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Embarrassing question


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Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.


But since GW ever-so-helpfully removed all of their blasted painting articles, I been left with no idea of which reds to use, or indeed what/how to paint the brass trim traditional for Khornates.


A little help here?

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GW supposedly removed the painting articles to make way for a new paint range, so I expect they'll be making new ones to replace them in time.


As for painting red, it really depends on the tone you're going for. Do you want a bright, fresh-blood colour? Or a deeper red? Probably the easiest way would be with Mechrite Red over a Chaos Black undercoat (it will probably take 2-3 thin coats to get a smooth coverage), with Red Gore and Blood Red for highlights.


I paint mine with the following:

  1. Undercoat black.
  2. Basecoat with 2:1 (roughly) Mechrite Red and Chaos Black mixture.
  3. First highlight with Mechrite Red.
  4. Second highlight with 1:1 Mechrite Red and Blood Red.
  5. Third highlight with Blood Red.
  6. Final highlight with Bleached Bone, only on very tips and corners and such.

For brass, I basecoat with Tin Bitz, highlight with Dwarf Bronze and then Mithril Silver. Both the red and the brass are then washed with Devlin Mud.

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While I'm still working on mine, I personally like using scab red over chaos black, will probably use mechrite and gore for highlights, or mix mechrite/gore/scab for highlight colors. For brass trim I've found I get my best cold by applying dwarf bronze, followed by shining gold. And yeah, devlan mud and badab black are the best washes for adding a gritty dirty look to models, though I'm personally thinking of applying baal red to there'd areas before I use those washes. It's really up to personal preference and experimenting. Also I'm going to do each squad of my 'zerkers different to distinguish them. So my first quad has all the pretty brass trim, while I'm going to use a dirty rusty black for the second squads trim, will probably do bleached bone for the third. And I paint much to slowly and infrequently to think beyond that... :D
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How i painted my WE/WB...


Black under coat.

Mechrite red (i painted 2-3 thin layers for smooth coverage).

I then used a heavily watered down mix of 70/30 mechrite/black mix to black line the mini (Black line=painting a dark colour into the recesses. Kind of like a reverse highlight).

Highlight with blood red.

Wash with Baal red.




Hope this helps and good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Using the new system, according to GW,





Khorne Red base

Carroburg Crimson Shade

Wazdakka Red Layer 1

Squig Orange Layer 2

Drybrush KindleFlame

Glaze Bloodletter




Warplock Bronze Base

Agrax Earthshade Shade

Brass Scorpion Layer 1

Runelord Brass Layer 2

Golden Griffon Drybrush

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Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.


But since GW ever-so-helpfully removed all of their blasted painting articles, I been left with no idea of which reds to use, or indeed what/how to paint the brass trim traditional for Khornates.


A little help here?




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I've recently begun using the Army Painter spray cans for primer. Still getting ahold of the proper spraying trick, but I use the Pure Red for a bright red, starts a little Orangey, but I go other with that with a heavy Baal Red wash, and highlights of blood red. Thats just a personal formula. I may be able to get a picture for you on Wednesday, my ipod pictures are too blurry to see the shade well.
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I've started messing around with the new GW paints. They're actually quite nice. My new painting method goes like this:

  1. Undercoat black.
  2. 1:1 (ish) Khorne Red + Black. I mixed an entire pot of this to stay consistent over my whole army.
  3. Liberal highlight with just Khorne Red. It will probably look a little stark, but the colour will dry darker than it looks while wet.
  4. Highlight Wazdakka Red on edges, etc.
  5. Highlight Evil Sunz Scarlet on edges near corners.
  6. Highlight Screaming Skull only on the tips of corners or anywhere else that would catch light.
  7. Go back over with the original basecoat to fix up any stray brush marks or highlights that were too thick.
  8. Glaze with a 2:1 (ish) mix of Bloodletter and Agrax Earthshade (I found Bloodletter on its own made the colour way too bright for me, but YMMV). This helps all of the previous steps blend together properly. Like my basecoat, I mixed together a whole pot of this for simplicity.

This will give a very dark red with fairly stark highlights, which helps them "pop" on the tabletop, and is actually quite quick to paint.

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