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Shocking painting scheme?

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I was wondering, after looking up at yet another paint scheme for Space Marine on internet, how far the imagination of people has ever gone on this subject.

What I mean is: what is the most original/weird painting job you've ever seen on a Space Marine army (in your opinion)? The question encompasses also CSM.

I'd really like to see what comes out from such a silly question.

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The elephant: Is that that a Maus tank?

Yes, it's the old 1/35th scale Dragon kit with (mainly) Predator bits and plastic card to 40K-ise it. I made up stats for it using the old vehicle design system, but I don't think I've ever used it other than in one or two Apocalypse games.



:) A little warning next time. The first thing I clicked on was the Assault Marines and their jump packs nearly induced a terminal giggle reflex...

Mission achieved, then :)


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