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BBJ Does Nipplewing!

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always believe in your soul

you've got the power to know

you're indestructible

always believe in, because you are


glad that you're bound to return

there's something I could have learned

you're indestructible, always believe in....


Took about 20 mins, airbrush + vallejo model air. Sadly, shading and highlighting it all is going to take the best part of a day, bummer.

  • 2 months later...

So I've been slacking off the blood angels by being busy with stupid stuff like work, but I've had some leave the last few days and instead of enjoying the sunshine like a normal person I've done some painting instead.

They're rapidly approaching completion, really just the glaives to do and the little details on the guns (chalices, scrolls, skulls, etc). After that I'll make a start on the sanguinary priests, which I'm really quite looking forward to, it'll make a change from gold, which is also a pain in the backside to photograph!

here's the pictures:

This one is a good representation of the gold, but ruins the other stuff


this one the details look right, but the gold looks off


'Line Troops' (40pts each!!!) are now complete!

Sort of.

Banner still needs painting, will do it last, hate those things. Bases also are undone at the moment, still deciding what to do with them, I'm leaning towards muddy with small tufts of grass, but will decide at the end.

Sanguinary priests are next, nothing done on them yet, but will make a start this afternoon hopefully.

Here's the pics:





Comments/criticism etc gladly received.

You have me confused Sir BBJ, vis:

  • I like your models far more than the stock models.
  • I like your models far more than the Studio SG in the codex/WD etc.
  • But your models aren't actually anything nonstandard at all, bar the clipping of the wings.

Maybe you're just one of these guys who carefully poses his miniatures, and can make anything look good.


Painting - while not showy or spectacular - is very well done indeed.

  • 3 months later...

These guys have been neglected for long enough, and I have decided that it's finally time to finish them! To that end, I vow that all of these models will be painted, based and varnished by the 23rd september 2012!

Step one...


Sang priests, DONE.

Dante has begun, blocking in colours with foundation paints at the moment.

The army looks top notch and I really am a fan of the purple. If you really want to go the extra mile, I would try and add a little more contrast on the white, and use some gloss varnish on all of the gems and eyes. You're going to be staring at these guys from probably three feet away most of the time when they are on the table, so having what looks like almost a solid block of white makes it look like it was highly rushed.


Other than that, I don't have anything else left to say. Awesome job.

DING! Dante is done:


Awful photo I know, all my camera equipment has been packed up prior to a forthcoming deployment... so iPhone pics are all I've got right now!

All that's left to do now is the banner and the bases, then it's varnish time :sick:

  • 10 months later...


so I'm kinda back, just had an operation which has put me off work for a long time so I decided it's high time I finish these guys off!

the final piece of the puzzle was the banner and I've made a start... just under a year since I last painted anything so I'm a bit rusty:


more to come soon!

Also, bases, what do you guys think? I'm working towards just brown with tufts of grass, it's dull but effective?


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