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Counter shooty orks


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Hi guys,

I will be soon facing a shooty ork army.

Something like this:


HQ - Big Mek w/ KFF

HQ - Warboss w/ PK


Troops - Nobs x 6

Troops - Shoota Boyz x 12 w/ Nob PK

Troops - Shoota Boyz x 12 w/ Nob PK

Troops - Shoota Boyz x 12 w/ Nob PK


Elites - 15 Lootas

Elites - 15 Lootas

Elites - 15 Lootas


+ an unknown amount of killa cans.


Any ideas what units to bring?

I'm playing mechanized / hybrid.

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No transports? 2 Baals to bring them doom.

For the killa kans, 2 Assault squads with 2 Meltaguns each should work very well. What point limit is this? If you have spare points, I'd invest in some Death Company + Reclusiarch to tear mobs apart, especially the nobs will feel the pain when countered by DC. Invest in a hammer to insta-kill the Waaaghboss, though.


What else...Sanguinary Priests. Essential to victory, I'd say. Against Orks, bigger squads are always better, so go with 10 men squads only. To be prepared for anything, some trikes or Landspeeders could help to take down more killa kans.


You could even try Whirlwinds. 2 of them will really mess the Orks' plans up, or Devs with 4 Missile launchers. Template weapons and high-fire rate weapons will have a field day, I'd imagine.





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tbh simply this: charge them.


with only 12 boyz mobs running around 1 charge will kill them all off :D


cans arent much of a problem either, theyre low armour values mean they die easily. also renember ifi theyre squadronned they die even if you only immobilize one :P


lootas can have a staggering amount of shots but BS2 and the fact that they allow armour saves and FNP means their impact is....limited.


I wouldnt worry to much ;)


and well er... have fun beating their faces in :D

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I don't know why I advised you to shoot shooty orks, but Demoulius is correct. Crush them under your power-armoured boots! DC, assault squads, Vanguard Veterans, even Scout bikers should do well. You could also go with Sanguinary Guard, AP4 Stormbolters are fun!


Their whole shooting is BS2(as Dem already said) so slap one or two Priests in your squads and call it a day. It's not one of their powerful builds.


The Kustom Force Field grants a 4+ coversave for units in range(which was 12" if I remember that correctly), but it could also be a 5+ save, I'm not entirely sure.




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Pretty sure it grants a 5+ save. I also run shooty orks but take a shock attack gun on my big mek (way more fun).

Anyways his list can't really deal with AV14 at range so a landraider crusader could deal with most troops (keep it away from the powerklaws though) also a whirlwind might be fun since it would ignore the cover save and can be placed outside line of sight.

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The big mek's KFF confers a 4+ obscured save to vehicles within 6" of the mek's base. This was recently FAQ'd to grant saves only to models within the 6" range and not the entire squadron like it used to, basically a big middle finger to kanwall lists.


Essentially how a kan wall works is the Kans line up front and get 4+ cover from the big mek's KFF, and the boys and everything else march behind the kans to get a 4+ from them, thus fixing the inherent 6+ armor save problem Orks have. I also have a kan wall army and you'd be surprised how durable AV11 is with a constant 4+ cover save, and really the kanz main purpose is to protect the boys so if any of them survive to make CC then that's just gravy.


Now onto how to beat this list, the first thing I notice about his list is that he has spent a metric ton of points on lootas (3 squads of 15 costs more than a landraider full of assault termies and a sanguinary priest). Now lootas are a pretty scary unit but they have one BIG flaw they have super low LD a squad cap of 15 and no access to a boss pole outside of an HQ joining them. So if you kill a few and make them take a morale test they will likely fail and they will run. A couple Baal Predators should easily be able to kill off one maybe two squads of lootas right off the bat (if he has 15 lootas then it's going to be hard to get them cover saves on most boards). Plus AVe13 front is very strong against BS2 S7 shooting, the only thing that can really threaten the Predators are the boys and Kanz but being fast negates that threat pretty well.


Melta guns will make quick work of Kans even outside of the 6" sweet spot if you position yourself carefully you can stay at the 12" mark and blow kans up and avoid the boys charge next turn, just be careful of his Waagh! (also remember Kanz don't Waagh). If he is stopping to shoot with his shoota boys then you have likely already won, tons of shots are scary but not at BS2 and with FnP.


The key too beating them in assault is to always get the charge and multi charge where possible, if you do have to accept a charge from him FnP at least makes it possible (at least they are shoota boys and not slugga's, 4 attacks on the charge hurts) and if you survive the first round of combat normal orks drop to S3 making them much less scary.


All in all you shouldn't have much trouble with a Kan wall but it won't be easy enough that you will be bored. There is no real obligatory unit to take anything in our codex is plenty capable of handling Orks.

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Forgive me if I am wrong as my knowledge of the Codex: Orks isn't that great but kill the lootas first. In one of my most recent Apocalypse games a full squad of lootas used weapons akin to Autocannons to blow large holes out of my units. Worth noting that you wont know what weapons they will turn up with until the game itself.


A Librarian with Sword (or Mep) will eat the Kans/Dreadnoughts for breakfast but the "hidden Power Claws" in the boyz squads will pose a threat so always engage in bulk as opposed to piecemeal (obvious really but I still found out the hard way).

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run 3 whirlwinds and 3 dakka baals. this will destory any infrintry he has. or you can go the assault way and take 3 units of vanguard vets and take out the lootas that way. I still say a whirlwind is nice. Some scout bikers to outflank and then mabeydante and unt of deep strikeing death company. you will have a feild day with template weapons and hand flamers.
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I'd take some fire support to blow up the kans from afar, either predators or devs.


And to kill his men, yes zooming across the board and cutting them to pieces is your best best. The lootas shoot a lot, but make sure you ahve FNP coverage everywhere they won't be able to kill much, combined with the fact that they can't hit a barn door at 5 yards.


So, a nice unit of death company, if you want to be nasty make it 7 with jp, a hammer and lemartes, or play it safe and take 7, reclusiarch/chaplain, hammer in a landraider crusader.


Or, a unit or two of sanguinary guard with 2+ save and FNP ought to be near invulnerable to his fire and will tear his men bits.


Even vanilla 10 assault marines with 2x melta and powerfist with FNP and FC will cut his troops to pieces.


Or, a pair of Baals with any weapon load(I'm particularly partial to TL assault cannon and heavy bolters) will panic most of his units off the board, though a BA through and through ought to beat greenskins of all foes in glorious close combat !

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KFF is 5+ cover and obscured vehicles (so a 4+ cover) regardless of posistion. sort of like SoS but better as it doesent need a psychic test and gives a better save to vehicles ;)


lootas indeed fill the same role as autocannons do in other armies. S7 is nothing to sniff at and a 15 boy mob can dish out a staggering 45 shots if he gets a 5 or 6 on the d3. sure hes hitting on 5's but with so many shots your bound to be in trouble sooner rather then later :) even with avarage rolls thats 15 shots that are wounding/getting a chance to glance/pen.


also renember that he has 3 of those groups, which generally means that your armor is unlikely to be safe. at least 1 unit is bound to have LOS to them :ermm:


that said his troop choices are very very weak compared to other ork armies... ive faced a footslogging ork player regulary and he had 30 shoota boyz mobs. trust me, those send out a staggering amount of hurt :down: even with AS and FNP....


im abit puzzled actually, i might have missed something but... are all his troops full mech? if im not mistaken his trukks can handle up to 12 models?


dont worry to much about the kans either. low WS, low armour values. the only dangerous thing about them are dreadnought close combat weapons and possble S8AP1 shots (at BS3) but the weapon is pretty short ranged if im not mistaken, 12 inch range i think. if you manage to take some of their close combat weapons off you can safely charge them (or better yet immobilize a few ;) )

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