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Back from a break, Looking for tips.


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Ok, first post =o


I've just come back from quite a lengthy break from 40k (stopped playing just before the white dwarf update to BA) and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips in regards to getting back into it all army wise. I intend to buy quite a bit in the coming weeks, just don't want to buy useless things etc, so ANY help is appreciated.


The two people I'm playing with atm run Tau and Grey knights (Halberds across the army :P) So my view on army lists is heavily warped, generally; Meph running behind a land raider with SS/TH termies and dev squads for anti armour.


So, for someone getting back into it with ZERO idea of what my local tourney meta will be like, which direction would you recommend I go?


Not asking you to hold my hand and write my army, just any advice you have, thanks.

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first things first

melta is youre friend it can turn almost any vehicle to slag nowadys cause we are angels we actually get into that close range


for the rest

ig+ a parking lot lots of armour values


space wolfs

lots of high tougnes multiwound storm shield carrying cav

orr lots of POM devestators


grey knights paladin spam+ rifleman spam and some anoying inquisitors + henchmen


tau not really sure but whatever it is it shoots and much of it


blood angels

the descend of angels and razorspam lists can be found in the army list section


space marines

give every tacticle some special weapon take some termies in a land raider and last but not least mount everything in rhino's


chaos dont know (not popular in my meta)


black templar doesnt matter is out dated and overpriced


nids dont know


eldar fast and very shooty but when they get in combat they are :cussed


dark eldar still shooty and fast but have descent combat units

oh and dont forget the anoying flickerfields and you re out of range fields


that's about it i think hope it helps

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