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for those pro-vampire players...

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However, there is a case in Blood Quest,

where Sergeant Cloten begins being physically affected by the Red Thirst, and eventually meets a hellish future version of himself as if he had been stuck on that world.

So it is possible that it can physically effect those in the Tower, just unlikely. (Warp influences, you know?)


But yeah, Inquisitor is right. The Tower is where they put all of those who can no longer resist, and have fully succumbed to it's effects.


Wouldn't the case from Blood Quest describe a psychological effect rather than a physical? I didn't read BQ comics, but that sounds more like a vision rather than a physical effect that mutates marines into even taller undead creatures with bat wings, oversized bat ears and fangs as long as a human's hand. :ph34r:


And what's about the Warp influences you mentioned? AFAIK, the Red Thirst does not implement any psychic activities into the fallen Blood Angel...the marine loses control over himself, is basically a psychic wreck that lives only to drink the blood of the living - it's a degenerative state of mind where the ex-Marine has fallen into.





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However, there is a case in Blood Quest,

where Sergeant Cloten begins being physically affected by the Red Thirst, and eventually meets a hellish future version of himself as if he had been stuck on that world.

So it is possible that it can physically effect those in the Tower, just unlikely. (Warp influences, you know?)


But yeah, Inquisitor is right. The Tower is where they put all of those who can no longer resist, and have fully succumbed to it's effects.


Wouldn't the case from Blood Quest describe a psychological effect rather than a physical? I didn't read BQ comics, but that sounds more like a vision rather than a physical effect that mutates marines into even taller undead creatures with bat wings, oversized bat ears and fangs as long as a human's hand. :huh:


And what's about the Warp influences you mentioned? AFAIK, the Red Thirst does not implement any psychic activities into the fallen Blood Angel...the marine loses control over himself, is basically a psychic wreck that lives only to drink the blood of the living - it's a degenerative state of mind where the ex-Marine has fallen into.





the example from bloodquest was er...special though. it was a vision from the future. yet a vision that was capable of tearing his arm off :huh: (and capable of having its own head removed incidentily) so its more like a corrupted physical manifestation then anything else.... perhaps it was a deamon in disguise, who knows? the psychologic effect it had on cloten was the opposite of what the tzeentch deamon prince intended though and while it did trigger cloten to feel fear fir the time in centuries he beats the beast soundly. when he was done fighting he came out cool and stated he had fought and freed himself forever from the curse of the red thirst.


since they were on deamon world cloten also started to sprout some small mutations at the time when the manifestation showed up. it was only a small pair of horns though. they were also gone when he was away from the deamon world so i think its safe to say that the vision and the horns were small tricks from tzeentch. the vision himself (this particular one presented to cloten) were personal tests that were supposed to be the things they feared and could not win against (or something) cloten fought and won over his fear off the red thirst. later in the books he uses it as a tool more or less :)


what isent quite clear though is if the manifestation is how all those gripped and overcome by the red thirst look like or if it was a ploy from tzeentch. i think its the latter as nowhere does it state that horns start sprouting out of their head ;) but aside from that the fallen cloten was more akin to a giant man-ape then anything else :lol: a giant hairy man-ape with huge fangs. kinda looked like a crossbreed between vampire and werewolf :) I think the vargulf would fit the visual aspect alot better (if you take the wings away :P)

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IIRC the thirst pops up when the temptation rises its ugly head. the black rage however can strike at any time.


its what effected Tycho but the time he was effected if im not mistaken he wasent at war. he was still able to request his last stand though though he longer regogniced Lemartes who was said to be a good friend :devil:


i think thats the biggest difference. the thirst is alluring and a thorn in the side, but can be resisted. the rage at some point or another simply overcomes them and they are send to battle one last time before their brothers would be forced to put them out of their misery

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However, there is a case in Blood Quest,

where Sergeant Cloten begins being physically affected by the Red Thirst, and eventually meets a hellish future version of himself as if he had been stuck on that world.

So it is possible that it can physically effect those in the Tower, just unlikely. (Warp influences, you know?)


But yeah, Inquisitor is right. The Tower is where they put all of those who can no longer resist, and have fully succumbed to it's effects.


Wouldn't the case from Blood Quest describe a psychological effect rather than a physical? I didn't read BQ comics, but that sounds more like a vision rather than a physical effect that mutates marines into even taller undead creatures with bat wings, oversized bat ears and fangs as long as a human's hand. :huh:


And what's about the Warp influences you mentioned? AFAIK, the Red Thirst does not implement any psychic activities into the fallen Blood Angel...the marine loses control over himself, is basically a psychic wreck that lives only to drink the blood of the living - it's a degenerative state of mind where the ex-Marine has fallen into.





the example from bloodquest was er...special though. it was a vision from the future. yet a vision that was capable of tearing his arm off :huh: (and capable of having its own head removed incidentily) so its more like a corrupted physical manifestation then anything else.... perhaps it was a deamon in disguise, who knows? the psychologic effect it had on cloten was the opposite of what the tzeentch deamon prince intended though and while it did trigger cloten to feel fear fir the time in centuries he beats the beast soundly. when he was done fighting he came out cool and stated he had fought and freed himself forever from the curse of the red thirst.


since they were on deamon world cloten also started to sprout some small mutations at the time when the manifestation showed up. it was only a small pair of horns though. they were also gone when he was away from the deamon world so i think its safe to say that the vision and the horns were small tricks from tzeentch. the vision himself (this particular one presented to cloten) were personal tests that were supposed to be the things they feared and could not win against (or something) cloten fought and won over his fear off the red thirst. later in the books he uses it as a tool more or less :)


what isent quite clear though is if the manifestation is how all those gripped and overcome by the red thirst look like or if it was a ploy from tzeentch. i think its the latter as nowhere does it state that horns start sprouting out of their head :D but aside from that the fallen cloten was more akin to a giant man-ape then anything else ;) a giant hairy man-ape with huge fangs. kinda looked like a crossbreed between vampire and werewolf :P I think the vargulf would fit the visual aspect alot better (if you take the wings away :P)


So this actually means that (visible) physical mutation can only be done by the foul works of deamons, warp entities and ruinous powers of the Dark Gods, not the Red Thirst. That's the end of the discussion for me ^_^



So I'm a Templar, but my Templar Crusade is a combination of Black Templars, and Blood Angels. Can you explain to me how a Blood Angel is affected by the Red Thirst? Is it an all the time thing, or only in times of extreme stress, or what?


As Dem said, the Red Thirst is permanent, it is constantly tearing on the mind of every Blood Angel, through all of his life. It's what they are known for in battle besides fielding DC, the Red Thirst is what makes them a bit uncontrollable but even more deadly than any other SM chapter in the Imperium.


In battle, it requires much more effort to keep the Red Thirst supressed, because when blood splatters through the air, when chainswords rise and fall down again, cutting off limbs, heads and tearing threw bodies, when the slaughter is on it's peak, the Thirst is growing stronger, it longs for more bloodshed, pushing the Blood Angels into a holy rage unknown to the Imperium of Man.


This is their struggle, the constant fight within. In order to survive, they must train their minds in every moment of rest to supress the Thirst, unleash it upon their enemies and restrain it again, or fall to oblivion, becoming a mindless puppet craving for blood.






Edit: spelling

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What is it that makes the Blood Angels think they are Sanguinius? I thought that was the Red Thirst.


What you are thinking of is the Black Rage. Actually, those are two different things, albeit both implemented in the geneseed of the Blood Angels.

Whereas the Red Thirst is a more like a frenzy that turns an already superhuman warrior into a murderous hurricane of wild blows, kicks, headbutts and violence, the Black Rage is the memory of psychic Sanguinius' death - implemented in their geneseed.


On the eve of battle, the Blood Angels gather in prayer under the watchful eyes of Chaplains, they focus their thoughts on these memories, you could say even as a test, because those who are overwhelmed by the memories evoked from their DNA begin to stumble their prayer, to grow restless, unfocused as first signs. Those unlucky few are taken away from their brothers to become dead men walking, an eternal reminder of the fate that waits for all Blood Angels in the end, to become a member of the Death Company, the most formidable, brutal and yet doomed fighting force in the Imperium.


Those see visions of Sanguinius last fight against Horus, through the very eyes of the Primarch, some say. Demoulius gave the example where Tycho, after his fall to the Black Rage and moments before his death, adressed Lemartes as Rogal Dorn, and saw the Orks as traitorous Marines and the Ork Warboss as Horus(as far as I remember the story about Tycho's death - I can only recommend it, it's probably the manliest thing you'll ever read in your life!). Their brothers are seen as members of the Blood Angels Legion, or others(in case of Lemartes - probably a mirror of the relationships between Sanguinius and Rogal Dorn, projected on Tycho's friendship to Lemartes).





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i don't see the red thirst as necessarily making the brothers more violent, it can be appeased by sipping from a small goblet with some random blood.


i think that the 'greener' the blood angel, or less able to control it he is, then he may become more ferocious in battle. i fully support the image of a brother or two stopping for a quick 'refreshment' during battle to soothe the thirst. as according to the old mephiston fluff and rules drinking blood doesn't mean that the brother has completely gone blood lust crazy.

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IIRC, the BQ novels had Sgt. Cloten start sprouting his horns on the planet, but it mentioned that it was an amplification of the Red Thirst. Chaos WAS corrupting it, but it was used THROUGH the curse. The future self he fought was a physical vision of him having give in completely to the Thirst. However, when he BEAT the future, he conquered the thirst, and his horns went away. It was a giant allusion to the conflict in his soul where the red thirst was fighting for supremacy.


In other words, he fought the Physical Avatar of the Thirst. And won, so he was cured.

And I did mention that it was chaos related, and said that it could be some warp amplified version of the red thirst, in my earlier post.



ALSO, I forgot about this, but there is proof that the Red Thirst is indeed related to blood DRINKING and not blood SPILLING. The Blood Drinkers are said to drink the blood of their enemies and give into their thirst, and as such they have achieved a far greater level of control over the thirst.




Also, the Red Thirst is always felt by a Blood Angel, but they are trained to control it. The only time they really get thirsty and lose control is when there is going to be a lot of blood.

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i don't see the red thirst as necessarily making the brothers more violent, it can be appeased by sipping from a small goblet with some random blood.


:cuss Would you mind giving a source? Something official, if you don't mind. This sounds like every Blood Angel is more like a 40k version of lil' John, carrying around a diamond-beset goblet with blood, shouting "YEAAAAAH" when they feel the Thirst rise up in them.



ALSO, I forgot about this, but there is proof that the Red Thirst is indeed related to blood DRINKING and not blood SPILLING. The Blood Drinkers are said to drink the blood of their enemies and give into their thirst, and as such they have achieved a far greater level of control over the thirst.


The Blood Drinkers are an exception in my eyes, and to compensate the anarchy caused by the Thirst, they have to embrace the doctrines of the Codex Astartes even more in order to keep up the discipline within the chapter. They don't control the Thirst in my eyes - they give themselves into it, but that doesn't mean that it is necessarily caused by drinking blood. Even without drinking blood, they'd fall to the Red Thirst in battle, because that is the nature of the Flaw.


In the third edition codex, the Blood Angels had the unique rule The Red Thirst(which they still have, only with different rules), and were forced to roll a D6 at the start of every turn. If they rolled a one, they had to move D6 forward. Even Devastators had to, the guys in the buildings and probably far away, firing their high fire-rate weapons or lascannons at infantry/tanks.

Even if they were not in range of any blood spilled, they could fall to the Thirst.


Another example was the story of Adeon in the back of the codex - very nice read btw. He was an Assault Veteran Sergeant on Stryia V, a planet that the Blood Angels were about to take over by force from insectoid creatures.

This veteran, after joining the fight, feels the Red Thirst in his veins, tearing at his mind when he breaks through the masses of enemies, without having had a single drop of blood for lunch. He is able to resist, because he's a veteran, and, by the way, a badass.



These two examples are enough proof for me that the Thirst is not necessarily related to the actualy drinking of blood, but the spilling of said liquid.




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i don't see the red thirst as necessarily making the brothers more violent, it can be appeased by sipping from a small goblet with some random blood.


:D Would you mind giving a source? Something official, if you don't mind. This sounds like every Blood Angel is more like a 40k version of lil' John, carrying around a diamond-beset goblet with blood, shouting "YEAAAAAH" when they feel the Thirst rise up in them.



ALSO, I forgot about this, but there is proof that the Red Thirst is indeed related to blood DRINKING and not blood SPILLING. The Blood Drinkers are said to drink the blood of their enemies and give into their thirst, and as such they have achieved a far greater level of control over the thirst.


The Blood Drinkers are an exception in my eyes, and to compensate the anarchy caused by the Thirst, they have to embrace the doctrines of the Codex Astartes even more in order to keep up the discipline within the chapter. They don't control the Thirst in my eyes - they give themselves into it, but that doesn't mean that it is necessarily caused by drinking blood. Even without drinking blood, they'd fall to the Red Thirst in battle, because that is the nature of the Flaw.


In the third edition codex, the Blood Angels had the unique rule The Red Thirst(which they still have, only with different rules), and were forced to roll a D6 at the start of every turn. If they rolled a one, they had to move D6 forward. Even Devastators had to, the guys in the buildings and probably far away, firing their high fire-rate weapons or lascannons at infantry/tanks.

Even if they were not in range of any blood spilled, they could fall to the Thirst.


Another example was the story of Adeon in the back of the codex - very nice read btw. He was an Assault Veteran Sergeant on Stryia V, a planet that the Blood Angels were about to take over by force from insectoid creatures.

This veteran, after joining the fight, feels the Red Thirst in his veins, tearing at his mind when he breaks through the masses of enemies, without having had a single drop of blood for lunch. He is able to resist, because he's a veteran, and, by the way, a badass.



These two examples are enough proof for me that the Thirst is not necessarily related to the actualy drinking of blood, but the spilling of said liquid.




lol, the lil jon reference made me laugh, any way i'm not sure if that's more just my interpretation, or if i did ever read something that was actually official, and since 1. it' my duty day and i'm stuck on the ship i don't have access to the one codex i have here and 2. i only have the newest codex here, all my old ones are back home.


i know the story you're talking about in the back of the 3rd ed 'dex, and if the thirst was just the want to spill blood rather than drink it, wouldn't becoming more ferocious in battle mean completely giving into the thirst (not being over come by it, but still giving in to it.). as is often pointed out, fluff changes, but the old rule of mephiston's pretty much cements the thirst as being as literal of a thirst for blood as can be in my mind (not saying you're wrong, but just making sure that bit wasn't forgotten)

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A vampire becomes more thirsty when there is blood to be spilled.


It is like watching a movie where people drink water, and they are out in a desert. I always feel more thirsty then, a drive to go get some water.


Likewise, when a space marine is going into combat, he knows blood will be spilled. He can see the blood, and it makes him thirsty. Therefore, he feels the urge to go spill blood and drink. Some resist this urge and do not go towards their enemy. Some do not, and go into a frenzy.


Basically, yes, they want to spill blood. But they want to spill blood because they are thirsty, and can drink it. Used to, Blood Angels had vampire teeth.


Heck, we can even mention Moriar the Chosen. He fell into the Red Thirst and they had to make him a dreadnaught capable of sucking up blood. Or have we already forgotten about him?

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Very disappointed the mods closed down the long-running 'Vampire/Catholics' thread. I log in mainly to discuss fluff. I find anal discussions of 'if I put 5 points into everyone having meltas I can beat all the kids in my LGS'. 'That sucks, if I spam all my razorbacks with meltas and fists I can beat Grey knights anyday' a complete turn off. I have no interest in this mini maxing, I play for the fun for leading and experiencing Blood Angels in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. Hearing how other players experience this is one of the joys of the forum. Live and let live, though, this should be a place for both types and currently is too slanted towards the number-crunchers, win at any costers.
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Telanicus, you make it sound like they crave it like i sometimes crave energy drink or coffee :lol:


yea the story about Adeon was sheer badass. As were many of the fluff pieces in that codex btw... The full speach dante gave on one of the pages was made from sheer distelled awesomeness!


moving back to cloten. I just reread the pages where he sprouted the horns and they have nothing to do with the thirst. they were walking through a swamp on a deamon world, the part of tzeentch. it is outright said that the horns are a chaos mutation. and the future self has horns because...well he currently does :confused: so if he were to stay there, lose himself to the thirst and continue to stay on the deamon world that would basicly be the outcome.


instead he rips its head off and strolls off :teehee: a powerfist and poweraxe tend to do terrible things to un-armoured forms ^_^

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Telanicus, you make it sound like they crave it like i sometimes crave energy drink or coffee :lol:


yea the story about Adeon was sheer badass. As were many of the fluff pieces in that codex btw... The full speach dante gave on one of the pages was made from sheer distelled awesomeness!


moving back to cloten. I just reread the pages where he sprouted the horns and they have nothing to do with the thirst. they were walking through a swamp on a deamon world, the part of tzeentch. it is outright said that the horns are a chaos mutation. and the future self has horns because...well he currently does :confused: so if he were to stay there, lose himself to the thirst and continue to stay on the deamon world that would basicly be the outcome.


instead he rips its head off and strolls off :teehee: a powerfist and poweraxe tend to do terrible things to un-armoured forms ^_^

lol, you mean the 'i have fought what you must fight, i have slain what you must slay' speech? ya it was freaking amazing. the old fluff was great, and the new fluff...is lacking (mainly the lack of quotes as mentioned above, now it's just just stories, the quotes and what not gave the characters life.)


and brother chris, i agree. if you've got a big tournament or something ya sure come on and ask for help with your list, but otherwise let's try to spend a little bit more time looking at fluff.

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Very disappointed the mods closed down the long-running 'Vampire/Catholics' thread. I log in mainly to discuss fluff. I find anal discussions of 'if I put 5 points into everyone having meltas I can beat all the kids in my LGS'. 'That sucks, if I spam all my razorbacks with meltas and fists I can beat Grey knights anyday' a complete turn off. I have no interest in this mini maxing, I play for the fun for leading and experiencing Blood Angels in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. Hearing how other players experience this is one of the joys of the forum. Live and let live, though, this should be a place for both types and currently is too slanted towards the number-crunchers, win at any costers.

The religious discussion was a violation of forum rules and we should have closed it earlier. If you want to debate Vampire/non-Vampire fine, but leave religion out of it.

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Hmm. 'No off topic discussions', with religion as an example. It is surely within the remit of B&C to discuss the fluff backgrounds of the power armoured armies. And GW have extensively plundered the various strains of Christianity for imagery, terminology and actual backround, considering that our cultures are imagined as being in the past of 40K and contribute to it. Vampires were bound up with Catholic mythology in the English speaking world as soon as Bram Stoker brought crucifixes, holy water and consecrated hosts into the anti-Vampire arsenal. Do Odinic Rite pagans and Lutheran Norwegians get flamed off the SW board?


I would probably help if we remembered these are real people we are talking to, with whom we probably share a lot more in common than the small things which divide us. We are, after all, enthusiasts for 40K Blood Angels, which makes us quite a small subset of humanity.

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So what is the opinion of the whole Necron thing in your latest Codex? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing the Blood Angel's would do, as they seem to be just as anti-xeno as most other Space Marines, though not quite to Templar level.


Also, trying to write out some fluff for my Crusade. Would it be possible for a Blood Angel suffering the Black Rage to see someone else as Sanguinius? Also, could they possibly be afflicted by a less powerful version of the Black Rage, which alters their view of the battlefield, but allows them more control of themselves?


Mephiston conquered the Black Rage, but does he actually know what he is fighting, or is he in a constant state of Sanguinius-ness?

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So what is the opinion of the whole Necron thing in your latest Codex? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing the Blood Angel's would do, as they seem to be just as anti-xeno as most other Space Marines, though not quite to Templar level.


Also, trying to write out some fluff for my Crusade. Would it be possible for a Blood Angel suffering the Black Rage to see someone else as Sanguinius? Also, could they possibly be afflicted by a less powerful version of the Black Rage, which alters their view of the battlefield, but allows them more control of themselves?


Mephiston conquered the Black Rage, but does he actually know what he is fighting, or is he in a constant state of Sanguinius-ness?

during the black rage, a marine believes HE is sanguinius, there are different levels of the rage, as said before, a chapalain or any brother who knows the signs can see the onset of the rage. it's not an all or nothing sort of thing.


mephiston is completely sane now. he went crazy, but now he's back to normal with super-duper-super powers. he entered the rage, and the climbed back out.

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So what is the opinion of the whole Necron thing in your latest Codex? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing the Blood Angel's would do, as they seem to be just as anti-xeno as most other Space Marines, though not quite to Templar level.


Also, trying to write out some fluff for my Crusade. Would it be possible for a Blood Angel suffering the Black Rage to see someone else as Sanguinius? Also, could they possibly be afflicted by a less powerful version of the Black Rage, which alters their view of the battlefield, but allows them more control of themselves?


Mephiston conquered the Black Rage, but does he actually know what he is fighting, or is he in a constant state of Sanguinius-ness?


I don't think it would be possible for a marine who has fallen to the Black Rage to see someone else as Sanguinius as the Black Rage is the genetic imprint of Sanguinius' death scream. If Sanguinius didn't die there would be no Black Rage.

A less powerful version of the Black Rage would be the Red Thirst.

As for Mephiston, I understand him to be completely normal when not in battle but when he is in battle he is constantly struggling to maintain his sanity whilst smashing enourmous amounts of face.


during the black rage, a marine believes HE is sanguinius, there are different levels of the rage, as said before, a chapalain or any brother who knows the signs can see the onset of the rage. it's not an all or nothing sort of thing.


mephiston is completely sane now. he went crazy, but now he's back to normal with super-duper-super powers. he entered the rage, and the climbed back out.


A marine who has fallen to the Black Rage thinks that he is a marine at the time that Sanguinius was struck down by Horus and that any enemy around them is a traitor marine as the Black Rage is the genetic imprint of Sanguinius' death scream.

If they thought that they were Sanguinius then they would have just got cut down by Horus.

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Agreeing in part with SevenExxes: Marines suffering from the Black Rage MAY EVEN believe that they are Sanguinius during the heresy...


There is absolutely no support to say that every marine always believes he is Sanguinius fighting Horus, heck - even if the marine believes he is Sanguinius, perhaps he is reliving the bit where he held the Ultimate Gate alone and cast down the Bloodthirster, or some other fraction of the combat that happened during the siege. Perhaps a dirty little snapshot of combat in an alleyway where he caught a bunch of traitors in close confines or something like that.........

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So why did Mephy get super powers? I'm trying to justify my fluff, which involves the Blood Angels quite a bit.


It has my Emperor's Champion getting a joint vision from Sanguinius, Dorn, and The Emperor, rather than the normal Emperor deal. They speak to him about a specific planet system, and then disappear.


Basically, his Crusade makes planetfall, and saves a squad of Blood Angels from getting wiped out. The leader of the Blood Angels is just beginning to succumb to the Black Rage, but my Champion (who sports massive black angel wings) is seen as a vision of Sanguinius.


The Blood Angel commander (or possibly chaplain) starts speaking to him as if he were a Blood Angel's Legion officer, and mentions"Dorn's Plan" One group in the Imperial Fists/Sucessor Chapters believe that Dorn is not dead, and this conversation lends credence to that claim, so through Sanguinius shennanigans, the Champion pulls the Commander back from the edge, and they join up to go find Dorn.


Is this consistent with the way Blood Angel fluff works?

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Agreeing in part with SevenExxes: Marines suffering from the Black Rage MAY EVEN believe that they are Sanguinius during the heresy...


There is absolutely no support to say that every marine always believes he is Sanguinius fighting Horus, heck - even if the marine believes he is Sanguinius, perhaps he is reliving the bit where he held the Ultimate Gate alone and cast down the Bloodthirster, or some other fraction of the combat that happened during the siege. Perhaps a dirty little snapshot of combat in an alleyway where he caught a bunch of traitors in close confines or something like that.........

Yeah, they believe they are sanguinius. All evidence points to this.

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