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Vallejo Red help!


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So I have noticed that the Vallejo Reds seem to be much thinner than any of their other colors. Does anyone else find this to be the case?


It seems no matter how long I shake it I just can not get it to come out in any consitiancy thinker than an ink and it is really starting to annoying me because it feels like there is a solid clump in there yet I can't get the damn thing to break up even stabbing it with a toothpick hasn't yield any real results. So any advice is much appreciated.

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I use Vallejo paints and I have seen the same issues....The problem is with red, is that it is such a saturated pigment base that there is not a lot of binder in the paint, resulting in a more watery like texture. Thin coats are the way to go. I have found that Vallejo Flat Red to perform much better than Vallejo Red, if you are looking for a darker shade, try mixing a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Flat Red and Vallejo Black Red, that should give you a color similar to Vallejo Red.




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