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Mutable Generic Daemons


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So, we have generic daemons, but only specific daemon models exist. Sure we can just use them, but what if the daemon entry had options? Purchasable abilities and weapons to upgrade them with, these could be combined in a variety of ways, either to depict the attributes of one god or another but also the other myriad unimaginable terrors of the empyrean. Options for wings, swords, claws, stray boosts, flamers, etc etc You could even do a similar thing with the greater daemons.


Any thoughts?

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True. I forget there is so much of B&C for me to explore.

That's part of why we have so many users and had to do that banner famous donation drive, this may be a power armour only forum but there is still so much to play with. And we are happy to do what we can to make this a more enjoyable hobby for anyone who visits here, so explore away - that's what we're here for :cuss

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I'm sorry DAT but I saw that and laughed because you sounded just like a sales person. And I mean that in a good way. But don't worry I will and thanks for the laugh!

No problem, I tend to do that when I get passionate about something - I've always thought I'd make a good politician... ;)

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So, we have generic daemons, but only specific daemon models exist. Sure we can just use them, but what if the daemon entry had options? Purchasable abilities and weapons to upgrade them with, these could be combined in a variety of ways, either to depict the attributes of one god or another but also the other myriad unimaginable terrors of the empyrean. Options for wings, swords, claws, stray boosts, flamers, etc etc You could even do a similar thing with the greater daemons.


Any thoughts?


Hello Preacher, let me introduce you to the choir and the rest of the proselytes.

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