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Chaos Decimator


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It seems to me that this is the perfect piece of kit to shore up a pure Thousand Sons armies lack of high volume mid strength fire for opening rhinos, and adds some reliable counter assault with a butcher cannon and siege claw.


Anyone thinking of buying one?

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It seems to me that this is the perfect piece of kit to shore up a pure Thousand Sons armies lack of high volume mid strength fire for opening rhinos, and adds some reliable counter assault with a butcher cannon and siege claw.


Anyone thinking of buying one?

Most definitely! I was thinking a good variant for Thousand Sons might be dual storm lasers with the mark of Tzeentch. Of course butcher cannon and claw is nice too! :lol:


However, in my current Thousand Sons army I run two dreadnoughts with plasma cannons that lead the line and keep ahead of the rest of the force. They add extra fire support for the three obliterators that can obviously swap between weapons.


It's nice that these decimators add even more heavy weapon platform options to the Thousand Sons, especially how they are shackled daemons, although we can always say that it's a sorcerer's will that drives them or that they are Cataphracts :P

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To be honest the risk of chaos dreadnoughts shooting your own troops with 'fire frenzy' is now significantly reduced thanks to the latest FAQ as long as you keep them up front (which is where they would be anyway).
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I think it is too expensive.... it loses to the Dreadknight test where i'd rather have a Dreadknight then the Decimator anyday. It loses melee contests vs other dreads due to I3, it doesn't have fleet like other options do.


It is an elite choice which is nice.


The model is cool, but then again it is also has some of the same look as my upright Defiler conversion I does.

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To be honest the risk of chaos dreadnoughts shooting your own troops with 'fire frenzy' is now significantly reduced thanks to the latest FAQ as long as you keep them up front (which is where they would be anyway).

Problem with that is that they aren't moving when they FF, thereby keeping the rest of your army back...


The FAQ was like putting a band-aid on a bleeding artery...


(and then they stabbed the C:CSM patient in a perfectly fine kidney with the warptime nerf)

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To be honest the risk of chaos dreadnoughts shooting your own troops with 'fire frenzy' is now significantly reduced thanks to the latest FAQ as long as you keep them up front (which is where they would be anyway).

Problem with that is that they aren't moving when they FF, thereby keeping the rest of your army back...


The FAQ was like putting a band-aid on a bleeding artery...


(and then they stabbed the C:CSM patient in a perfectly fine kidney with the warptime nerf)

I'm not saying that fire frenzy became good just less threatening than before and certainly the warp time nerf hurt a lot.


However, as long as you start with your dreads up front and you always move them towards the enemy every turn by the time you do roll up a fire frenzy (if you do even) you'll be in amongst the enemy and/or up close to them so it won't matter that you lose a turn of moving forward and your army wont be stalled. Obviously, you might still want to keep the dreadnoughts a little bit removed from the rest of your army just in case and you might get horrendous luck and roll lots of 1s early on that *might* stall a few things but that's a minor risk.


Anyway, back on topic, the dreadknight vs. decimator argument is immaterial seeing as chaos can't take dreadknights we can't chose it over the decimator. Plus, while dreadnoughts do have a better initiative value and will beat the decimator to the punch as it were, it has it's advantages in slightly different areas in that it's not meant to be a "better" version of a dreadnought. It rolls 2D6 pick the highest to determine armour penetration which isn't half bad (I know of plenty of occasions where dreadnoughts and powerfists roll 1s to pen) but more importantly its function is blatantly more about going after troop transports and armoured infantry than going up against enemy walkers. Sure, it doesn't have fleet but neither do dreadnoughts as standard and honestly with those weapons you don't want to be using fleet anyway.

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Most definitely! I was thinking a good variant for Thousand Sons might be dual storm lasers with the mark of Tzeentch.


I love the idea for rate of fire, but then thought that TS already have enough AP3 anti infantry, and little can opening power.


It loses melee contests vs other dreads due to I3, it doesn't have fleet like other options do.




I dont see why youd really want it in melee, but the 4S8 shots/turn may help with weakening the dread first.

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So the question I'm asking now is: Contemptor or Decimator? my other elites choices, Dreadnought with plasma cannon and ddcw and heavy flamer, squad of terminators depending (size and armament is based on pts size.) which options are best for supporting sons?

That's a tough decision. I would probably lean towards the contemptor though. It has more weapon options, better armour, better WS and BS, fleet, can take a drop pod if required and it's mark of tzeentch makes bolt weapons AP3. With that said however, the decimator would fulfill a different role as a more dedicated anti-MEQ unit in both cqc and shooting (depending on loadout) and it would be significantly cheaper. It's mark of tzeentch in concert with storm lasers give it an edge over what the contemptor with mark of tzeentch could do as well.


I say drop the old dreadnought w/ plasma cannon for a bit and try running a contemptor *and* decimator.


From a fluff standpoint: does the decimator fit in with your army? After all it's very "chaosy" and depending on what the rest of your force looks like it might just not mesh right... Just a though.

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Ahh must admit, I was so excited about it I'd forgotten that question, and I must admit, there are parts (the face knee, the bulging vein like things on the shoulders) that I am not keen on. My warband/companies fluff is that they are Ahrimanites, and consider Magnus to have betrayed the legion just as much as the emperor or the wolves, whilst they do use daemons, they only do so sparingly and much prefer to fight as they did before the Heresy, so it doesn't really fit with my fluff. Thanks for reminding me, just got excited about there being something decent that was just for Death Guard or World eaters.
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There is a loophole that you might want to use though: call it a 'Cataphract', greenstuff/file the offending sections and voila problem possibly solved. I plan on buying two decimators and if it's possible I'll swap the faced knee off one of them with the non-faced knee of the other so that one has two faces and one has none...but that's a big *if*.
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