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Terminators or Obliterators?


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I just got my hands on two boxes of plastic chaos terminators and for quite some time I have been toying with the idea to convert some Termis to Obliterators. Now that I have 10 untouched and undefiled terminators I'm not sure what to do. Should i convert half of them into obliterators and keep the other five as a second terminator squad for my Alpha Legion army? Or should I turn all 10 into obliterators? Or make 6 obliterators and keep 4 terminators? Or make 4 obliterators and 6 terminators?


I really like terminators, even though they tend to just get killed and aren't really all that awesome sause in CC. And i really really hate the current Obliterator minis which is the main reason i havent bought any (I did buy two, but managed to misplace them and now they are lost, so they don't count).


My opponents play Tau, IG (With plenty of everything. And i mean PLENTY!!!), SW and some more IG and there is also an GK player comming and also some Iron Warriors.


I know there are many out there saying "Yeah! Get 9 obliterators and two Lash DPs", but i'm not so fond of that one simple solution to my problems.


Currently I have 1 DP, 1 sorc, 2 Termi lords, 4 CSM squads, 1 Berserker squad, 2 dreadnaughts, 2 5 man chosen squads, 1 terminator squad, 2 predators, 3 land raiders, 1 defiler, 5 rhinos, 1 vindicator still in its box and 10 terminators in their boxes.


So what to do? What to do? a 50/50 split?

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I'd build 4 Obliterators and make 2 Termicide units out of the remaining 6 Terminators, if you want to go a middle way between cool units and effective units. More Obliterators are obviously more effective, while more Terminators (or different Terminator load-outs) are gravitating towards the rule of cool :lol:
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I'd build 4 Obliterators and make 2 Termicide units out of the remaining 6 Terminators


I think Kythnos makes a good deal of sense here. With the current codex this covers termicide and the occasional desire to stick some in a Land Raider and ram them down someone's throat, too. If the next codex makes Terminators more plentiful or better equipped, or give them better cult options or whatever, we're all probably going to be buying new models anyway.

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