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Blood Angels Painting Blog

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So this is a 1,000 point list that I'll be taking into a Doubles Tournament with random team mates and possibly an apocalypse game the next day.

Here it goes:




Astorath The Gim








Death Company Dreadnought

x4 Death Company (Jump Packs and x2 Power Weapons)

x5 Death Company (Power Fist, Hand Flamer)

x5 Assault Marines (Melta Gun, ThunderHammer)


Razorback with Heavy Bolters

Razorback with Lascanon+twin linked plasma guns


I'm hoping that I can finish it in time. It's next Saturday ^_^ Kind of saddens me. I just finished building the majority of the models. Some were previously built just never got around to painting and that Dreadnought was my first model a year ago. Hopefully this will help motivate my painting. Hahah. Also praying that I get my new Chaplain soon.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Here goes a nice little update. Sadly I'm a slow painter and don't get much time out of my day. I did play in the tourney though, with a fully primed army. Hahah. It was good though, Me and a Space Wolf player ended up getting Second. Though I did win a paint brush and some paints for my army to get painted with! Hah. Here goes the pics so far.












My auto-focus is kind of messed up. I need a new camera .__.

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