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Ten scouts + landspeeder


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Hi guys,


I admit it. The statement isn't entirely true. You need a box of scouts AND a box of a landspeeder storm.


First things first. I was planning to use a landspeeder in one of my lists, but I do not like the look of it. It's just too small for my taste.

So I made plans to convert a landspeeder storm into and regular landspeeder. This left me with a whole bunch of scout parts, which is quite handy because I was planning to build me some scouts anyway.

Two flies with one clap.


Now I just needed to buy me a box of scouts to try to make the parts of the landspeeder crew work.


Well.... And this is what I have come up with.

Hope you like them. I have parts to build four more.


I think this is a quite effective kitbash if you are planning to build landspeeders + scouts, because you can get a lot out of them, and they look quite cool.


They are obviously WIP. A lot of gap filling/filing and painting is needed.


(The heads are fro Pig Iron Studios btw. Regular scout heads are aweful)





Guy 1:








Guy 2:









Guy 3:









Guy 4:









Guy 5:









Guy 6:





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I'm in the process of doing something very similar myself. I figured since my LSS would be carrying a BP&CCW squad I'd make the bolter-wielded from the LSS kit as an actual squad. Some of the leg/body poses can work out as quite dynamic standing poses. With the guy half-kneeling (usually the LSS gunner) I've got him propping his heavy bolter on a rock to shoot it.


Looking forward to seeing yours painted!

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I built the last guys and painted the first one.

; )








WIth his buddies:






Family Portrait:








Sergeant with combi-melta:









Guy 8:









Guy 9:









Guy 10:









Guy 11:





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I painted two more today.

They are quickly done in comparison to other models.

And the more I paint them the more I think that the Pig Iron helmets are pretty awesome. ^^






This is my favorite so far:











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done want to sound like a downer but i actually like every part of the scouts except the heads you used :D


really like the chest eagles. which colours did you use?

Well... If you don't like them you don't like them. Can't judge you for your personal taste.

: D

But at least you have to admit that the bare heads are horrible. ^^


For the chest eagle it's a codex grey basecoat. Followed by bleached bone and washed with gryphonne sepia. Let it dry and darken the recesses with badab black.

Really simple.

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really nice thanks :D


and well, i have to say i like the old metal models more but considering some miniature heads that are on the market were not so bad off in my opinion :D


just think that the scouts still need to lose their baby fatt :P

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I personally love the heads, I agree the new scout heads looks like a swashcot and with out meaning to sound awful a bit like a mong. Ive held off scouts until now because the lack of models and poses you can get them in. the one thing I'm not keen on is the bright colour, as infiltrators and snipers I feel they should be neutral colours, just my opinion
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Realism/logic is allways a tricky thing when it comes to 40k. Scouts should be sneaky and should not wear bright armour, but neither should the regular space marines.

But they do. They even carry banners to indicate their position to potential enemies. ^^


Because f*** logic. That's why. This is Warhammer 40k goddamnit.

: D


But seriously. I'm not really going for realism here. Sometimes one needs to follow the rule of cool. I went for the red armour for the sake of a cohesive look.

I appreciate your comment, though.

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The scout heads are truly rubbish. Duke Nukem meet GI Joe. No idea why they look so cartoony. Wouldn't the new DC and SG bare heads fit though?


I'm interested in the other part of this - the landspeeder storm as a landspeeder. I think the model is much better, more realistic and I like the idea of the gunner hanging out. I was disappointed we didn't get the vehicle, which seems very BA, in our Codex but never thought of using the model is a counts as. Does it work? is it legal?


Camouflage is the colour of fear. Even our infiltrators where blood red!

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The scout heads are truly rubbish. Duke Nukem meet GI Joe. No idea why they look so cartoony. Wouldn't the new DC and SG bare heads fit though?


I'm interested in the other part of this - the landspeeder storm as a landspeeder. I think the model is much better, more realistic and I like the idea of the gunner hanging out. I was disappointed we didn't get the vehicle, which seems very BA, in our Codex but never thought of using the model is a counts as. Does it work? is it legal?


Camouflage is the colour of fear. Even our infiltrators where blood red!

Haha... Indeed. ^^

Let them fear us.


You asked for the landspeeder... Well. I'm waiting for the package with the plastic carton. I will "close the doors" since I butchered the crew to make more scouts, so no guy hanging out pointing guns at anybody.

It really is a shame though that we can't play the real landspeeder storm. I really start to like scouts. Especially after the game today. They killed a Leman Russ and two Chimeras. They even survived until the end of the game with only 1 casualty. ^^


But back to topic. Since I do not take part at tournaments I do not care if it is legal. I do not get an advantage using a bigger speeder. Hell... If you ask me it is even a disadvantage if the thing is bigger. If someone would not allow me to use it I would simply play with the next guy.

; )

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have pride in your colours brother! let them know at the time of their death that it were the blood angels that pulled the trigger/pulled his heart out ;)


who needs armour painted in camo colours when you have camo cloaks? ;)


shameless linkage to my own gallery sniper scouts :down: when i put them next to one of my urban buildings they actually blend in pretty well :ermm: if your looking from the proper side mind ;)


but like i said i dont mind the heads all that much. the ones with the night vision goggles are pretty cool even :)

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Hi guys,


Finally some WIP pictures of the landspeeder.


There is obviously still a lot to do (Liquid greenstuff will be used extensively ^^).

What do you think so far?







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Now that is a great idea with the Storm. I especially like the multi-melta mount. Only problem I foresee is that the driver can't see out :blink:

My plan is to paint it as a glass canopy.

If I can't pull it off well I will add some sort of additional window.

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Hi guys,


I made some progress concerning the landspeeder.


I can switch between 3 options now. Multi-melta only. Tornado pattern with two MM and ye good olde Typhoon pattern.


Tell me what you think....




Tornado pattern with two multi-meltas.







And the good old Typhoon pattern with multi-melta:







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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


It's been a while since I painted my last mini.

But anyways. Here are my latest additions to my scout squad.










Close combat guy








Group shot



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