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Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine


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I can see buying this, but not until I see new rules for 40K and Chaos. I have two other forgeworld models to paint and at least one rhino plus a few more foot troops. Once the new rules are out I'll see what kinda 1500 point army I want to run in the short term and whether I'll put a lot more work into my CSM army. I too welcome the evil robots build but to top the orks or equal the orks you need Dreadnoughts as troops. ;-)
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It really is gorgeous. I think the rules are well-balanced, at least on paper. Mostly, I'm just psyched that Chaos is getting a decent gun platform in elites, since our normal dreads are so hideously unreliable. I've been having evil thoughts all afternoon of lists with these. My current thought is an all-nurgle list with winged prince, greater daemon, 3x decimators with siege claws and butcher cannons, 3x defilers with extra DCCWs, and 3x squads of plague marines in rhinos. It all fits in 2000pts, and a good conversion job would make the army just look fantastic!


P.S. Or, alternatively... shameless plug

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I love everything but the arms. I had much higher hopes on the Butcher cannon that is here a copy from the Hell Blade reaper autocannons rather than inspired by the descriptions of the relic weapons in the IA Apoc 2. The CC arms look a bit weak as well. But it looks great as a foundation for conversions!
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Soulless animated hunk of metal? I'm pretty sure that could fit in a KSons list. *hint hint, wink wink


No that is just the rubrics.. the never changing pawns of the lord of change... All the cool stuff is about floating weird stuff that makes you poop out of your mouth... and I mean real poop... Don't ask questions... It is Tzeentch related... Just go with it!


I'm sure my Generic chaos army can find room somewhere... but I want to fight it :)

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I like the rules quite a lot, very flavorful while remaining nasty- (except init 3- what the warp?!) however the actual model leaves me cold. I think a chaosified dreadknight with spare defiler bits might be in order.
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however the actual model leaves me cold. I think a chaosified dreadknight with spare defiler bits might be in order.


Hell no. No baby carrying, anime styled lump of crap will sully my army...no sir.

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My only hope is that no jetbike to land speeder sized fast attack option with some kind of either plasma or melta capability is not released,


Uh... yeah. Me too...



Does this reverse psychology stuff actually work?


I have no idea! :)

but still, this direction can only be good!

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QUOTE (whythre @ Mar 12 2012, 10:06 PM) *

however the actual model leaves me cold. I think a chaosified dreadknight with spare defiler bits might be in order.


Hell no. No baby carrying, anime styled lump of crap will sully my army...no sir.



Haha, I agree that the wardknight looks dumb, Heathens, but I think it might be the lesser of two evils here- warjack vs anime mech? I think it'd be easier to fix the mech. I already have a pile of old defiler bits to boot.

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If anything this looks like a small, gunless Warlord Titan; no idea why anyone would think it's a Warjack copy.


Exactly. The "warjack" accusation is sorta nonsense.







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Those are some nice Warjacks, ADB.





Also, i can't wait to see a few of these models gussied up with some legion specific paintjobs by the B&C community. Its like an evil christmas.

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The sudden appearance of this kit makes me wonder...

As far as I'm aware, Imperial Armour 11 - The Doom of Mymeara doesn't have any Chaos units in it (anybody correct me if I'm wrong here, feel free). So does the sudden release of this mean that there is the possibility of a new IA book on the horizon with new Chaos stuff in it to co-inside with Chaos Legions?



Certainly some food for thought.


IA11 is Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, IG Cadians and Elysian Drop troops, a few Titans plus Bran Redmaws Wolves.

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QUOTE (whythre @ Mar 12 2012, 10:06 PM) *

however the actual model leaves me cold. I think a chaosified dreadknight with spare defiler bits might be in order.


Hell no. No baby carrying, anime styled lump of crap will sully my army...no sir.



Haha, I agree that the wardknight looks dumb, Heathens, but I think it might be the lesser of two evils here- warjack vs anime mech? I think it'd be easier to fix the mech. I already have a pile of old defiler bits to boot.


Guess we'll have too agree to disagree there, man. I don't see the Warjack comparison myself, and I think the Decimator looks gnarly as hell; but hey, to each their own. B)

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Good looking model but quite useless outside the rather expensive nurgle butcherman configuration.

The huge size means that it will probably never be able to claim coversaves so it has to rely on unholy vigour to stay alive.

WS3, BS3, I3 as well as AV12/11 and lack of fleet mean that it isn't realy good in cc which is a pity imo.

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I talked about this in the other thread, but I'm thinking that the Decimator should rove the midfield with x2 Storm Lasers hosing down MEQ infantry. MoN to get back up easier, or MoT to make more shooting count. With x2 Storm Lasers (and I spent a few hours rolling hypotheticals while browsing the internet) should usually score 3-5 hits, with 1-3 wounds. Str 6, but AP3, yo, so no armor saves for regular PA. The ability to ignore shaken/stunned and a 5+ save for immobilized or weapon destroyed, along with the chance to get back up, and it should be able to spend a couple or three rounds shooting. For its cost I don't think that's bad at all. Say the enemy gets paranoid about the constant stream of Storm Lasers to the face and concentrates fire on it, that's free movement for your tooled up Defilers to Fleet into HTH, or splitting fire between the big, scary Decimator and your Oblit squads.


How does that sound?

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confused design - better at assault but side AV11 makes moving to assault risky. Turning it shooty makes it as costly as the mortis contemptor with CML/dual kheres but less damaging. (dp/unholy vigor/12/11/11 vs atom shield/13/12/11 is shakey as well)


I would have been happier if it had started 12/12/11 with claws and changed to 13/11/11 with shooty (no attacks lost and some sort of cumulative bonus for 2 claws)


Sticking it in a list with Winged nurgle princes and blight drones looks cools as all hell warp

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