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Zynk Kaladin

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Those are the places where you could drop, some are risky, but with Dante, you're safe there. Cast shield with your Libbies if you're not in range/cover.


If you don't mind :)




You can combat squad and therefore create a bigger threat zone as well as reducing your "foot imprint", so it is easier to deepstrike between the tanks.



Be bloody, brave and resolute!




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Please excuse a lurking Tyranid player jumping in here, but I'd like to re-enforce the suggestion that your table is the problem!


We bugs need cover, but against IG tank lines EVERYBODY needs cover!


I heartily recommend using 4'x6', the game and the codices have been designed for it. Your table tennis table gives enough, even with a fringe for books and casualties. Mark it out with electrical tape, but peel it off after the game; leave it overnight and it will leave gunk.


Playing lengthways on a rectangle "channels" infantry into a dreaded "fire lane", which immensely benefits a long range shooty army; widthways benefits a spread-out, fast moving army.


I prefer a table with a large central line-of-sight blocker; it forces the game to split up and deploy tactically; a bottleneck like yours just turns into a slugfest, or against IG tanks, a shooting gallery. Put your walls (are they the Russian manufactured fortress that I also have?!?) in a central cluster, maybe staggered; suddenly you have alleys to duck and hide through, and his tanks will have some fun too, negotiating corners, hugging cover etc.


I say these things, not as a J'Accuse to your friend, but as a seasoned terrain designer: planning an engaging, balanced playing field is one of my favourite bits of the game!

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Unfortunately, spring break came to an end way too soon and I'm back at school. I will not be able to apply all that I have learned to slag my friend's tanks for a while. The good news is I have much more time to prepare while I learn how to beat my roommate's 'NIDS! I really wanted a balanced list so playing against 'nids will be a good test of strength and wit. Either way I expect victory for the Imperium.


@ArdezFurioso Excellent, now to make three of those hover bike conversions I always wanted :D I appreciate the help!


@Dunnaeph34rn473 Thanks for the tips. I'm definitely saving your ideas in my strategy guide. Too bad I won't be able to apply it sooner.


@BloodTzar Those ML Devs will definitely tear through my Tyranid friend's army, but I have a pretty sweet idea for a count-as Dante for my Night Angels. I'll probably try both at some point and see how it goes.


@SnorriSnorrison I can deep strike into the craters without any penalties? Dam, I wish I knew that sooner... I'm worried about dropping in cover he can drawn line of sight to like the tiny barricades outside his tank line. Template weapons ignore cover saves right?


I suppose I need to learn the right comfort zone for deep striking. I was worried about scattering onto his vehicles and mishapping, which happened on turn 1. I do like Dante's move, though, and will enjoy plopping him into tight places. ;)


@Commander Sasha Oh, so we're supposed to play width-wise? To be honest we always skimped on the terrain and just slapped cover willi-nilly and got right to the head smashing. I guess I need to research more on proper terrain setup. Actually playing with objectives might help too...

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@SnorriSnorrison I can deep strike into the craters without any penalties? Dam, I wish I knew that sooner... I'm worried about dropping in cover he can drawn line of sight to like the tiny barricades outside his tank line. Template weapons ignore cover saves right?


I suppose I need to learn the right comfort zone for deep striking. I was worried about scattering onto his vehicles and mishapping, which happened on turn 1. I do like Dante's move, though, and will enjoy plopping him into tight places. :)



You only have to roll for mishap if you scatter into impassible terrain as far as I know. Deepstriking into difficult/dangerous terrain forces you to roll a D6 for each and every member of the squad(for example there's five guys, you roll 5 D6 and allocate the wounds), for every '1' that is rolled you lose a wound without armour save. It's like rolling for Red Thirst, never happens. :)


You also have to roll for mishap if you scatter on or within 1" of a enemy squad/vehicle, but Descent of Angels reduces your scatter distance by one D6, that's not only pretty dang sweet, it's effective as hell.



Template weapons do not necessarily ignore coversaves, flamers do(but you will have a better armour save anyway) and certain ordnance/barrage does(I'm not sure on the english term there, sorry!). You better look that up in the BRB!





Edit: corrected the mishap thing, answered other question.

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