemming this defect, but no lasting solution has been found yet. Battle Cry Commander/Sergeant: "By my might..." Brothers: "By the Khan!" reason for edit: double post, my bad ;) and tweeks to bits (critiques worked in) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrew J Posted March 5, 2012 Share Posted March 5, 2012 Ok first you double posted your IA so it seems even longer that it is. Read through it and it seems pretty good. I do think you get into some things that you dont need to, but that is personal preference. Quote Origins The Emperor's Watch were founded as part of the Third Founding in 001.M32 following Abaddon's First Black Crusade. They are descended from the White Scars chapter, who embraced these new sons in black armour and trimmed in red with open arms. The Brotherhood of Kayarn Sagul was despatched and granted leave to oversee the development of the fledgling chapter, although in reality this was just under half the actual Brotherhood. Each squad in the Brotherhood adopted companies to mentor and develop, all under the watchfull eye of Sagul and his brothers. At the time, The Emperor's Watch were a space borne chapter, and it was early in their history they developed a pact with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Part of this pact was to supply a vessel (typically a Rapid Strike Vessel but occasionally a Battle Barge) to protect the Mechanicus fleets; in exchange the Astartes were gifted with newer sets of armour with enhanced vox-units, and Plasma weapons were upgraded to become more stabilised. It is worth mentioning that the chapter enjoyed an especially prosperous time in their first half century. In 023.M32 the White Scars requested that the Brotherhood return to Chogoris, although Sagul himself requested he and a few of his most senior veterans be granted leave of their parent chapter. The White Scars agreed to this and, after making sure all was in place for the Brothers to leave, The Emperor's Watch took to the stars for themselves much in the same way a child leaves their parents. Days later, Sagul, formerly interim Chapter Leader, was now fully appointed as Chapter Master. His veterans were appointed as the first of the chapter's Honour Guard, and were collectively known as The Last Scars. I thought I would quote as there are a couple things I thought to point out. First thing I thought was that a whole brotherhood is a lot of astartes, probably around company strength. Even though you bring that number down to half that, that is still around 50-60 brothers. That is a lot of brothers to commit to a new chapter just for training purposes, precious brothers that cannot go out and fight for the chapter. My understanding is that a founding chapter will give over around 10-20 brothers as a training cadre. Also after reading through the whole thing you mention the space bound thign like twice and I feel like you could easily drop that bit without your chapter suffering at all. Most chapters are founded as either one or the other for a reason. I like your descriptions of Mortrev and feel like that has more influence in your chapter than the super short period as a space based chapter. Also all chapters have fleets, fleet based just means they have a couple extra ships that produce ammo and supplies that a normal chapter would get from their homeworld. Quote There are three large island continents that make up the rest of the world They are just continents not island continents. A continent is the largest type of landmass. So it would just be 3 large continents, broken up by oceans. I like your idea of organization but could just say that scouts are sent to the phoenix order to train and have no scout company. Hope that is helpful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted March 5, 2012 Share Posted March 5, 2012 Its unknown exactly how many Astartes are sent as a training cadre, It varies between 10 to around less than a company. To be fair, I would not be surprised to see a Chapter that is built around an entire company of Marines from the old Chapter. The galaxy is a vast place, maybe a Chapter has a lot of recruits in the pipeline, or a large number of veterans? Getting rid of some will benefit the chapter in this situation. However, more than 50 as a training cadre would be unusual, standard numbers would be around 30, including specialists (apoths, chaplains, libbies) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted March 5, 2012 Author Share Posted March 5, 2012 @ Andrew J thanks for the pointers there buddy, double post fixed (my bad, pc on the blink). Critique about the Phoenix Order taken on board too; they start off in the Phoenix Order then go to their Order to finish their training. nice one geezer, thanks for the critique (which led on to the new idea). couple of the other points though: i put island continents to distinguish that they are all seperated as there is debate as some of our own continents (asia and europe for example are sometimes called the eurasia continent), so i just wanted to distinguish them until i can get a map drawn up. also about the fleet based part is i wanted to emphasise that they have this as one of their specialities (i enjoy playing the space boarding missions from the badab wars Imperial Armours) so tried to keep that as one of their themes. lastly, i think i'll keep the number of Scars at half a brotherhood, as my thinking would be that the brotherhood/training cadre would still fight, but in more of a superior support role, ie leading the charge to start with but taking less of a lead the companies progress in their training. however, thanks for the critique though dude, much appreciated as this is what fleshes the bones out, so to speak. thank you. @Brother-Sergeant Bohemond dagnabit, you may have just inspired a conversion for a venerable dreadnought - an apothecary dreadnought, anyone? thanks for the additional ideas too though. thanks so far guys. keep it coming, been nice fleshing out the chapter so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Sergeant Bohemond Posted March 6, 2012 Share Posted March 6, 2012 Oooo an apoth dread? nice! I want to see pics though :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted March 6, 2012 Share Posted March 6, 2012 Well, let's see.... leinmann said: Origins The Emperor's Watch were founded as part of the Third Founding in 001.M32 following Abaddon's First Black Crusade. They are descended from the White Scars chapter, who embraced these new sons in black armour and trimmed in red with open arms. The Brotherhood of Kayarn Sagul was despatched and granted leave to oversee the development of the fledgling chapter, although in reality this was just under half the actual Brotherhood. Each squad in the Brotherhood adopted companies to mentor and develop, all under the watchfull eye of Sagul and his brothers. At the time, The Emperor's Watch were a space borne chapter, and it was early in their history they developed a pact with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Part of this pact was to supply a vessel (typically a Rapid Strike Vessel but occasionally a Battle Barge) to protect the Mechanicus fleets; in exchange the Astartes were gifted with newer sets of armour with enhanced vox-units, and Plasma weapons were upgraded to become more stabilised. It is worth mentioning that the chapter enjoyed an especially prosperous time in their first half century. In 023.M32 the White Scars requested that the Brotherhood return to Chogoris, although Sagul himself requested he and a few of his most senior veterans be granted leave of their parent chapter. The White Scars agreed to this and, after making sure all was in place for the Brothers to leave, The Emperor's Watch took to the stars for themselves much in the same way a child leaves their parents. Days later, Sagul, formerly interim Chapter Leader, was now fully appointed as Chapter Master. His veterans were appointed as the first of the chapter's Honour Guard, and were collectively known as The Last Scars. In 127.M32, The Emperor's Watch, came across the world of Mortrev in the Tabren sub-sector, to the galactic shouth of the Eye of Terror. A feudal world with masses of ores in concentrated mining areas, Sagul looked upon the world as a new home. Sending Scout squads down to the surface, they quickly discovered that much of the population was controlled by barons who heavily tithed the lands. Sagul attempted to turn these warlords to the Emperor, believing that they were just simply misguided people who had not been reached in the time of the Great Crusade. However, it transpired that a small number of these warlords were under the sway of an Emperor's Children warband, the Gratifiers of Ferain, and were supplying materials to the Traitor Legionnaires in return for protection. What enraged Sagul even more, however, was the fact many slaves were in vats and being broken down to make drugs for the sensually enhanced Marines. When this was discovered, the Chapter Master recalled all Companies of The Emperor's Watch to the world and declared a campaign to liberate the world of this foul stain. The scout squads that were planetside before the rest of the chapter delpoyed had begun to form militias and gained the favour of several knightly Orders. These formed a form of first wave to begin taking on the weaker elements of the wayward warlords, who were mostly located in the western provinces. When the rest of The Emperor's Watch descended, they reinforced the orders and pressed their advantage. The warlords attempted to halt the progress of the chapter, but were unsuccessful. Within a week, all Chaos aligned barons had been seized and their keeps and fortresses levelled. The vats used to break down slaves were atomically cleansed, and any areas that showed signs of Chaos taint or worship were extensively sought out and purged. The heretic warlords were executed via decapitation, the world's most common form of execution, and the bodies burned. Mortrev was now under the command of The Emperor's Watch, and any remaining barons who disagreed to these new terms were also executed. Mortrev, The Citadel of Sagul Following the liberation and induction into the wider Imperium, Mortrev saw some slight changes to its society and cultures. The areas formerly controlled by the Chaos aligned warlords were given over to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Setting up small outposts and mining facilities, the followers of the Machine God began to extract ores and minerals; much of these were used for creating war materials on nearby Forge Worlds, but most of them remained on Mortev to help sustain The Emperor's Watch's war machines. This was the only other organisation besides the Adeptus Astartes to settle on Mortrev, and has remained so to this day. At the dawn of 32nd millenium by the order of Hight Lords of Terra, the 3rd Founding of Adeptus Astartes was undertaken. One of the Chapters created during these glorious days was given the gene-seed of illustrious White Scars. The honour to oversee the foundation of new Chapter was bestowed upon Ragul Khan, who has eventually became the first Chapter Master, and his brotherhood. After short period of time as fleet-based, the Chapter claimed the Feudal World of Mortrev as their own. Although the planet was under sway of treacherous Emperor's Children, all Chaos taint was purged and Imperial rule restored. That's 110 words. Funny, don't you think? Following the liberation and induction into the wider Imperium, Mortrev saw some slight changes to its society and cultures. - Btw, it's good that you talk 'bout this society and cultures... ;) The forests that cover Tovark are exceptionally dense, and render travel by bikes extremely difficult. Because of this the chapter has adopted jump packs as their main form of rapid assault in order to traverse the terrain quicker, although normal humans are limited to specialised forms of transport. As a side note, it should be noted that Mortrev still contributes a tithe of Imperial Guard regiments, but a higher than average proportion are raised as Rough Riders. Few notes: - The Chapter doesn't fight just on the Mortrev. Quite the contrary, I would say... - The Astartes homeworld is subject of Aptus Non - no tithe. - Rough Riders? Really? And that part about dense forrest fits this idea how? :( The Fate of the Last Scar - This should be in sidebar. Combat Doctrine ... is largely Codex without any notable preference. :P - Fleet-size or badass ship is not combat doctrine. Chapter Organisation However, there are various traditions based around the original knightly orders of Mortrev. For example the Order of the Black Wolf, the 8th Company, is the most feral of the Orders, and recruits from the more backward of the population in the south of Tovark. To reflect the difficulty in having integrated these peoples only the Order hierarchy has to conform to chapter doctrine, the rest is up to the current Order's commander. The chapter's 3rd Company, the Order of the Crimson Raiders, are the epitome of the chapter, and fight in much the same way as a codex adherent chapter. They have a large recruitment base in the eastern areas of Tovark. The Order of the Flame is the chapter's 9th Company, and specialises in rapid assaults. The largest number of assault squads are found in this Order, but also has the highest number of casualties too. This is in part due to their recruitment area's people. For the most part, they are raised to be fanatical and devotional to the Emperor, to the point where they are formed into squads willing to charge the enemy despite overwhelming odds. .. which goes against the tradition of White Scars, observe: "However, once a warrior has been chosen to join the White Scars, his tribal allegiance is replaced with loyalty to the Great Khan of the Chapter. Warriors from different tribes are therefore mixed with one another in squads to break up individual tribal loyalties." Edit: Btw, White Scars doesn't use Dreadnoughts, because it's against their belief. ~NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted March 6, 2012 Author Share Posted March 6, 2012 @Nightrawen you are good with your wording in all fairness, it could have been shorter but i wanted to go into a bit more detail, although i do realise i might waffle on a bit ^_^ . the idea of the dense forests was that thats how they developed their style of not being on bikes and use a higher portion of jump packed troops instead. the idea i had with still contributing guard regiments was because of its proximity to the Eye, and the rough riders are more like the elite shock troops of them, but i should have elaborated a bit more though, good point. the fate of the last scar should be in a sidebar, i agree, but this version is copied and pasted from the website i set up for the IA which will also have blogs and pics. the bit about combat doctrines, fair point, they are pretty much all rounders atm. lastly, the chapter organisation is against what white scars tradition i know, but i wanted that as they move away from their 'parents', sort of like how people move away from their parents' career choice, if you catch my drift (sons take on fathers careers and all that). in their eyes, the khan's teachings are still observed, but they bear in mind the population and their mindset too, like the first night lords were terran born but the legion changed when night haunter was given charge of them and the first nostromans were inducted IIRC. the same i feel with dreadnoughts, as the beliefs of the 'parent' may not be the same for the 'child', and with their (loose) ties to the AdMech, they would see the benefits of having these behemoths. but you have raised some good point sir, and these shall be taken on board and worked in. thanks for the pointers though, much appreciated. you sir, are a well educated and well thinking person. thanks for your time and thoughts. @Brother-Sergeant Bohemond challenge accepted! will keep you updated :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted March 28, 2012 Author Share Posted March 28, 2012 I know its been a while (damned work and feline friends) but finally got round to updating the article. thanks for all your comments and critiques so far guys, keep em coming. hope its worth a read for ya, take it easy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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