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Khorne and Slaanesh


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Think it would need some very ........'creative' fluff, say for example the WORLD Eaters and khorne Bezerkers use brain implants to enhance their blind agression, whilst Emperors children brains are rewired to experience pleasure in a variety of ways (mainly sound) a Marine from a non specific warband or chaos dedicated legion could fall between both in theory if he was to have both implants, highly agressive and sexually complusive to harm his enemies in blood and depravity.


But I would say that Khorne units could make slaves of slaneeshi ones, putting the pain on em just to make em fight in service to the opposite lord.

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I think it's a common mistake to think of the World Eaters and Emperor' Children respectively, as representations of what it is to worship Khorne or Slaanesh.

Sure they have pledged themselves to those Gods, but they are only two warbands out of who-knows-how-many.


I am convinced that there are a myriad of ways that a warband could show their dedication to either one, or both for that matter. It's all a matter of imagination!

Always remember that a warband need not even know that they serve Chaos, let alone which of the Gods.


If there is a lesson in Chaos it is to run wild, so do us all a favour and let your imagination do the same!

If anyone else has an idea as to why a warband might be dedicated to both K and S, I encourage you to post it, I'm sure we could all use some inspiration :tu:

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Sure they have pledged themselves to those Gods, but they are only two warbands out of who-knows-how-many.

are you claiming that even after the legion war and the break up of both respective legions the number of cult worshipers from renegade space marines chapters is higher then the number of EC and WE respectivly ?

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No, I'm pointing out that the way the WE and EC worship their respective gods is not the only way to worship K and S :D

Besides I think it's possible that not even all members of those two legions worship in the same way! As you mention, each legion has splintered since the heresy and 10.000 years is plenty of time to diverge in.

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Sure they have pledged themselves to those Gods, but they are only two warbands out of who-knows-how-many.

are you claiming that even after the legion war and the break up of both respective legions the number of cult worshipers from renegade space marines chapters is higher then the number of EC and WE respectivly ?


And are you saying that World Eaters and Emperors Children are literally the only way to play Khorne or Slaanesh? You really need to not be so limited in your views on the background. He never said there were more, he simply said there are other Khornate warbands than World Eater warbands, and the same goes for the Emperors Children and Slaanesh. Just have a look at the existance of the Sanctified, a Khornate warband with no real ties to the World Eaters.

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Thanks for your input. I agree with what you guys said. Being favored by both is more plausible than marked by both with the except of abbadon no other chaos champions have more than one mark. Now with the fluff questions out of the way I plan to start an IT article for my warband of blood hungry, drug using maniacs. Glory to the Dark Gods!



Yes, I believe it is possible. It\'s Abaddon\'s done it, and I think it might be able to be done under the realm of chaos rules. In Warhammer Fantasy champions can carry gifts from multiple gods. Besides, a \"Mark\" is nothing. The actual gift is just a symbol of the god tattooed onto the recipient\'s flesh. What it actually represents in fluff terms is that the character or unit stand apart for their talent, dedication or daemonic gifts. The mark of khorne could manifest as unholy strength, speed, skill, or knowledge, or even things that the unit never received from khorne, but were only what drew khorne to them (or the reverse).


Each of the gods is strongly tied to the aspects of an element; and ironically, it is the negative aspects of that element that are most prominent in the character:


Nurgle is Attached to earth: He is stagnant, yet life giving and immovable


Tzeentch is attached to water: He is Convoluted and aimless (yeah he\'s got a goal, but his goal is to accomplish his goal, so he can accomplish his goal while he accomplishes his goal... dawg,) but also omnipotent.


Slaanesh is attached to air: He is fickle and capricious, but tied to knowledge, skill and greatness


Khorne is attached to fire: He is destructive and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, but he is also SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE


Yeah, that seems a bit off topic, but my point is that each of those god\'s nemeses are not the opposite element.... They\'re compatible with one another!


The chaos \'gods\' are not gods, that is only how we perceive them, chaos is full of things that indicate we cannot understand what chaos is, \'Daemons\' are not daemons but aliens from an alternate dimension, for example. I personally believe that there are no chaos gods, and they are just gross quantification made by men so we can attach an understanding to chaos. The gods are not powerful daemons, but the four main categories of daemons created by the four greatest constants in the universe.


When asking \'can I do this?\', especially with regards to Chaos, the answer is nearly always \'yes\'!

A more inqusitive question (and easier to answer) would be \'is it stated anywhere that I can\'t do this?

The answer to that question is most frequently (though not as often as with question one) \'no\'!


A more useful question - as the do\'s and don\'ts of internet geeks are often somewhat debatable - is \'how would you go about doing this\'?

You might actually get some inspiration out of that one :)


It\'s Chaos man, the rule is the exception!


Everyone listen to this man! I\'m starting to think you Danes really know your chaos. ^_^

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And other than for B&C, why does a warband have to be exclusively CSM?


Hallelujah and amen! Thank you for witnessing brother Saresk! (now please pass the basket, and if you donate the severed heads of loyalist scum, please make sure they're wrapped in plastic before placing them in the basket. The chaos pancake social has been rescheduled for next Friday, and congratulations to Abaddon and the Black Legion as they announce another Black Crusade. Now sing with me from the Book of Lorgar number 23 'Gouging Out Their Eyes For You My Dark Masters', please rise...)


I am so very bored.

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And other than for B&C, why does a warband have to be exclusively CSM?


Hallelujah and amen! Thank you for witnessing brother Saresk! (now please pass the basket, and if you donate the severed heads of loyalist scum, please make sure they're wrapped in plastic before placing them in the basket. The chaos pancake social has been rescheduled for next Friday, and congratulations to Abaddon and the Black Legion as they announce another Black Crusade. Now sing with me from the Book of Lorgar number 23 'Gouging Out Their Eyes For You My Dark Masters', please rise...)


I am so very bored.

Haha it's funny that you made a church service out of that since I'm a preacher's kid! I can't stop laughing!

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To the OP:


Black Legion. Welcome to the fold.


As a more nuanced answer, Chaos is way more complicated than "I worship him, you worship that guy, now you die!"


Ok sometimes its not, but thats the beauty of Chaos. A warband could have a thousand reasons to join together irregardless of their individual marks. They could be searching for something (an artifact one wants to obtain and the other destroy), dedicated to the slaughter (they'll kill each other after they kll those guys over there), or whatever.


Do what you want. At the end of the day its your army.

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Sure they have pledged themselves to those Gods, but they are only two warbands out of who-knows-how-many.

are you claiming that even after the legion war and the break up of both respective legions the number of cult worshipers from renegade space marines chapters is higher then the number of EC and WE respectivly ?


And are you saying that World Eaters and Emperors Children are literally the only way to play Khorne or Slaanesh? You really need to not be so limited in your views on the background. He never said there were more, he simply said there are other Khornate warbands than World Eater warbands, and the same goes for the Emperors Children and Slaanesh. Just have a look at the existance of the Sanctified, a Khornate warband with no real ties to the World Eaters.


I'm quoting that! It's hilarious!


Also in my searches I have found a warband that I really like the fluff and personality of: The Iron Warriors!


Iron Within! Iron Without!


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"Because the Wolves kill cleanly, and we do not. They also kill quickly, and we have never done that, either. They fight, they win, and they stalk back to their ships with their tails held high. If they were ever ordered to destroy another Legion, they would do it by hurling warrior against warrior, seeking to grind their enemies down with the admirable delusions of the 'noble savage'. If we were ever ordered to assault another Legion, we would virus bomb their recruitment worlds; slaughter their serfs and slaves; poison their gene-seed repositories and spend the next dozen decades watching them die slow, humiliating deaths. Night after night, raid after raid, we'd overwhelm stragglers from their fleets and bleach their skulls to hang from our armour, until none remained. But that isn't the quick execution the Emperor needs, is it?


The Wolves go for the throat. We go for the eyes. Then the tongue. Then the hands. Then the feet. Then we skin the crippled remains, and offer it up as an example to any still bearing witness. The wolves were warriors before they became soldiers. We were murderers first, last, and always."


-- First Captain Sevatar, when asked why the Night Lords aren't the Emperor's sanction force against other Legions. 


Courtesy of A-D-B.


This is why I am Night Lord. Ave Dominus Nox!

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