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The book of Logar


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This one is for all Black library readers (and any of the authors on here) I'm looking for as many extracts from the 'Book of Logar' as i can find. I'm playing a Dark apostle in a black crusade game soon so need as many extracts as i can find. I know theres loads in the Word bearers trilogy and in First heretic but i need as many as i can get.
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The book Dark Creed by Anthoney Reynolds is the only novel I know of that actually shows what the verse is. It has little snippets in there but it's only three or four verses. That's it. Everywhere else just syas what gerse they are saying, but they never say what the verse says.
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With the risk of getting a bannhammer on my head, I would say you could just take an old version of the Old Testament, take some verse from Leviticus, change some words around and you have the book of Lorgar. At least a bit more than the few snippets which are available, if you want some more for your campaign. Could be kinda fun to surprise your friends with some own material. :)


For example

"7: And ye shall not go out from the door of the congregation, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the Gods is upon you. And they did according to the word of Lorgar.

8: And the Gods spake unto Lorgar, saying,

9: Do not pity the weak nor the xenos, thou, nor thy blessed sons with thee, when ye go into the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations:

10: And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;

11: And that ye may teach the children of Lorgar all the statutes which the Gods hath spoken unto them by the hand of Lorgar. "


And so on. I know I could do better, but I just took a page at random from a website with the king james version.

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This one is for all Black library readers (and any of the authors on here) I'm looking for as many extracts from the 'Book of Logar' as i can find. I'm playing a Dark apostle in a black crusade game soon so need as many extracts as i can find. I know theres loads in the Word bearers trilogy and in First heretic but i need as many as i can get.


The First Heretic extract is actually from the old Index Astartes article.


Betrayer will have plenty of extracts. It won't be out for ages though. Many apologies.

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With the risk of getting a bannhammer on my head, I would say you could just take an old version of the Old Testament, take some verse from Leviticus, change some words around and you have the book of Lorgar. At least a bit more than the few snippets which are available, if you want some more for your campaign. Could be kinda fun to surprise your friends with some own material. :)


For example

"7: And ye shall not go out from the door of the congregation, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the Gods is upon you. And they did according to the word of Lorgar.

8: And the Gods spake unto Lorgar, saying,

9: Do not pity the weak nor the xenos, thou, nor thy blessed sons with thee, when ye go into the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations:

10: And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;

11: And that ye may teach the children of Lorgar all the statutes which the Gods hath spoken unto them by the hand of Lorgar. "


And so on. I know I could do better, but I just took a page at random from a website with the king james version.

That sounds like a good idea but since, if IIRC, the book is Lorgar telling the Word Bearers the will of the Gods, you might be better off using one of the letters from the New Testament. Either Old King James or New King James give you the most accurate reading depending on if you want "thee, thine, thou" or "you".

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Thanks for help thus far. I'm currently going threw all the word bearer books and the Liber Chaotica and writing anny stuff that catches my eye down in a small leather book. With any luck i'll have my own small book of Logar ready to preach from by time we start. Anyone who wants to come up with stuff forme as well is more than welcome and all help is much appreciated.
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Speaking strictly as a sometime GM and strictly for gaming purposes:


The Christian Bible is one place to look for reference material, but the Upanishads make reference to several gods and have the added benefit of esoteric (and often confusing) commentary. Adapting some choice passages from there might be rewarding for a Game Master. Insert politically sensitive urging of caution in respecting cultural and religious sensibility in this space. I would suggest that rather than simply changing names to make something Chaos-y, to create an original work that draws on the source's stylistic and thematic elements. Unless irony is your thing and you know your audience will appreciate it the same way you do...

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Im probably not getting the tone right but i'll have a crack.. These aren't so much quotes, but things a word bearer might say.


"The divine murder of innocents is necessary. All power demands sacrifice". - when you kill some civvies


"The Eightfold Path demands balance, a fool who praises one god, courts slavery and forsakes their glorious union with the Pantheon." - to insult mono god tryhards in your party.


"Upon reaching a fork in the Eightfold Path; Ask yourself, which furthers the glory of Chaos?" - when someone asks you what to do and you know not the answer.


"Tzeentch speaks and I listen." - when you change your mind.


"In all of creation, there is nothing so flithy, so disgusting, so depraved as an athetist" - standard ego barb


"Aethist scum!" - bollocks to you.


"Your god is False!" - relieving ignorance.


"Your death was ordained." - when you kill someone.


"You leak ignorance into the ether, it is distasteful." - tell someone shutup


"Slay them all and let the gods sort it out." - Sherlock holmes


"Upon the field of battle faith is strength and the strong are always victorious." -morale booster


"All wisdom is derived from failure". - When you have to flee


Thats all I got

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Lots of nice ones there Yogi, however, the 'atheist' ones don't feel really '40k', more '30k'.


But I guess it depends on the setting. I could well imagine a Word Bearer calling an Iron Warrior or Night Lord something like that, but in the 41st millennia, atheism seem to generally be the domain of the xenos, and I don't think the Word Bearers could care less of the spiritual well-being of aliens.

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I think one could base a few lines on the fact that Lorgar turned to chaos because it was the truth, not just what sounds nice/convincing.

Hmmm... I wish I was more poetic, but here goes.


"The Truth is pain." A proverb for justifying cruelty.


"The ignorant will burn in the light of chaos." When people don't buy your theology.


"The Truth is Eightfold." To make you sound wise.


"It is better to die by the truth than live by the consoling." Said in times of hardship.


Damn, I with I was better at this. It all sounds so good in my head. :/

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Quotes from Milton and Blake might be a good option too. I'm using the latter poet's writings as a kind of theme to build my army around. For example:


"And Urizen gave life and sense by his immortal power

To all his Engines of deceit: that linked chains might run

Thro' ranks of war spontaneous: and that hooks and boring screws

Might act according to their forms by innate cruelty.

He formed also harsh instruments of sound

To grate the soul into destruction, or to inflame with fury

The spirits of life, to pervert all the faculties of sense

Into their own destruction..." (Four Zoas, 8.131-137)


The first half of that quote brings to my mind the image of a Defiler. The latter half of Slaanesh's Noise Marines.


Milton could be good to:


"nor aught avail'd him now

To have built in Heav'n high Towrs; nor did he scape

By all his Engins, but was headlong sent

With his industrious crew to build in hell." (1.748-751)




"...forth rush'd with whirl-wind sound

The Chariot of Paternal Deitie,

Flashing thick flames, Wheele within Wheele, undrawn,

It self instinct with Spirit, but convoyd

By four Cherubic shapes, four Faces each

Had wondrous, as with Starrs thir bodies all

And Wings were set with Eyes, with Eyes the wheels

Of Beril, and careering Fires between..." (6.749-756)


Really, the sheer size of The Book of Lorgar implied by the books is such that you can transplant what you feel appropriate from poetry or scripture into the game. Provided it sounds grand.

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Thanks for all the help guys. Between this and the Liber Chaotica i think i can come up with a decent book. I'm very much looking forward to playing out the constant battles as Eliphas the banished , the only dark apostle to be given a 1000 year penitent exile for spelling his primarchs name wrong. (yes i was stupid enough to engrave 'Logar' instead of Lorgar on the leather book i bought for this..... may Eliphas flay his spell-checker servitoor alive!)
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Logar eh? To play a good chaos worshipper never admit fault. This tome is special, only the faithful can see the 'r'. Because only the faithful are permitted to speak his name. If you can't see the 'r' well, you will make a fine offering to the gods. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
Logar eh? To play a good chaos worshipper never admit fault. This tome is special, only the faithful can see the 'r'. Because only the faithful are permitted to speak his name. If you can't see the 'r' well, you will make a fine offering to the gods. ;)

It is said that if you speak the name of Logar, you speak of a province in Afghanistan. :(

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