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Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine


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Latest Forge World newsletter came out today, with a new kit for Chaos players. The Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine.


The Decimator is a brutal and hellish creation; the essence of a creature of the Warp bound and fettered within the armoured bulk of a bipedal war machine. Great slab-shoulders of tainted and defiled ceramite and adamantium, and a low-set ‘head’ give the Decimator a characteristic hunched posture which exudes brooding and vicious menace.


Inquisitorial savants do not know for sure what malefic party is responsible for this sinful innovation as the Decimator is capable of fielding a wide range of armament: rapid-firing Butcher Cannons, multi-barrelled Stormlasers, and great raking Siege Claws to name but a few. Towering over even the mighty Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus Astartes, the Decimator is believed to be an attempt to bolster the ranks of such ancient devices that still serve the Traitor Legions. If this is the truth, then it is feared that many warriors of the Imperium will fall before these deadly war machines.


The Decimator Daemon Engine, designed by Daren Parrwood and Edgar Skomorowski, is an incredibly detailed full resin kit that stands roughly 4" (102mm) tall. Weapons for this fell war machine are sold separately, and Daren has designed three weapons kits that are released alongside the body kit: the Decimator Storm Laser, Decimator Siege Claw and Decimator Butcher Cannon. All these kits are available to pre-order now for despatch from Monday 2nd April, and you can also download experimental rules for the Decimator from the Forge World website.




So how are you going to run yours? :)

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While their lack of imagination isn't too suprising, I did think that the warmachine robot thing screamed "chaos" when I first saw it. Really though for 150 points I want 13 front and maybe 11 sides, at the very least make it 12/12/11 or something like the defiler. This truly is underwhelming though as it is now.
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Unholy Vigour and Daemonic Possession makes a front AV of 12 seems quite sufficient. And if you really want a beast give it the mark of Nurgle.


It's a much cheaper Butcher cannon platform than the Contemptor, it doesn't cost too much compared to a regular defiler (money-wise), and looks cool. 2x Butcher cannon and you have some serious fire support!


One other thing I noticed is that the butcher cannon looks almost exactly like the reaper autocannon from the Defiler kit. It might be in for upgraded rules when the next codex arrives? As it is now, it just looks silly to have the same rules for that gun and the Terminator reaper autocannon, so I won't complain.

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I was initially like :D when I saw it, but I have to say I'm not too sure anymore.


I think the rules that we've seen between this and the Chaos Contemptor's may indeed be a glimpse into the new rules for Chaos Legions and I have to say, I'm glad I'm building an all-Nurgle army right now! This thing is a beast if marked with Nurgle..


I'm not entirely sold on the model now, though. I'm hoping to attend the 40k Doubles tournament next September in Warhammer World, so I think I may see about having a nosey at this guy while I'm there. Seeing it in the flesh might help me decide... and then in that case, I'll be leaving with him and a Contemptor.


As for how to run him... I'd be tempted to leave him with those evil looking talons. Rules wise, they seem pretty damn good... imagine what would happen to a Tactical squad inside a Rhino that this guy tears into with two flamer attacks going inside??




LOL, after looking at it again after writing this post, I was suddenly struck by how much he looks like an Epic 40,000 scale Titan.

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It is my birthday this weekend. Guess what I'm going to ask for? :D


I don't know what the fuss about the AV is all about. Have you seen what it does to transports, and those inside??? :D


Seriously, I'm just jazzed that we're getting SOMETHING new for Chaos. I hope there's more to come! :lol:

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The sudden appearance of this kit makes me wonder...

As far as I'm aware, Imperial Armour 11 - The Doom of Mymeara doesn't have any Chaos units in it (anybody correct me if I'm wrong here, feel free). So does the sudden release of this mean that there is the possibility of a new IA book on the horizon with new Chaos stuff in it to co-inside with Chaos Legions?



Certainly some food for thought.

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I'm not sold on the legs. I think they would have been better with more normal jointed legs like the contemptor, rather than the multi-jointed contraption that we have. It looks off-balance to me, like its about to topple forwards. Other than that, it looks pretty good.


Sorry to double post but...




The sudden appearance of this kit makes me wonder...

As far as I'm aware, Imperial Armour 11 - The Doom of Mymeara doesn't have any Chaos units in it (anybody correct me if I'm wrong here, feel free). So does the sudden release of this mean that there is the possibility of a new IA book on the horizon with new Chaos stuff in it to co-inside with Chaos Legions?



Certainly some food for thought.


Isn't the next book supposed to be Tzeentch marines (I've heard NOT Thousand Sons) vs the Minotaurs in boarding action style engagements?

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Is it?


I hadn't heard anything on the matter, I was just speculating.

If it IS Tzeentch, then I'm really looking forward to seeing what FW comes up with. Along with Slaanesh, they've been left out of the loop for far too long.


I likely wouldn't buy any of the kits, but I really would like to see some FW love spread over the four powers.

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As far as it looking like a Warjack, I've always thought Warjacks looked like 40k titans given the 'steampunk treatment', so it doesn't bother me. It looks cool to me, whatever inspired it in reality, and more importently I think it is consistent with the Forge World Chaos design aesthetic.


That aside, I'm thinking Butcher Cannon and Storm Laser combo with the MoN.


I think the Defiler should get a Butcher Cannon, because it doesn't make sense the big cannon it has (which look like this Butcher Cannon) is the same thing that Terminators carry (which is much smaller).

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Yeah and in order to be useful with those cool looking claws it has to actually reach its intended target. Unless they change something around I'll wind up sticking with my defilers.


This is an Elites choice, though, so you can do both. This is moving toward the 'CrazyvChaos Pyscho Robots' army I've always dreamed of...

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Is it?


I hadn't heard anything on the matter, I was just speculating.

If it IS Tzeentch, then I'm really looking forward to seeing what FW comes up with. Along with Slaanesh, they've been left out of the loop for far too long.


I likely wouldn't buy any of the kits, but I really would like to see some FW love spread over the four powers.


This is what I found with a quick search-fu:


The thread and the quote from it:


The Minotaurs are said to show up in IA 12 again.



Imperial Armour Volume 12 is called The Morros Incident (several gags about Morris Dancing at this point)

Set on a Prison Planet with a subterranean labyrinth prison.

Will feature Penal Legion,

Minotaurs space marine chapter (Minotaurs in a Labyrinth? Go figure)



Imperial Armour masterclass 2 is next book after IA 11.

Then IA12 - The Morros Incident - contents as reported previously. Little extra details given except for minotaurs pads etc.


I did read it somewhere else, however I can't remember where. It jives with the Minotaurs stuff FW are releasing. :lol:

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Warjacks are hideous steampunk junk. This is cool. With infantry being useless in 40k these days, its inevitable this is whats next.. you've already bought some rhinos.


Anyway it looks totally badass. I approve.

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I was playing with one of these last time I was at HQ (playing as in "walking it around a Mortalis board and saying "Stomp, stomp, stomp, Welcome to your doom, KAPOW!" rather than playing in an actual game) and I fell in love with it.


It's out earlier than I thought it would be, which is all to the good. It means I can use one in my campaign.


Yes, sir. I shall have one at once.

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Well after reading the rules a few more times I can see it might be useful as a CC beast. Decent number of attacks and the ability to get back up and threaten anything in range is nice. One question though. Reading through the rules, when it says "In addition if the Decimator is Wrecked (but does not suffer a Vehicle Explodes result when destroyed)" Does that mean that it's immune to the explodes? Or when it explodes that's it, no getting back up?
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I was playing with one of these last time I was at HQ (playing as in "walking it around a Mortalis board and saying "Stomp, stomp, stomp, Welcome to your doom, KAPOW!" rather than playing in an actual game)

Games with you must just be epic ;) :P B)

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Reading through the rules, when it says "In addition if the Decimator is Wrecked (but does not suffer a Vehicle Explodes result when destroyed)" Does that mean that it's immune to the explodes? Or when it explodes that's it, no getting back up?


Looks like explodes = no more getting back up.

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Reading through the rules, when it says "In addition if the Decimator is Wrecked (but does not suffer a Vehicle Explodes result when destroyed)" Does that mean that it's immune to the explodes? Or when it explodes that's it, no getting back up?


Looks like explodes = no more getting back up.


That's how I read it, too. Otherwise... that would actually just be insane (and not the good insane).

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Damn it FW, I'm a student , stop tempting me so! I'm already tempted by either the Contemptor or the wraithseer, and now you release this! My only hope is that no jetbike to land speeder sized fast attack option with some kind of either plasma or melta capability is not released, other wise my wallet/student loan will well and truly .

I may be able to hold on until after exams this year, then in all honesty I may get either one of this or a contemptor, though there is my birthday in may....

Anyone else now also wondering what over sort of Daemon engines will be coming out? all I know is between these and the contemptor, my Thousand sons will be happy.

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