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chaos space marines equipment


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It's probably a mixture of what they had from the Heresy, what they might have found or taken from daemonworlds, what is produced by any forgeworlds that Legion or Warband might own and what they scavenge from Loyalists and each other.
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It's probably a mixture of what they had from the Heresy, what they might have found or taken from daemonworlds, what is produced by any forgeworlds that Legion or Warband might own and what they scavenge from Loyalists and each other.


Pretty much this. It really changes from warband to warband, though I imagine that most fall under "all" at some point or another.

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It's probably a mixture of what they had from the Heresy, what they might have found or taken from daemonworlds, what is produced by any forgeworlds that Legion or Warband might own and what they scavenge from Loyalists and each other.


Pretty much this. It really changes from warband to warband, though I imagine that most fall under "all" at some point or another.

Not just from warband to warband, but even from Marine to Marine within a single warband. Some CSMs like taking trophies from loyalists they've killed, some take pride in maintaining old gear dating back to the Heresy era, and some just don't care as long as their weapons still kill things and their armor still blocks enemy fire, and end up with a confused mish-mash of gear from various random field repairs.

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I'd say it depends from warband to warband. Black legion can most likely manufacture their own stuff in some forge worlds and thrive while warbands like the one pictured in the Soul Hunter trilogy can barely manage to survive even by stripping dead loyalists and raiding Imperial bases. And has no capability what so ever to manufacture anything.




edit: Which also brings me to think that a CSM would be interrested in upgrading from his old MK II or Mk IV power armour to a newer modell since even the most thick headed must understand that hidden power cables must be a better thing than exposed ones. (Even if a they all save on a 3+...)

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