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New Wolf Joins the Fang


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Hail brothers.


Long time lurker, 2nd time poster ;)


I've been following his forum for a while together with the space wolves blog. Like all of you, I revel in the thrill of the hunt and to slay my enemies in brutal combat...even if it means honorable death. I recently started collecting space wolves and finally have enough parts to start assembling my army.


Just to make this a really good first / second post I will include my army list and a picture of my first test model. (this is also my first time painting, and well playing 40k in general). So let's crack out the Fenrisian Ales and feast. <howls>


750 Point Space Wolves


HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (110 pts)

1 Rune Priest in Power Armour + Chooser of the Slain


Elites: Wolf Guard Pack (104 pts)

1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts

1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, Combi-melta, Powerfist

1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, Combi-melta, Powerfist

1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour


Troops: Grey Hunter Pack (160 pts)

1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts

5 Grey Hunters in Power Armour

1 Melta Gun

1 Razorback, Dozer Blade + Lascannon and TL Plasmagun


Troops: Grey Hunter Pack (160 pts)

1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts

5 Grey Hunters in Power Armour

1 Melta Gun

1 Razorback, Dozer Blade + Lascannon and TL Plasmagun


Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (215 pts)

5 Missile launchers

1 Squad Leader

1 Razorback


Total 749 points


Test Mini:








Edit: added missile launchers

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Welcome to the fang, first ales on me- if you spill it you buy it :ermm:.


Hrmm. I like the colors on your GH there, have you considered hitting him with a light wash to really make that grey pop a bit more? I think you might get excellent mileage out of it.

Welcome to the fang, first ales on me- if you spill it you buy it :lol:.


Hrmm. I like the colors on your GH there, have you considered hitting him with a light wash to really make that grey pop a bit more? I think you might get excellent mileage out of it.

It appears to have already been washed with badab black. Not sure how some of the areas have a more saturated blue.. though I'd guess that they were primed fenris grey, drybrushed with codex grey and then washed, leaving the more bluish fenris grey in the joints.


Solid list. My only issue is your lone wolf guard doing nothing except offering himself up as a free victory point. Personally, at this point range, I'd forego the WG entirely in favor of another GH pack. I'd also syphon some points from those costly Razorbacks to help. You've got a lot of "sledgehammer", with your lasplas, meltas, and MLs, but not a lot of "dakka", like heavy bolters, assault cannons and plasma guns. So you better hope you don't battle many tyranid/ork players with their zerg swarms.

Also, you can save yourself 5 points by making your GHs all one pack, allowing the 2nd melta to come free. Then have the 2nd Razorback as dedicated transport for the wolf guard unit.


When you deploy, split your GHs into combat squads (5man) and start one half next to the 2nd razorback, then on your first turn embark and take off as though you started with it all along.


I'm apparently misremembering...

When you deploy, split your GHs into combat squads (5man) and start one half next to the 2nd razorback, then on your first turn embark and take off as though you started with it all along.
hendrik smacks wulfbane square in the face with a freshly caught fish! you're spending way too much time with those ultramarines wulfbane! combat squads, BAH! a true wolf sticks to his pack!


just to point out we don't have the combat squads rule :lol: and he than would only have 1 troops choice.

the spare wolf guard can join the long fangs

Welcome to the Fang Ulv.


Nice looking list there and congrats to Wulfebane for dropping that clanger :lol:


One tiny tip for when your doing your proper minis after your tester. Drill out the barrels of your guns. Little detail that can make a big difference to complete a figure.


Also, you can save yourself 5 points by making your GHs all one pack, allowing the 2nd melta to come free. Then have the 2nd Razorback as dedicated transport for the wolf guard unit.


When you deploy, split your GHs into combat squads (5man) and start one half next to the 2nd razorback, then on your first turn embark and take off as though you started with it all along.


Wolfbane, very solid advise and I agree, however we can't combat squad space wolf units. I wish we could.

Thank you for the warm welcome.


My paint scheme at the moment is:


1) Skull White Primer

2) Base coat of Vallejo Model Azure

3) Drybrush Space Wolves Grey

4) Drybrush 50/50 Space Wolves Grey / Skull White

5) Badab Black Wash


I might decide to replace step 4 with the wash and then just drybrush space wolves grey over again. I was really impressed by how the badab black made the space wolves grey more...well grey, but when I put it next to a fortress grey model, it still looks blue. This is awesome for someone like me who keeps wanting to jump between more blue or more grey wolves.


I'm getting a small gaming group together and they consist of Grey Knights, Blood Angels and Chaos Marines.


The Strategy is to camp on my side of the board and use my superior firepower at the start of the game. Forcing my opponent to come after me or else he won't have any transports left. The 3 Wolf Guard split off. The 2 with Powerfists join the Grey Hunter Packs and the last one joins the Long fangs, thus providing them with an extra wound. At the end, when my enemy is obliterated, I drive over and park on their objectives. Dirty, but effective.


The second way I can use the wolf guard is to keep them as a unit and have them hop into the Long Fang's Razorback, in case I have to run after an objective on the far side of the board.


Thanks for the tip on saving the 5 points, but it kinda sounds like combat squad-ing. How do you split 10 Grey Hunters into 2 Razorbacks?


Edit: Structure

if you intend to sit in your corner plasmaguns are better then meltaguns since it's not that likely that your opponent will move his vehicles towards your meltas


Well, that was the main strategy for objective games. Might play a bit more aggressive in Kill Point games. I like the idea of Plasma guns because I am leaning towards Krom Dragongaze's Great Company at present. And also because I use a lot of Sun-Wolf Razorbacks. The rapid fire might come in handy against those damn purifiers...blegh.


What would you remove to make way for the plasmaguns? At this moment I can only see myself getting rid of the Combi-meltas or Dozer Blades.

Cant remember the last time I wanted Dozerblades. Do you guys play with alot of terrain?


I am actually playing on an old painting. Not a lot of terrain at the moment, and I still need to buy some Razorbacks. I do have all the marines though. I chose dozerblades because I had the extra points (after buying meltas which are more popular and for good reason) and also for the eventuality of difficult terrain. I will try and magnetize the dozerblades so I can try them and swop them around as I play more games.


Based on my strategy above, would plasma be a better choice? I could maybe also have 1 squad with plasma (no dozerblades) and one with melta. The Grey Hunter packs will be sticking together so that they can back each other up.


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