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Maybe starting a Nurgle Force


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Hello sons and daughters of papa Nurgle, I normally don`t venture in this area but i need your advice. I have a small CSM army(1 battleforce, 10 CSM, 1 Soul Grinder, 1 Dread, 7 terminators, 2 spawns, and 20ish zombies) and want to start painting them. I am tore between Night Lords and my own plague infested warband: The Revenant. Both factions have fluff, I greatly enjoy and both have good conversion opportunities. I am not much of a gamer, so my choice lies in the actual painting of the models. I am in the process of doing a test model for both but i could use some advice on painting The Revenant. I really want my test Revenant to look like this scheme:

Plague Marine 1

Plague Marine 2

My decision will be decide on which Test model scheme, I can successfully paint. With your advice, I may join the ranks of papa Nurgle. Wouldn`t you like to see this dread painted in nurgle`s colors?


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I hope you choose the Nurgle Warband as that Dreadnought is pretty epic and would look good if dedicated to Nurgle, since you like both Night Lords and Nurgle so much why don't you make it so your Nurgle Warband is a band of Night Lords who have dedicated themselves to Nurgle it good be pretty interesting.
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go for the nurgle force. I just love taking the plague marines out of the stunned rhino and running them right past the IG troops shooting at them and taking no wounds to assult the tanks. When the tank is destroyed turning around to then wipe the troops off the board. Just to have the then unstunned rhino pick them up to drive off to the objective, like nothing happened. Or they just stopped off to pickup a burger.


You won't win much but if you go for fun, it is not bad. A draw is typical as you are hard pressed to get pushed off an objective with nurgle at your side.

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Go for Papa Nurgle! Particularly if your primary focus is modelling and painting, you can do so much (more) with a Nurgle scheme. You could choose a worn-down, rusted look; a bloated, guts-hanging-out Destroyer Plague look; or a combination of both. Quite a few people go for biological, organic schemes and use Tyranid bits. Whereas you're technically free to do all of this stuff to a Night Lords force, it wouldn't really be Night Lords without a significant effort of fluff writing, and possibly wouldn't even then. My personal opinion is you're better off with Nurgle if you're looking for a good time modeling and painting ... (I also like the fluff better.)


Cheers, JT

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Well the Test plague Marine, inspired by the pics in first post, is done being Greenstuff. What do you think?



Still trying to figure out a color scheme. ;)

teutonicavenger: I could do a Night Lords warband and add some nurgle but that destroy my vision for both. I see the Night lords as a force were justices have to peril no matter the cost. While Nurgle is giving into the fear and despair then allowing it to over take you(Zombies and plagues are a bonus ;) ) A fusion wouldn`t work because of this. Also thank you for praising my dread, I like him too. ^_^

Purge: No one can defeat Death incarnation, not even lasers :lol:. Then again, I am not much of a gamer.

Jay Taint: You have a good point. If i am going to do a Nurgle CSM(leaning towards it), I would go for Zombie apoc outbreak with bio hazard plague marines. My one goal is to avoid the bloated and fat plague marine and go for the skinny and plague look instead. Decisions, decisions. <_<

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Well, I think this guy looks very promising and like he's pleasing the Grandfather. It's a bit difficult to say, as some of the details are somewhat blurry on your picture; but I love the single-horned helmet with the stuff on it. From the side, the stuff actually gives the impression of facet eyes!

Again, it's difficult to say -- but I've got the impression you did some weathering damage to the model? Any chance of a less blurry close-up? What did you do to that guy to achieve this effect?


Cheers, JT

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Well, I think this guy looks very promising and like he's pleasing the Grandfather. It's a bit difficult to say, as some of the details are somewhat blurry on your picture; but I love the single-horned helmet with the stuff on it. From the side, the stuff actually gives the impression of facet eyes!

Again, it's difficult to say -- but I've got the impression you did some weathering damage to the model? Any chance of a less blurry close-up? What did you do to that guy to achieve this effect?


Cheers, JT

Thanks. Sorry about the blurry pics, still trying to figure out my camera. :D For the weathering damage the model has been stripped in simple green. If you want to replicate this effect just add a drop of simple green on the area and allow it to dry. After it dries, gently rub it off with a tooth brush. Continue till your satisfy with the damage.

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