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the baal how do you kit it

spartan II

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Generally I take twin-linked assault cannon and heavy bolter sponsons. I use dual baals and they act as mobile fire bases, that are equally effecient vs armour, MCs and rank and file infantry. I tried to use flamestorm, but from my limited experience it requires getting close asap, thus rendering flamer sponsons useless (flat out movement and limitation on firing weapons). With dual TLAC/HB baals it is possible to cover all table with fire and enables efficient crowd control. If you want to go for flamers, I'd suggest flamerback with melta combat squad inside.
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Personally, I take 2 Baals with a Flamestorm Cannon on top and no sponsons. I found that they were usually moving 12" per turn and so were not able to fire the sponsons anyway so were wasted points.


The rest of my list is usually mounted in Rhinos with a Stormraven providing a bit of fire support.

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I normally field a pair of Baal Predators. They either have Flamestorm cannon and no sponsons or TL Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter sponsons. They are always identical.


Magnets are your friend! (rare earth magnets)


Is comes, if I recall correct, with all weapon options. :blink:

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On the occasions when I use one, its just Flamestorm Cannon and a Dozer Blade so it can plow through any intervening terrain to find targets.


Baals are expensive. Overpriced, in my opinion. Consider the Assault Cannon-HB sponson option that many are advocating. You're paying 45 pts more than a regular Autocannon-HB Predator, and getting a better turret option and Scout. I think they over-costed Baals to offset the advantage of being able to bring 6 Predators to the tabletop, but they probably went a bit overboard in my opinion.


Basically if I want an anti-infantry option I'd much rather opt for Assault Cannon-equipped Razorbacks, which end up being only marginally more expensive while coming with a 5-man Assault Squad included (and sporting less frontal armor, obviously). I only take Baals to do what other choices can't do (ie auto-nuke Space Marines on foot, and provide some cover shennanigans with Scout + smoke).

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