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20 Years Later and I'm back with Blood Angels


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Hey guys & gals , I've just joined up, been stalking the forum the past couple months since I kinda stumbled upon a club a new friend ran which has given me the bug again for Table top games, I remember buying 2nd Edition w40k and everyone around me pretty much giving up playing but so happy to see that 20 years on everyone's still playing it.


With my wife having a secret stash of old blood angels she just painted for fun but never played with them much, I decided what better way to get an Army started than a big portion already built and painted :) I'll get photos up of her army soon enough but just wanted to post up some photos of the complete mash up of random Space marine's (along with Chaos/Space Wolf parts I think) I found to make an assault squad as I just want loads of them there cool :) Love dreadnoughts but so far they seem to scare the living daylights out of my opponent and they just nuke it :(


Constructive criticism welcome, but bear in mind i used to play Warhammer etc when I was 10-12 and I'm now 30, sucked at painting back then and this is the 1st time in about 20 years I've painted any models, that said i enjoyed it immensely


Only thing im debating is to do the shoulder pad edges black, as the power fist guy looks like one big red blob with very little detail, gaming standard at least i hope, heres the pics -









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Welcome back to a hobby. Also welcome the the Sons of Sanguinius our cookies are better than the rest. As far as C&C here I go. I would black edge, and highlight. I would also get a drill bit to bore out the bolter pistols. The final pic I would remove the bolt pistol, and cut off the grip, and re-glue back on so he does look like he holding the pistol by the end of the grip. The yellow helms look crisp i would light wash to give it some definition. Oh an BTW if you running a legal game a assault squad with a pf, and power sword are not legal. only sgt get weapon upgrade. normal AS get the option of gun weapon upgrade.
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Welcome back to a hobby. Also welcome the the Sons of Sanguinius our cookies are better than the rest. As far as C&C here I go. I would black edge, and highlight. I would also get a drill bit to bore out the bolter pistols. The final pic I would remove the bolt pistol, and cut off the grip, and re-glue back on so he does look like he holding the pistol by the end of the grip. The yellow helms look crisp i would light wash to give it some definition. Oh an BTW if you running a legal game a assault squad with a pf, and power sword are not legal. only sgt get weapon upgrade. normal AS get the option of gun weapon upgrade.


Oh yes the cookies are better :) I'd like to play proper legal eventually but this squad are my testing grounds of leftovers, half the stuff was dated 1991 and earlier so as you can imagine a full set of sprues to work from wasnt happening :) Thought id practice painting these then adding more genuine WYSIWYG models. Im looking to run several Assault Squads so when I buy a proper box set I can mix and match these ones for numbers. Idea is to have the ones with powerfist & chain sword/power sword to be my seargents in 2 different squads - not a fan of the seargent heads as I prefer the helmets really. Tempted to get something a bit more veteran like for the seargents helm wise.


Got a hand drill so the bolt pitol bit is pretty easily solved so will look into doing that then re-painting, as for the handle I did cut it but i take it you mean get it 100% flush with the lower part the pistol etc?


The Helms were sunburst yellow, with a gryphonne sepia wash then highlighted sunbust yellow/skull white mix I'll try putting another sepia wash over the top or any reccomendations as im bit limited with paints right now, only buying what I need, hence I now have Hero Quest Chaos Warriors also in Blood Angel colours (may as well carry on BA theme to blood bowl!)


Big thanks for the constructive criticism, think I'll like it here if 1st reply is anything to go by cheers.

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Always nice to have another player thats been in the hobby as long as I have (17 years going on 18), and a bit more.


Seeing as You're a 2nd edition player, I say go for the black edging on the armour. It does break up the red. Another way to break up the red is with the new models obviously with all their detail, but that'll come.


I'm really interested in seeing your wifes paint job as well. And if you have more models painted I'm sure everyone will be happy to see them!


And welcome to the club

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Nice models. :)


And welcome back to the hobby! Congrats on choosing the Emperor's Finest.


I suggest buying a box or two of our Death Company kit. They are awesome for Blood Angelifying your models, even if you don't plan on running Death Company.

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Death Company box - regular troops/veterans conversion set.


Sanguinary Guard box - HQ conversion set :)


By the way, paint the shoulders with black trims, nothing is better than the old-school BA colour scheme :D

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Always nice to have another player thats been in the hobby as long as I have (17 years going on 18), and a bit more.


Seeing as You're a 2nd edition player, I say go for the black edging on the armour. It does break up the red. Another way to break up the red is with the new models obviously with all their detail, but that'll come.


I'm really interested in seeing your wifes paint job as well. And if you have more models painted I'm sure everyone will be happy to see them!


And welcome to the club


Well im kind of 2nd edition, never got to play it very much due to everyone else giving up, and too young to get to the nearest games-workshop and of course Internet not really existing properly back then (dear god I sound old haha)


I'll get some pics up fo the entire lot (wifes models included) with the photo background I downloaded off here, may even dabble with printing it onto A3 for big group photos :D I'll give the black edges a bash this weekend, would chaos black go over the red easily enough or would i need to white coat it first you think?


Nice models. smile.gif


And welcome back to the hobby! Congrats on choosing the Emperor's Finest.


I suggest buying a box or two of our Death Company kit. They are awesome for Blood Angelifying your models, even if you don't plan on running Death Company.


Thanks! I've been suggested to buy a death company box and an assault squad to mix and match all the bits etc even to use as a normal assault squad due to the detail of them, and i have to admit the new death company models do look awesome so think i may take that bit of advice along once I got more cash. I am debating running a handful of death company to go with astorath the grim as a bit of a entourage so to say but Jump pack death company get a bit costly :)

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Death Company box - regular troops/veterans conversion set.


Sanguinary Guard box - HQ conversion set :)


Sanguinary guard I want just for how awesome they look, may even go against the grain and NOT paint them the typical gold, anyone done this and know of any pics ? I currently run terminators with thunder hammer and storm shield for that lovley invul save but do fancy the mobility of the Sanguinary guard as im leaning to a heavy jump pack assault based army at the moment

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Then go for Vanguard Veterans :) They can take various equipment and can have the needed invul saves thanks to storm shields.

As for Sanguinary Guard not painted gold, I know that one of our brothers here ran Angels Encarmine and had white SG.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quiet on the BA front but I have now painted my 1st HQ choice - still need to finish off a bunch of details mind




Gonna finish up a Blood Bowl Orc team so my local club can get a few more bods involved as we had enough for 4 games last week but not enough boards and team..


After that I'll revisit the Assault squad and drill there flash hiders and paint the shoulder surrounds black. kepeing an eye out for cheap models to repaint rather than new at mo.


Definetly need more assult for making a full legal WYSIWYG roster. Gonna try out a revised scout biker + locator beacon with DOA action going on. either that or a mechanized effort

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Then go for Vanguard Veterans :) They can take various equipment and can have the needed invul saves thanks to storm shields.

As for Sanguinary Guard not painted gold, I know that one of our brothers here ran Angels Encarmine and had white SG.


Not a troop choice but I think a 5 stong vanguard unit is gonna give me some kicks with the Heroic Intervention :D Power sword & Storm sheild's on all is tad costly but I think ChainSword and Storm Shield should do wonders. 15 Points more than Sanguinary Guard but that lovley Invul save should work wonders :)


My planned roster is below, and the justification..... Its the models I have to hand mainly (ish- bit of proxying on the vehicles mind) and the idea is to drive a wedge forward with the tanks moving fast and shooting off one weapon (hence only autocannon on the preds etc) then having the jump marines follow behind with there 12" move getting cover saves behind the wall of tanks. Land speeders & vanguard to come in reserve/deep striking behind enemy lines if any opurtune moments shall arise. Gone for H/Bolter double combo for pure infantry killing but debating a MMelta/HBolter combo instead. behind the tank wall will also be a razorback housing the Honour guard giving FNP to the assault troops either side.


Oh and the scout squad, infiltrating in near an objective and getting stuck in cover with the camo shields giving 3+ save if I remember right?! Providing a bit of long range support but not expecting miracles with there orc like shooting :(


Will have to rely on the Razorbacks for anti tank if I face any & melta bombs from the assault squads. May fail but its all upto the dice I spose


-= HQ =- (220pts)

Honour Guard : 3x Bolter, 3x Chainsword

Razorback : Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

Sanguniary Novitiate :Bolter

Astorath the Grim


-= Troops=- (895pts)


Assault Squad

9x Assault Marines : Hand Flamer, Meltagun, Retain Jump Packs

Veteran Sergeant :Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon


Assault Squad

9x Assault Marines : Hand Flamer, Meltagun, Retain Jump Packs

Veteran Sergeant :Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon


Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines

Razorback :Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun (35pts)

Veteran Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword


Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines

Razorback : Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun (35pts)

Veteran Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword


Scout Squad

Missile Launcher (10pts), 3x Sniper Rifle

4x Scouts : Camo Cloaks

Veteran Sergeant : Camo Cloak (3pts), Combat Blade, Locator Beacon (25pts), Sniper Rifle


-=Fast Attack=- (540pts)


Baal Predator : Heavy Bolters (30pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannon


Land Speeder Squadron

Land Speeder: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter

Land Speeder: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter

Land Speeder: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter


Vanguard Veteran Squad

4x Chainsword, 4x Storm Shield , 4x Vanguard Veterans

Veteran Sergeant : Power Sword, Storm Shield


-=Heavy Support=- (140pts)


Predator : Autocannon


Predator : Autocannon

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