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Questions concerning Multiple Wounds and Allocation


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I had a question regarding using my new Thunderwolves in a game with friends. They are 1 with Thunderhammer, one has a Storm Shield, and the third is the BP and CCW.


The issue is the fact that each thunderwolf has 2 wounds, and has different wargear. Since the unit has three different models in it, the unit is considered a complex unit and therefore can allocate wounds.


However the section dealing with Multiple wound units says that I can't spread wounds around and one model must be given a second wound before I can give another model its first.


So how are these two (apparently) contradictions handled? Does the complex unit wound allocation overide the second statement as long as my three are different? Would this be different if I had two of the same (bp and ccw) for example the first bp and CCW must die before the second can be given its first wound?

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i think your confusing the issue.. IIRC there a stickied thread about wound allocation that may be worth a read.


if 3 generic tac marines are dealt 5 wounds, you simply roll 5 armour saves and any failed are dead marines.. in a 'complex' unit as you describe you allocate the wounds as governed by the rules laid out in the BRB.


ok your unit takes 5 wounds

1 with Thunderhammer, one has a Storm Shield, and the third is the BP and CCW

it takes 5 wounds, one of which is a power weapon wound.


becuase you can allocate, you put the Pw wound on the storm shield guy, the other two take a normal wound each.. and the last two can go on whom you decide.. becuase the hammer is important you decide to put the last two wounds on the ccw guy and storm shield guy.


the hammer takes 1 save

the storm shield guy takes 1 save and 1 inv save

the ccw guy takes 2 saves.


this way the chances of any one guy dying is remote, whereasa unit armed identically taking 5 wounds is likely to fail 2 wounds and cause a death.. being a complex unit means higher durability

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Thats what I thought. However my friend was telling me that the rule section for multiple wound units states that you can't spread the wounds around to avoid removing models. Yet, in the example above if the hammer fails the storm shield guy passes both and the bp and ccw takes 1 wound, then effectively through wound allocation I have spread the wounds around as two models each have 1 wound and my squad is still at full strength.


I agree thats how wound allocation goes, I just wanted to reconcile that with the multiple wound units rules. I'm assuming the multiple wound units rules would work against identical models in the same unit say 2 heavy bolter attack bikes. If that squad takes two wounds, an attack bike is removed.

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Thats what I thought. However my friend was telling me that the rule section for multiple wound units states that you can't spread the wounds around to avoid removing models. Yet, in the example above if the hammer fails the storm shield guy passes both and the bp and ccw takes 1 wound, then effectively through wound allocation I have spread the wounds around as two models each have 1 wound and my squad is still at full strength.


I agree thats how wound allocation goes, I just wanted to reconcile that with the multiple wound units rules. I'm assuming the multiple wound units rules would work against identical models in the same unit say 2 heavy bolter attack bikes. If that squad takes two wounds, an attack bike is removed.

On the highlighted part - your friend should re-read the section he's referring too. You can't spread wounds around on like models in a Wound Allocation group. So if your TWC unit had two BP/CCW armed models, they couldn't have one wound each, one must take both and be removed.

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