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Heretics & Renegades players?

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Hijack, noted.


As pointed out there is currently no support for the Heretics & Renegades rule-set on the B&C, well, not counting the Marine and Daemon portions of the list (and variants) that is.


However, considering that the list is basically just an Imperial Guard list with some fancy new names and random leadership value I'd take a peek over at Boot Camp (Imperial Guard specific forum)


They should have a few pointers I think. :mellow:



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Yeah on B&C the only Renegades you can talk about have to have power armour. So if you make a FW Renegades list with some count-as Alpha Legion squads and a count-as Arkos the Faithless and you can talk about those.
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I am pro doing a Servants of Decay army eventually. I have a list and a test model or two done, but I haven't bought everything as I don't have the money and I don't have the time/energy. Other people do and I follow them on their blogs, so try searching for "Servants of Decay" or "Renegade Imperial Guard" in Google.


They are pretty strict about +3 armor saves here.

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