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Blackadders Warlord WIP

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When I first designed this thing I included sleeping quarters, rec rooms, lavatories, etc and was apprised that such amenities are not needed (I guess a low fiber liquid diet and relief tubes) so I pared the decks down to engineering/ reactor room, Command deck and turbine room. Well scratch the turbine room and expand the command deck to include the upper command galery and divide the reactor room to a second engineering level so in all 4 decks but only 2 divisions (Command and Engineering) plus carapace magazines and Flight Deck/ Escape Pod/ Cockpit.


Holographic Tactical Display


since I deemed this the overall Command Titan with a surfeit of nonessential personnel what better than to have a 3D display table in the center of the bridge.




Whether this works or not will be an interesting experiment but so far all the components seem viable and better still fit nicely into the space available............



Now I just have to figure out how to light it.............


Might I humbly suggest that in the centre of the dome you place an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny model of the Warlord?  Ideally, it'd be a model recast in a transparent resin you could shine a light into so it looks as though you have the holo of the titan at the centre of the display, with friendlies in blue and targets in red around it.


Obviously a bit tricky to do as it requires a correctly-scaled tiny Warlord model to be fabricated and then cast...

Thanks for the suggestions but at the scale of the dome as I perceive it now the titan would show up as just a dot in the center. I calculate the hemisphere would be 15 kilometers in radius minimum to be realistically effective as a tactical display.


As for modeling the titan I would probably just use clear styrene 1.0 mm square strips.


Most radar display I am familiar with usually has the source in the center and the targets ranged 360° so a titan figure would be gratuitous; still a center representation has merit in the icon heavy 40K mentality.

Below is the primary reason this model probably never will be done.

Ever since I glued the "bra" on the asymmetry of the lower edge has bothered me. Probably no one would ever notice that the left lozenge shaped vent is a millimeter more visible than the one on the right side. I have to pare down the "bra" to conform to the left side starting with the surface armour.

Freud was right; Blackadder is certifiable.




To be fair, if you're going to spend this much time on such an epic project you may as well go the whole hog. The time spent sorting this rogue millimetre will only be a tiny part of the overall build time. So I welcome your CDO as I know it will make the finished model all the better :P

This is what I like, multiple ideas on fixes:

''Symmetry is boring mate. I've worked on several war machines and I can tell you none of them were symmetrical.
If it's really bothering you, you could cover it up with something? A large spotlight maybe or some sort of radar/auspex equipment?"

Fix #1, Let it go, the Universe is F'd up anyway and basically asymmetrical or try the current regime's fix for everything ignore, obfuscate and dazzle 'm with footwork i.e. tap dancing...........

"Hmmm, thats not good. The real sad part is that its such a big thing to rebuild (as i guess the problem cant be fixed by just regluing).
Hope you find the mental strength to go on with this Project anyhow."
Fix #2, Scrap the whole project and take up knitting, something you are more temperamentally qualified to attempt...........

"Everyone knows the left one hangs a little bit lower than the right one!!!"

Fix #3, Back to asymmetry and a bit of innuendo and an appeal to my obligation to complete this project...........

And my fix, shave off the offending excess. simple and direct.


Of course fixing this revealed further inconsistencies and so the dementia continues....................

  • 1 month later...

On The Whole Not Very Satisfying

Well the Warlord is primed and ready for painting and I was curious as to what it would look like on a battle board setting. I have to admit I am not overwhelmed by the view.

Granted the shading and highlighting will enhance the image and a few grunts and tanks for scale will help. Also a better camera angle should display it in a more intimidating stance but considering all the effort; meh...........



The above images show it in a straight on view and the image below showed the head looking down.


BTW the board is 4 ft by 4 ft/ 1.25 meters by 1.25 meters

More images to follow................

Something seems off with the lower armor plate on its right leg (our left), is that jus tthe camera or weird posing? Also it is fantastic that you have created this beast. Very few have the patience, drive, and skill to accomplish such a feat.

I am sorry you feel underwhelmed with your warlord.

If it makes you feel better, seeing it makes me jealous that I can't have one. Because I want one, and I know even if GW/forge world/whoever makes one it will not come out nearly as awesome as this.

I am sure the first time you get an opportunity to remove large chunks of someone else's army off the board with it, you will feel better

Thanks, underwhelmed, thats the word I was looking for.

Yeah I guess but what I was going for was a new way to remove socks...........biggrin.png

Some More images Side and Rear

This is the first time on an actual playing field and I have no army to put the size in perspective. In these images I wanted to see what someone playing the game would perceive instead of dramatic low angle shots and birds eye views.

Anyway this first image demonstrates the flexibility of the legs and gives some idea of how the head can be repositioned.......


This next shows the Turbolasers in elevated position:

Showing the knees in the locked position; something I now can do as well............

Finally legs only slightly splayed because of the craters:

Get some models and terrain on that board and I'll bet he'll suddenly look as impressive as he should I'll bet. How can he lord it up and show his massive size with nothing to tower over? That and a paint job always makes things look better, so don't count him out just yet the project is still unfinished! :)


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