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White Scars Successors WIP


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i am in the process of creating my first chapter called the Storm Angels

(in the background making atm, will post for opinions when i can)


the colour scheme is fenris grey with snot green trim and green ridge on top of helmet.


i was lookin at making them a successor chapter to the White Scars


i like the feral and tribal thing of the white scars and the emblem of the Storm Angels is a white thunderbolt so i am going to use the shoulder pads for the WS


if i am to use the WS as the father chapter, do i have to use the hit and run philosophy of them or can i have my storm angels have heavy weapons and dreadnoughts in?


please give me some constructive criticism



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Most Successor Chapters follow their Primogenitor Chapters traits. However, some like the Black Templars (for example) don't.


As I'm currently writing my own version of an old (now abandoned) Chapter GW had made known as the Rainbow Warriors as White Scars successors, I was thinking the same thing (I've gone for them following the WS, rather than diverging). Personally, I can't see why a WS successor couldn't be divergent and have heavy support. Of course, if you are doing an IA, it always helps to have a reason why they chose not follow their predecessor footsteps... ;)


Either that or they could choose to have a compromise of heavy weapons mounted onto fairly fast vehicles - best of both worlds then! :D


(PS - Praise the Khan! :P )


EDIT: Just noticed that you want to field Dreads - White Scars hate the thought of Dreads if I recall, feeling it's unhonourable to the Marine in question. They prefer to die on the battlefield than be put in one, if I recall correctly. It doesn't stop you from having them though, if you can find a suitable, plausible explanation

thank you for that, will see what heavy weapons i can install on the speeders and bikes


and might just remove the dreadnought from my army altogether


can i use bits from other armies like say black templar melee weapons or dark angel bodies ? i like the tabards and robes idea

thank you for that, will see what heavy weapons i can install on the speeders and bikes


and might just remove the dreadnought from my army altogether


can i use bits from other armies like say black templar melee weapons or dark angel bodies ? i like the tabards and robes idea


I can't see why not, even if it's just from a "look" point of view.


Are you creating an IA (Index Astartes)? If you are and you're stuck for ideas or want feed back, then take a look in the Liber Astartes or Index Astartes Forums. There'll be a lot of members who could give you help and advice if you do :D


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