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Blackadders Warlord WIP

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Sorry to have been so long in responding but it's been a busy month for me getting the kids off to college and visiting my mum in Florida.


I also have been trying to design a Lucius retro-fit for a Mars Reaver which has monopolized a lot of my building time.


But I haven't forgotten this thread and am now acknowledging the above posted request. Unfortunately I have no Russes at hand and my son has none in presentable form and what he does have is 1500 KM away but I hope Baneblades and a Warhound will suffice plus there is a little guy in the foreground for a man sized comparison.




The four models in the first image are the result of about 5 years of scratch building starting with the converted Armourcast Baneblade in the front right. This was my first attempt at working with styrene upgrading the model to conform to the Forge World style Baneblade You can still see the Armourcast treads which I left the same because at the time I deemed to too difficult to manufacture treads and bogie wheels.


The left foreground tank is a total scratch build except for some GW bitz and cast Baneblade treads and bogies. This was my second scratch build  and my second favorite tank model. 


Lucie the Warhound is my pride and joy and required almost two years to build. She is a total scratchbuild except for the two skulls on the cheeks and the rubber conduits on the neck. Also there are banners on the knee joints  and when I remount it there will be a battle banner hanging from the waist.


Lucie is beginning to show a bit of wear and will need some refurbishing soon. She needs more lead weight in the rear to counterbalance the guns and the knee joints need new wooden dowels so she can maintain the poses. Right now she is standing on her own but in what I call her "Cute Puppy" pose.


I have yet to replace the Velcro attachment material with magnets; I hope to be doing that this coming Winter.


Of course the Warlord needs no introduction, I still haven't decided on a colour scheme for 'Luteus Vexant'  but he will definitely not have a yellow head even if I choose 'War Griffins as the Chapter colours. 




This next photo show comparison between the Warhound and the Thunderhawk although they will probably not be used in the same game.  Note Lucie's Battle Banner on the ground............... that needs to be reattached with chain links, glue does hold well .


More images to follow......................

In the following image a view of the top detail of the smaller models. I am particularly proud of the Baneblade's 'Demolisher' cannon which was built of dozens of separate parts and at that time taxed my scratch building abilities to the limit. 




Another thing that I was pleased with was the hand made nuts on the front bumpers. I look back at that effort and have to laugh at myself having learned  so much since then.


Next we have a low angle view of the Warlord and I notice I still haven't mounted the search lights and flying greave panels. which I had plans to have working lights the wiring can be seen already installed. The white object near the left foot of the Warlord is the catwalk that fits under the carapace




So many things to do still on this model and I have to redesign the Holo- Command deck display.


I hope to have more time this winter.


Here we have a better view of Lucie with her head turned in a quizzical pose demonstrating the flexibility of the neck joint which I hope to duplicate on the Reaver project with a more sophisticated mechanism.




More to come..............

I based my Thunderhawk on the more airworthy appearing 'Deviant Art' 3D model which measures 26 inches long, not the FW model which is only 19.5 inches long. I rationalize mine as a 'stretch' version just as the Boeing 727-200 series is about 20 feet longer than the -100 series which coincidentally the Thunderhawks respectively approximate in size.

A nice low angle view of the breast detail of 'Luteus' showing yet another area that needs to be finished; the underside of the waist block




I have to get my a** in gear and get busy on these models  :D


I also have to make trunnion end caps for the laser cannons.


Another view of the relative size of a Warhound (50 feet or 15 meters tall) compared to a Warlord Titan which I scale at (165 feet, 50 meters) and this model is relatively small compared to many other Warlords I've seen on the Internet.




Next a birds eye view of the Warlord unfortunately out of focus.



The workmanship on this is pretty staggering. I do have one critique however, and i think it may be part of the reason it looks a little underwhelming from the front.


In this image:




The shoulder bit underneath the guns are sloped inwards. Your one has shoulders like this 





And that makes the view from the front look a little flat. Your one obviously looks amazing as is, but i think that sloping and extending the shoulders forward past the front of the chest would give it a much more intimidating profile. Whether this is possible with how they are constructed i have no idea, but i just thought i'd chime in with some CC.


Keep up the great work anywho, really inspiring.

Regarding the shoulders if I understand you correctly is that on the static epic figure the guns do not have to move so the arms are cast angled forward and the elbows at an acute angle. Thats fine until the arms are moved and then they conflict with the carapace skirt. I tried that initially and found the sculptor exercised artist license which doesn't work in the real world or the 'real world' of 40K. I based my model on the Dave Smith Titan which has vertical arm stanchions.


Luteus still needs a bit of detailing and of course the exterior lighting. Most of the interior work can be accomplished after the exterior is done as the interior rooms and parts are removable for work.


Aside from needing another coat the painting is done. What is needed now is finely divided metal powder and graphite powder, then a wash of India ink. Some highlighting for the layered armour and then I'll see where to go from there.

Could this be used as a Princep?

Once again I am forced to demonstrate my ignorance; 

I have in my possession a figure hardwired into the fabric of a Reaver 

Could this be a Princep or failing that would it serve as a Princep in a Warlord? 

If so, THEN all things come to he who waits!

IIRC, that is the servitor for the Reaver's carapace weapon. With a bit of cutting and modeling, I bet he'd make a good Princeps in an amniotic tank!

Thanks for the quick replies and the info. I would be making some sort of tank for it and perhaps some LED lit gel for a SF effect (shades of IL&M) but the figure would look good in the cockpit of the Warlord and save me a lot of time searching for a viable candidate.
Hey, no one said the job would be easy just be thankful you're not a level 2 Guild Navigator in "DUNE"
  • 3 weeks later...

I've put the Warlord on hold while I bring these Reavers up to speed. I needed a break from it before I start painting. I accomplished my goal of completing the model and priming it in 18 months I can rationalize a wee vacation. I still have the lighting and interior to do and for the past week I've had an itch to resume work on it.

  • 1 month later...

While I am at it painting the Tyranids I think it might be a good time to paint as well Luteus Vexant. I have found an interesting tutorial on painting and weathering machinery:

but where he is painting a few square inches of model I shall be painting several square feet perhaps a square yard.

I also think he went a bit overboard at the end of the clip but that may have been all that beer thinner. 

Anyway despite all protestations I have settled on the Dave Smith Camo for my colour scheme but to distinguish mine from his I shall designate my unit as 007. How many Warlord titans are in a company?

Also I found an interesting photoshop of a Titan assembly plant you may enjoy. 

I might manipulate Luteus into the scene.
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...



Time For a Change:
On thing that has always bothered me about the Weapons of the Warlord is the mount stanchion.
While perfectly adequate to support the weight and moment of the arm it always looked a bit undersized for such a large weapon.
This modification will remedy the anomaly.
After a search I have found the big brother of the 1/2 inch conduit sleeve I used on the initial arm; a one inch conduit adjustable connector that seems more in keeping with the size requirements the Warlord scale requires.
Note the new sleeve has more than four times the mass of the previous arm and I think will be more in keeping with the mount one would assume proper for a Lucius Titan.
In the following days I shall be replacing the original sleeve with what I hope will improve the look of the shoulder mount.
  • 2 weeks later...

I'd rather buy them as well but where can you buy a Warlord? And where am I going to get $20,000.00 dollars to pay for it? biggrin.png

Adeptus Mechanicus Altar:

I suddenly have an urge to work on the interior of the Warlord.
Last night I had an inspiration how to arrange the Tech-priest altar in the command deck area so we'll start with a refresher regarding the interior compartments of Luteus Vexant.
Access to the interior if you're taller than 28 MM is through the rear access panel which is held in place with 4 screws.
Removing the screws gains access to the Command deck and Cockpit.
Below that is the Reactor room/Engineering.
The Command deck has two levels, the upper Observation Gallery and directly above the Blast Doors will be the Adeptus Mechanicus Altar where the Tech-Priest performs his rituals:
Now all I need is a good facsimile of an AD Altar........


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