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My Blood Anges HQ (WIP)


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Hello, fellow brothers!


I'm reposting this from my WIP thread (linky in my sig). I can't help but to share these fellas with you.


My painting progress is slow as never before because I switched to modelling and converting. For almost a year I tried to get models of Blood Angels HQ but there were none at my LGS. So finally, I decided to make them myself, the way I wanted them to be. I already posted my Sanguinor (however I intoroduced a few minor changes to improve him) and now I have done Astorath, Dante, Tycho and an unnamed Librarian. And I'm about to show them :P


For these models I used bits from two great sets: Sanguinary Guard (HQ conversion kit ;) ) and Grey Knights (Librarian conversion kit OR "a box with bits to make awesome power weapons").


This is Sanguinor Version 2.1 (the previous ones are posted in WIP thread)




I cut the middle part of the blade to make it look more realistic so that the Glaive would match the model's size (you can see the white line - it's where the tip is glued). The Iron Halo is made of the Nemesis Warding Stave's top (from the Grey Knights box). I just removed the skull in its centre.


Next one is my Commander Dante.



There is nothing particular about this model. I just tried to make as similar to GW model as possible, and SG bits worked just fine, so no heavy conveting was required. I just used the Death Company jumppack. This model has 6 symbols of the Blood Angels Chapter in total (legs, torso, shoulder and jumppack) so the model screams "I am Blood Angels Chapter Master!" ;)


Then there's our golden boy Tycho. The photo is of bad quality (I made a couple dozens photos of him and none was better - I believe he's just shy :))


So, I used the DC backpack to represent the Iron Halo. The most time spent for this model was consumed by Dead Man's Hand. I filed down the Angelus Bolter from one of SG arms and thus I had a larger forearm to keep the design of SG arms (the sharpened part closer to the hand) and added three wires leading to the fist (cables powering the digiweapon).


And now it's time for Astorath the Grim. I'm particularly proud with this model. It took much time to make it and it was good investment :blush:



I really like how the Executioner Axe turned out. The pole is made of GK Force Halberd and the blade is made of SG axes. Here's how I did it:



And finally an unnamed Librarian with a staff, made almost entirely of GK bits.



I filed down the Inquisiotin logo on his leg, filled the text on his knees with GS. And it is almost done. Now i need to magnetize his backpack and he's done.


That's all for now. It took me two weeks to make those models (not that I'm slow, I just wish I had more time), and now I can't imagine how long it will take to paint them. Damned Mass Effect 3 is already released.... it sucks me in... I can't resist.... :P


Anyways, thanks for reading and watching! As always you C&C are most welcome!


Cheers! ;)

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You're damn right to be proud of Astorath - your interpretation does him great justice! Nice conversion of his axe, the hair looks great as far as I can tell. I'd say that he's my favourite of the batch, although the others are top notch as well!


Well done there, mate!


Oh, and you were right - the Warding Staff halo makes a great Iron Halo with the skull removed! :)



...man, that axe looks mean! Resembles a bearded axe very well! ^_^




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Thanks for your replies, guys! I'm glad you liked my work!


...man, that axe looks mean! Resembles a bearded axe very well! ^_^

Yeah, I wanted to make something similar. Generally, a mix of Halberd, Bardiche and Bearded Axe. Something that could have been actually used to execute heretics in the middle ages :)



Here's a close up photo of Astorath's head:




It's a Death Company head, with its hair filed down and GS applied afterwards.

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The idea to use the halberd's staff is brilliant, mate. I hope you don't mind if I steal this idea for when I convert Astorath myself :lol:


I will use the actual model, though...it's just that I don't like the spine of the Executioner's axe. :)





Of course mate! Your recent Libby conversion made me wanna buy GK box and as a result I made those models. So feel free to steal this idea as well ;)

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