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Combat Shield Question


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Ok, so I've been thinking about options for arming another command squad, so that I've got something with a different layout to my current 4th Company "all comers" squad. I started thinking about the merits of bolters vs. pistols, then I hit upon something that hadn't occured to me before.

I've always just assumed that any command squad with a Company Champion is going to have at least one Bolt Pistol armed marine due to the Combat Shield that he carries, but then I realised that it doesn't actually say anywhere in the codex that he has to be armed with a bolt pistol, or even a pistol at all. I just assumed he had to be armed that way when I first started making champions, because that's the way they come in the box, and just never questioned it.

But now that I come to it, I can't think of any pictures or models of company champions with anything other than Bolt Pistol, Combat Shield and Power Sword. Am I wrong about this? Anyone else use a different armament? Or am I just an idiot for not spotting something so obvious sooner?

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Nobody in their right mind would argue he loses his power armour so he should by rights retain the "bolt pistol OR bolt gun" option under basic wargear. Other options are arguable however: when upgraded the marine ceases to be a Veteran and becomes a Company Champion (different statline) thereby losing the Veteran upgrade options, unless I'm mistaken the rules don't actually say you must pick options in order of presentation so you could argue that his armament could be upgraded before being upgraded to a Company Champion - arguable is the operative word however, it might be okay in friendlies but I wouldn't try it in tourneys.
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so far as I know, it's always been BP and PS for the champ, with a buckler shield, or standard shield.... but NOT a storm shield.


you could take the storm shield, but you'd lose the bolt pistol.


in either case, you lost bolter and chainsword.


just my thoughts,



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The wording is "Power Weapon and combat shield," I believe. Will have to check that.


I armed mine with the Mace from the DA sprue. :P


EDIT: I just checked and in the listing it does say "Power Weapon". So maces, swords, axes, spears, and chopsticks would be legal, as long as thier powered. :-P

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Thanks for the replies guys, especially Vodonius, they've been very enlightening.


Basically what I'm getting at is that the codex doesn't specify anywhere that a combat shield has to be attached to a bolt pistol, it is just "attached to the user's forearm, leaving his hand free to hold a pistol or other weapon". So according to the unit entry you should be able to take a company champion with a power weapon, combat shield and bolter, or if you still count the champion as a "veteran" for equipping purposes (as stated, arguable), you could equip him with CS, PW and plasma pistol or even CS, PW and combi-weapon, but I've never seen anyone use any of these options.

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The wording is "Power Weapon and combat shield," I believe. Will have to check that.


I armed mine with the Mace from the DA sprue. :sick:


EDIT: I just checked and in the listing it does say "Power Weapon". So maces, swords, axes, spears, and chopsticks would be legal, as long as thier powered. :-P



Even if it said power sword you would still be legit using maces axes spears and chopsticks, so long as you tell the guys beforehand "hey this counts as a power sword" and it is cleary identifiably and not mistakable for something esle (aka you dont also use a similar mace axe spear or chopstick to represent a completely different type of weapon).

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  • 2 weeks later...
You are correct, the Combat shield is not limited to just having a bolt pistol. The Company Champion is arguably limited to not being able to upgrade his weapons however. The only other combat shield available is on the assault squad sergeant. He may take the shield and any of the other wargear upgrades he is allowed and still get the 6+ invulnerable with no penalties. Interestingly enough the Assault sergeant is also the only entry I could see in the codex that allows you to take a "pair of lightning claws" for a set value and losing a single weapon, instead of having to buy two single lc's and lose both weapons. Therefore you could make an assault sergeant with two lightning claws, a bolt or plasma pistol, and a combat shield. Might be a good idea for a comedy type model maybe, overloaded with equipment.
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