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The Mighty Thunderhawk Gunship


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After having a quick search in this forum and not finding a suitable answer, I was wondering how those of you who are lucky enough to have a Thunderhawk use them in your Apocalypse games.


Would you use them similar to a Stormraven (in a regular game) or would you use them more as a gunship? Do you have a preferred loadout for them? And, other than the fact that seeing one on the battlefield is cool, what reason would make you take one over something else? (other than the fact that you have forked out a small fortune for it)


The main reason that I ask is that I intend on having one in the future and would prefer it if it wasn't shot to pieces on the first turn...

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I don't have a FW one but I do have a scratch built one that I'm quite fond of. I play mine similar to a Stormraven in that it's primary role, especially in apocalypse, will be as a transport. I use mine as part of a Reaper Angellis Assassination Force (IA9). I either bring it on turn 1 or 2 (Careful Planning) and use it as a Flyer on that turn and basically fly right to the target of the Assassination Force. Loaded with Turbo Laser, Lascannons and Hellstrikes gives it good threat against any armor in the immediate vicinity so hopefully you can take out any weapons in the area that might threaten it during your opponents turn. Next turn move 12" towards target (surely it will have moved as far as possible away from the intimidating big red bird), disgorge Terminators and laugh at opponent. If its still alive the next turn count your blessings though. Once in Hover Mode it essentially paints a bullseye on itself.



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