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New cultist jumps in with controversial topic

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... Tzeentch is responsible for the flesh change in its entirety, not just after Prospero burns. He created the psyker talent in the 1ksons, inflicting the flesh change as a 'perils of the warp' type deal, then put it on hold after his deal with Magnus.


Tzeentch orchestrated the entire history of the Thousand Sons from the very beginning. That's kind of the whole point of Magnus' denouement. "Look, little man. Look at all of your achievements. Your miraculous discovery of the way the warp works (which is wrong). Your discovery of the warp entity you thought was me (which wasn't). Your victory over the flesh change (which I created in the first place). Your discovery of the Webway (which I showed you). All of these, because I willed them. All of these things that happened because I set them in your path, then gave you the tools to overcome them. Your every hardship was at my command, I, whom you thought to control. Your every victory was because I allowed it. And now, you have destroyed yourself because that was my wish from the beginning. Is it not beautiful, this grand scheme which I have wrought? You should be grateful to have been a part of such a beautiful pattern."

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