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Grey Hunters Upgrades


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Hello all,


I am starting a Space Wolves army and I want to make sure that I'm upgrading my Grey Hunters within the rules.


The upgrades that I want to take for a 10 man squad are Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon and two Melta Guns.


Can I give one model more than one upgrade (ie. a Grey Hunter with a MotW and a Wolf Standard) or am I limited to one upgrade per one model?


The rules seem pretty clear to me, meaning that you can stack the upgrades, but I want to make sure before I start sticking stuff together.


For those without the Codex on hand, the rules are roughly:


You can replace a bolter with a melta gun

You can replace a close combat weapon with a power weapon

One model may have the Wolf Standard

One model may have the MotW


Thanks for any help.

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Yes, you can.


You could in fact have a single model who has a meltagun, a powerweapon, and the wolf standard. However! If he dies you lose all three.


Personally as a long time player I advise you to spread them out just about all the time, however theres nothing against the rules to do it the way you are talking about.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Also if you mathhammer it, the mark of the wulfen is superior to the power weapon overall. I dont even run a power weapon on my squads and have never felt its lack. You may want to include a power fist though, (and the common view is that a wolf guard squad leader is best for this since he has 2 base attacks and can take a combi-melta as well).
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