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So I have the blood Angels codex and I'm dead set on them! A guy at my local GW store has some models he can sell me on the cheap, ready made and magnetized: Mephison (i think thats how you spell it), 5x assault space marines and a ten man tactical squad. Would this be an okay start up/core for an army? I don't want to invest to much money to start with. Thanks in advance.
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If hes charging you more than about 50 bucks US you arent getting an amazing deal by any means, but yes thats a good start to an army- 1 HQ and 2 troops, the minimum you need to field said army.


To make it worthwhile for you though, youd be well off investing another 50 bucks on 5 more assault marines, and perhaps a jump-pack wearing chaplain to lead them. Mephiston is a powerful character, no mistake, but hes really way to expensive for the point values that you can play with this army *around 500*.


After that Id recommend getting a Razorback kit- they double as rhinos, and the kits only $2 more expensive for a $14 dollar bit to be included. Fielding it as a Razorback will increase your armies firepower, as a rhino itll greatly improve youre mobility for that tactical squad.


Then play around a bit- borrow or proxy some units, buy when you can, youll get up to 1500pts quicker than you think.

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The thing is i eventually want to have a jumpack army so a razorback probably wont get much use later on, it would however look awesome, and i dont think tactical squads can have jumpacks. The proxy librarian idea is great though thanks dude. what do you guys suggest for a jumpack army is there anything that is a must have?


On the other hand the assault's jumppacks are magnetic so I could take em off and run razorback to try it. I do like the idea of a drive by army :)

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I would personally get the razorback, but then again I play hybrid so I like a mix of JP/transports. If your going to go full jump pack then vanguard might be a good idea. You don't even need to get expensive and high-maintinence finecast, just buy a regular assault squad and paint their helmets gold. The assault squad kit comes with two power weapons, two plasma pistols and a fist, which is WAY more than enough for a five-man vanguard. Later on you can expand the squad, I belive most people run 2-3 10 man squads in 1500 points. So maybe buy two assault squads, one to bulk up the original to 10 and one to use as vanguard. At least, thats what I would do if I was in your position and going for all JP (But hybrid is better ;) .)
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Regular Assault Marines have yellow helmets. Veterans, either Vanguard or Sternguard, have gold helmets. Take a peek at p70 and p73 of the Codex.


The Vanguards on the GW website, if you're looking at the picture on the box, are Ultramarines.


Also, I use the Death Company box to make Vanguards. Same price as the Assault Squad box, cheaper than the actual Vanguard minis and you still get the ornate armour and a whole load of BA goodies to bling your other guys with.

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The thing is i eventually want to have a jumpack army so a razorback probably wont get much use later on, it would however look awesome, and i dont think tactical squads can have jumpacks. The proxy librarian idea is great though thanks dude. what do you guys suggest for a jumpack army is there anything that is a must have?


On the other hand the assault's jumppacks are magnetic so I could take em off and run razorback to try it. I do like the idea of a drive by army :)

Its mostly for that tactical squad. Even jump-pack armies need a good firebase at times, and the ability to run it as either transport gives you flexability. However, if you want to go solid jump-infantry then you probly dont want to buy this guys models off hand anyways, as youre only getting five assault marines anyways.

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DO NOT buy ASMs or Vanguard kits! They are horrendous for their price

DC kit is awesome for a BA army (just for +2-3$?), and it allows you to make ANY jump unit in the codex and has a pile-o-bits in it (which you can also trade for bits that you like\missing :rolleyes: )

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