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Can multiple Daemons possess the same person?


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Daemons can possess people, and a Daemon Prince is just a guy who is possessed by a powerful Daemon.

My question being can multiple Daemons possess the same person?

As Daemons are crazy and can do a great many things, i can see how it could happen, but i haven't found anything that supports this thought, or denies it.


Also I am new to this site and as such I don't know if this is in the correct spot or not.

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A Daemon Prince is a human/spacemarine/pretty much anyone who has given themselves over to chaos and proven themselves on multiple occasions. They are generally not something that is possessed by a daemon rather someone who has become one.


I have yet to see any fluff on someone being possessed by multiple daemons but I would think that there would be a possibility of it. But this brings the question of just how powerful each daemon is and if the person can take having two in there. Generally fluff wise its just a single person who is possessed by a single daemon and thats the end of that.

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Well... Guess it's possible, I guess it wouldn't be all that healthy for the host though, the general theme I've seen with daemons is that they don't like eachother at all... Could be some cool fluff though with 2 daemons batteling eachother within their host making the host abit... volatile...


"Can you hear the voices too?"

- something deadpool-y about having several voices in your head:D

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I'd echo Warsmith Gorrched on Daemon Princes - they tend to be mortals elevated to daemonhood, ones that have amused, gained favour or have simply killed enough for their patron god.
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I can see Tzeentch doing this (several daemonic faces in one body strikes me as a Tzeentchian image), Nurgle (a main daemon as a host to a bunch of daemonic 'flies') and Slaanesh (don't ask).


Anyway, if Chaos is based on Satan, among other things, there's always the Gospel story of Legion to support the idea of multiple simultaneous possessions.

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only chaos is not satan . there is no actual "God" to oppose them , the "gods" of warp are entities fueld and created through emotions of countless beings of many races .


it would be extremly hard to put 2 demons in to a single mortal . not only because having a stable possession[aka mortal doesnt die soon after the possession] is something that happens rarely . but because the weaker of the two demons would always be "eaten" by the stronger one .



as demon princes goes . they are warp changed mortals till they lose their mortal bodies the first time , after that they are 100% warp creatures and work just like "normal" demons .

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As was recently said to me, Chaos is Chaotic it really has very few limits. So believe what you want to!



chaos aka the word means random and chaos the warp power out of which the gods come is not random . There are rules and laws for the stuff to work .

I'm going to prevent this from becoming a debate. Yes there are rules to what can and can't be done. The nature of Chaos, however, tends to bend things a little. IIRC, don't daemons absorb other daemon's essences? So, an enterprising Chaos Lord might be able to summon a moderately powerful daemon who will do his will in exchange for feeding it lesser daemons and letting it become more powerful. This may have to be done via a host body though, to keep the daemon in the material realm.

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I'd echo Warsmith Gorrched on Daemon Princes - they tend to be mortals elevated to daemonhood, ones that have amused, gained favour or have simply killed enough for their patron god.


There are daemon princes who gained their status by allowing possession, such as Mamon of the Vraks wars.

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Chaos is the essence of the warp which is beyond mortal comprehension. Either way there are no laws in the Eye or with anything that has to do with the warp. Can it be harnessed? Sure. Can it be contained? Sure. But it is not predictable and I don't know where I've actually seen anything that comes down the line as 'laws' in regards to the warp. It has always come across and been said by various authors of countless books that no mortals can comprehend the warp because of its sheer scale/scope/randomness.
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Getting back to the original question:

My question being can multiple Daemons possess the same person?


I would answer yes, but with one of two results:

1) The strongest Daemon absorbs the weaker, leaving only one.


2) The body cannot handle the energies of them and begins spontaneous mutation until either the daemons leave or the body loses all cohesion and melts/blows up leaving the daemons nothing fun to possess.


But no, not as a prolonged experience.

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There's nothing against it. I guess the better question to ask you is are the daemons all aligned to the same power?


The way I see it is, the host would have to either be very strong-willed or a strong psyker, whether that be an astropath, a Navigator or even a plain old psyker. Anyone who has read the Eisenhorn series should know why I said strong-willed. Just remember the data addict. I say these "requirements" would be needed because it takes tremendous amounts of will just for a person to host one daemon without the daemon taking over.


Or you could have a summoning ritual that summoned too many lesser daemons into a host, and they were forced to share it and are constantly fighting each other for control. Although it might turn into some sort of resemblance to a spawn at that point. But if you can work it then go for it.

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First, a Daemon Prince could be either a possessed warrior whose body has swelled to enormous proportions, OR a once-mortal who has ascended to immortality through dark deeds. Neither answer is incorrect, and there are multiple cases of both instances happening in both the codexes and BL books.


Second, two daemons in one body would have to end violently at some point or another (for either one of the Daemons, the host, or a combination thereof), but the modelling / fluff for such a character damn nears screams "Awesome-sauce". Three voices from one mouth, the host slowly splitting in two (or three if the host is strong enough to resist too), etc. I'd personally say roll with it, in the understanding that the poor bugger is going to have a very GrimDark ending. Which, of course, fits very well. :D


when I think of multiple daemons in one person, I just get an image of a really confused guy repeatedly punching himself in the face.


Dammit, just shot Dr. Pepper out my nose...


Thanks Darkchild. ;)

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when I think of multiple daemons in one person, I just get an image of a really confused guy repeatedly punching himself in the face.


Dammit, just shot Dr. Pepper out my nose...


Thanks Darkchild. ;)

Is it bad that I read this and laughed so hard that my mountain dew went down the wrong pipe?

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I never thought about two...but I imagine it would be difficult. Maybe several very weak entities...or one posing as a collective. I really liked how the Possessed Space Marines were portrayed in First Heretic, an almost symbiotic relationship very reminiscent of Venom from Spider-Man, not where the host is just consumed by the Daemon, but that the share equal space within the body and work together to make a greater being.


Possessed as Troops would be the only way (well, and possessed being better of course) I'd ever play as Wordbearers.

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Rule wise one could see the random damonic abilities for the possessed CSM as multiple demons possessing them. Especially ifyou use the same list over and over, and enough of the possessed actually survive to the next game.


But then again i personally think that since demons tend to be extremly egoistic they wouldnt be too happy about sharing the same vessel with another demon and there fore try to take controll of the host and during that struggle killing the host.


but i don't know.

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You could fluff it to be cool. I made a two-headed Daemon Prince and came up with a story about two Champions who pleased Khorne enough to earn elevation but at the last minute annoyed him, so they were stuck together in one Daemon Prince. I gave it as a gift to a friend, so I never developed the story further than that, but Rule of Cool always applies.


Multiple possessions would probably be a Tzeentchian thing.


Or a Slaaneshi thing...

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Well in our mythologies and religions people possessed by several demons were not some freaks punching themselves in a face, in fact they were strong and dangerous individuals. Why it could not apply for W40k? I hate idea of chaos servants and creatures not being able work together for greater evil and punching themselves in face for lols.

I also disagree with jeske. All we know about chaos is how Imperium sees chaos and despite their religious nature they tend to rationalise things. In fact, jeske himself is defending irrational chaos: I fail to see logic in chaos factions fighting themselves while there is Imperium to destroy.

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but each nurgling is separate demon and non of them controls their host + someone would have to be GUCO size for it to work.

That would actually be the why it might work. And daemons can take any size they want to since they aren't material. Besides, most servants of Nurgle tend to be on the GUCO side. So, in theory, someone could get possessed by a few hundred Nurglings who have shrunk themselves down to the cellular level and somehow melded together to create some sort of collective mind to control the body. There's your Legion.

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