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Chaos Army W.i.P

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Ok guys/gals here's my w.i.p Final images will be posted here: Eye of terror Taxi service

Be sure to check it out.

I aim to update this every Tuesday and Thursday ( More than Likely to change and be more.) thus being ill keep on top of the 1500 point+ of unpainted models.


So to get us started we have a 3rd ed possessed space marine, i hope lots of you will remember this beauty.



Yeah he's in a horrendous state am i right? this is how i got him, the LR in the back was in a little better shape, i have some W.I.P pics of him somewhere.


(note to self come back insert first pic) http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7178/6800851458_302f83bcf6.jpg

So to get us started i re-sprayed him black. I couldn't be bothered with the hassles of stripping him the paint-job although horrendous could be sprayed over and restarted (Ignore Huron he'll come in later) So i did and tbh he doesn't look that bad so i'll work with it now, however if i don't like the final piece ill go back and strip it all and start again.



So to start i painted the face, Tallarn flesh. The leg was Tallarn flesh and Dark angels green mixed 1:1 on the leg and his mutated arm it came out nice and green however i didn't like it that much, so i got some more Tallarn flesh watered it down and painted it over the top of the green and that's the final result. The claws will be white (Bleached bone, Codex grey skull white)




Ok so the next step was to paint the base layer for the red Armour that you see my guys with, its just plain scab red over badab black, not even watered down...



This bit was just blood red watered down enough to cover the whole of the scab red.



So here was the bolt-gun metal again not much done just did that odd out of place Vein? in ice blue.



So here you can't see very well was a hurried pic had to do some errands, the arm was experimented upon with a Thraka green wash over it, came out alright i guess, the trim was base layered with Tin bitz over it, the back pack had its trim done with its second layer Shining gold done before the rest as it was the only piece needed to be done. The "Coolant" pipes on the back-pack were done Ice Blue as well, you can't really see it on this pic.



Ok so here we can see the coolant pipes, the leg and the arm that has now been Devlan muddied. I like the way it turned out i don't think the army will be re-stripped. The leg has been Thraka greened as well.



The shining gold got done all on the trim. The leg also has Got a layer of Devlan mud over it, I did it over the gold and the chain aswell seen as the leg is pretty much dirty as heck.



Ok the face. Faces for me are pretty difficult, i always mess them up eyes especially so i took my time. The Horns are White and have a layer of Devlan over them, the eyes just normal eyes on a un-helmeted face, it was the bulge on he bottom of his mouth that really threw me..Is it a Horn? or is it a tongue? I've painted it red as i think it is a tongue but im really not to sure, so any help on this subject would be pretty useful :angry:



And thats it for now. Any C&C is more than welcome it is Encouraged. Personally with this model from the state i got him in he look pretty damned good. he needs a few more finishing touches and all is good. And then tomorrow the final pic for him will be up and i'll start work on Huron Blackheart. I dunno why but i think he is going to be a challenge, Its the metal model i got him in a trade for rune preist and his Cond. was not the best plus i think the spray job i did was a bit meh




I really think im going to rage at him.


So yeah guys/gals C&C and thanks for looking stay tuned.

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Generally you shoud remove any flash on the mini. I know its a pain in the ... but it really makes a difference.


I usually do, On the majority of my minis. If its truly bad its gone, if its minor and can be worked with ill be the lazy bad hobbyist.



So thats my scheme its a little dark on the reds and the yellows are gryphonnie sepia'd


Today ill be working on Huron (see above post for picture)


I finished the possessed this morning shortly before posting this, he got a final wash with badab all over the red, it came out rather nice, just got to work on his base, im going basalt with water flowing on the edges, should work.






Close up of the face, on inspection thats a spike on the front of his face -.- I'll sort it out later i guess.



back, i like how the leg and arm came out pretty evil IMO.



Leg and arm shot.


Chosen that last of the squad






A close up of the sword.



The base needs doing, and i'm not sure what else to do too the sword, i want to ive it that little bit of oopmh but i cannot think for the life of me what?



A tactical marine: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/6955688943_9e5e9becba.jpg


I still have 7 of these guys to finish in two weeks. this could be a challenge, seeing as i've had this army July 2011.



And update of Huron,

His Armour is done, the yellow needs Sunburst over it and then its trim and neatening up.









Huron blackheart. (Hes in my main completed aswell, the base needs a little bit of work, mainly neatening up but otherwise its done.

  • 2 weeks later...

So im going evil...I mean evil.



Side view




So im sick of Land raider rushing.

I want 30 of these

hears numero un. Its blutacked as of now, im not settled on pose but yeah we'll see :D


I know its not technically legal.

But the way i see it is, i pay 10 points for the packs my opp's will let me use them.




So an update (hardly an update but yeh) i've changed from bolt-pistol to two CCarms, in my minds eye it looks alot better, i think the base will be fine i might redo the khorne icon and raise it a little higher, so as to stand out, but im not sure what to do around it to fill the black. Water? Blood?..acid? I don't think im skilled enough to do a good blood, tips?


So thoughts and cc guys/gals



An update within an update, overhauled this bad boy, hes going mk6helm, the arms are staying the chest plate has been re-done

I know its not technically legal.

But the way i see it is, i pay 10 points for the packs my opp's will let me use them.


I'd work out a deal with you, because that's how I roll. My Raptors use Berserker bodies too, though I just play them as straight Raptors. I shaved the bunny ears off the helmets because they blocked the jump pack intakes, as well as every other head being a Corvus helmet.


The pupils on your Possessed guy really make him look axe-crazy. I don't have the guts to even try pupils yet.


The one criticism I would put forth is the trim on the yellow pads: the edging makes it look like it's glowing because the yellow gets the inside of the edging too. Unless you want it to look glow-y, which in that case carry on.

I botched the helmet on the original one i tried pulling it out and the face got crushed (don't use snips to pull bits off) So i went Corvus.


The way i see it TT wise My opponent has the choice twenty beserks with jump packs or twenty berserks in land raiders.


In response to the yellow shoulder pads, it was a genuine mistake, but it looks alright i'll probably go back over the trim a t some point to rectify.

An update :D








Cables better shot.





So yeah its coming along nicely :jaw:


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