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Looking for something different


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@GeoWolf: It's written properly, and it's RAW is that they don't exchange anything for the special weapons, just the plasma pistols require that. If the special weapons also would remove the pistol the plasma pistol would be in their "list" as well.




*Up to two Raptors may replace their pistol with one of the following:

  -Plasma Pistol for X pts per model

  -Plasma Gun for X pts per model

  -Meltagun for X pts per model

  -Flamer for X pts per model


This is how it would have been written if the special weapons also removed their pistols, and it isn't...

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What other options are there that set up a precedent for this, where you don't have to trade in any weapons but rather just add to your stock setup?

Chaos Lord with Combi-weapon option while not in Terminator Armor who get's Bolt Pistol / Close Combat Weapon / Combi-Weapon.


And can upgrade Bolt Pistol and/or Close Combat Weapon


Which has also created the funny Chaos Lord with twin Lightning Claws and Combi-melta which makes no sense but still is perfectly legal.



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