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Grundz'z Adeptus Mechanicus Army WIP


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So I primarily posted over on dakka, however I get very little feedback there. so here I am :D I'm primarily looking for feedback to help my painting and/or modeling skills improve as I work pretty much in a fishbowl.

My primary army is adeptus mechanicus IG, largely kitbashed/converted.

Basic infantry are kitbashed from WGF infantry and various GW bits

Light vehicles are stalk tanks (4 legged talks)

Leman russes are slowly being converted into heavy stalk tanks (4-6 legged heavy stalk tanks)

Some Leman russes are knight titans (marked with a leman russ-size base)

most models are basecoated with an airbrush and minorly shaded, then minwax/washed, then the original color drybrushed over top. I've lately been experimenting with line highlighting, and all my attempts at blending have ended in horrible firestorms of terribleness.

I'm currently looking for an easy way of "gear"ing the base of all my greatcoats!

anyways, what you have come for more than likely, pictures! :tu:

The army in all its partially finished glory


Armored "iron man" sentinel along with his less armored brothers:


The mighty Knight Titan


Executioner Heavy Stalk Tank w/ plasma "sponsons"


Tanks and Stalkers


Various squad leaders and Iron Priest




Lord fabricator Creed


It's posts like these that remind me why I love Mechanicus so much!


Great conversions, full of character, really nice army!


My suggestion to easily paint your gears on the coats is to paint a line of white all the way around the coat/cape etc and then paint the 'teeth' using a spare piece of foam cut to shape. (Keeps the size of the teeth consistent, just make sure you wash the paint out after each use!)


Look forward to seeing more, if you're interested check out my (very old) mechanicus thread, there's a link in my autosig below.



Hail and welcome to B&C, brother!


So I primarily posted over on dakka, however I get very little feedback there. so here I am :) I'm primarily looking for feedback to help my painting and/or modeling skills improve as I work pretty much in a fishbowl.


That's a shame - I figured Dakka Dakka was large enough that everybody would get enough feedback. Guess I was wrong.


My primary army is adeptus mechanicus IG, largely kitbashed/converted.


Basic infantry are kitbashed from WGF infantry and various GW bits

Light vehicles are stalk tanks (4 legged talks)

Leman russes are slowly being converted into heavy stalk tanks (4-6 legged heavy stalk tanks)

Some Leman russes are knight titans (marked with a leman russ-size base)


This made me sit up. Ever since reading Necropolis I've taken somewhat of an interest in legged tanks. Even dabbled in them once (it ended badly). :)



The army looks pretty good - it has a great feel to it, looking at the photos, but I'd like to ask for some close ups, if you can get them (Creed in particular). I think the use of barricades for the Knight Titan is pretty imaginative, brother. I'm interested in seeing more, too. <_<

Can yo be more specific on the foam thing? I'm not really following how that wouldn't become a mess and would give well defined edges.

also re: Oli

No problem buddy, I really need to get a lightbox and/or a proper camera.

as for the knight titans and stalk tanks, Ive actually been thinking about selling some of them to make up some funds to make more, as a kitbasher, buying specific bits is expensive and buying bit boxes of bitz from random internet people is hit and miss, and I have enough bits to put together maybe 3 more titans or heavy tanks and some misc smaller ones. I'm hoping to do that once my painting skills come up a bit, Wish I had a friend that loved to paint as much as I love to chop stuff up and glue it back together <_<

but oh my god i'm going to shoot myself if I have to grind many more chaos stars off of defiler legs.

Mechanicus Termite:


Tech guard w/ Improved mobility (stormtroopers)


What a completed Stalker leman russ w/ heavy bolter will look like:


Knight Titan reverse angle pre-paint


No problem buddy, I really need to get a lightbox and/or a proper camera.


If you have to choose between the two at any point - I advise going for the camera. Let the sun be your lightbox. :HQ:


but oh my god i'm going to shoot myself if I have to grind many more chaos stars off of defiler legs.



I've felt like that sometimes doing extensive conversions. :)


That stalker looks great, by the way. :)


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