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BT chaplain trouble


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Ok , I have been playing some BT player at club. He brought some sort of chaplain with routine and Mc Plasma pistol, that was not the problem. But his ability to come back with one wound if he passes his Ld roll, moreover he was in Hg unit with banner that allows morale re-rolls.


So basically this guy was almost immortal untill banner was alive...


Was this legal ? Moreover how to counter this, while not spending 3-4 turns in cc


Thank you brothers



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That's Grimaldus and the Fighting Company Banner and no, what they did is not legal. The FCB only allows you to re-roll failed Morale or Pinning tests. Grimaldus' rule (Only In Death Does Duty End) calls for a Leadership test. Ergo, no re-roll.


FYI, once Grimaldus uses that ability he has to pass a Leadership test at the start of every game turn to carry on fighting.

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It's d6". It only happens if they're an Infantry unit (Jump Infantry don't count) AND they suffer a casualty from a shooting attack AND they pass the resulting Morale test. If they fail the Morale test they Fall Back. It's called Righteous Zeal


Sounds like you got cheated pretty bad.

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the rightious zeal is not restricted to towards the enmey its just an d6 consolidation friend of mine plays bt


The rule says that the affected unit "must move towards the nearest visible enemy unit". p23, Codex: Black Templars


What Res said. You can treat it as a normal consolidation move in any direction though if you have a Chaplain attached to the unit. Or might be towards any enemy unit, just not the nearest, haven't read that bit in ages. So Grimaldus' unit would have had more control on where they move to.


To OP, try not to worry too much about asking to see a Codex when you play, especially if it's against an army you haven't encountered before. If it's truly a friendly game your opponent wouldn't be too worried about you looking up the rules anyway. I know that if I play someone, especially with armies that aren't played much like my Nids, I have the Codex on hand ready to clarify any rules or moves they may not be familiar with.


Besides, with the banner and Grimaldus' Ld tests, it may have been a simple mistake. Many people don't realize the different between a morale test and leadership test (a morale test being a subsidiary of a leadership test, so all morale tests are leadership tests but not all leadership tests are morale test), and it has needed some FAQs to clarify IIRC. Next time you play him and he tries it, or next time you see him politely point it out to him and ask if he realized that.

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the rightious zeal is not restricted to towards the enmey its just an d6 consolidation friend of mine plays bt


The rule says that the affected unit "must move towards the nearest visible enemy unit". p23, Codex: Black Templars


though a Chaplain overrides that to ANY visible enemy. also it is still a consolidation move(only in the direction of an enemy), so you can move 0-d6 inches




also to note:

Grimaldus can only come back ONCE, so if he dies the first time, he can come back with one wound, if he dies again after that, he's dead.

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