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Greetings from the South of England


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Well what can I say, I'm 21 and from the south of England. I've been in the hobby for going on 10 years now, though with college I took a year's hiatus to focus on my work, but now I am back. I started off in Fantasy with a Dark Elves army that is still added to from time to time. For 40K, I have worked on a basic Space Marine force of no particular chapter. A force of Grey Knights and now I'm currently working on the Space Wolves.


I have no idea on what to work on next, but I'll figure something out.


If you want to ask any questions, feel free to ask.

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Fiction would go in the Short Stories section. As for gore, you'll be okay as long as you don't go totally off the deep end, I'd think. So long as the story adheres to the forums general rules (see my sig for a link) it should be fine to post. :tu:
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