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1500 Pt Battle Rep


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Ok, so thought id try my hand at writing a battle report - ideally id like to photoshop up some diagrams/maps etc but im at work on my lunch :)


This was a 'friendly' 1500 point game between myself and my housemate, who was playing deathwing.




Wolf Lord on TW with RA, WTN, SS, Claw, Saga of Wulfkin

Rune Priest


3x Wolf Guard - P.Fist x3 Combi Plasma x1 (with GHI) Combi Melta x2 (with GHII+III)

Dreadnought - P.Cannon, Extra Armour


Grey Hunters I x8 - Wulfen, Banner, Plasmagun

Grey Hunters IIx8 - Wulfen, Banner, Meltagun, rhino

Grey Hunters III x7 - Wulfen, Banner, Meltagun, rhino


5x Long Fang - 2ML 2PC

5x Long Fang - 2ML 2PC


15 fenrisian wolves



DEATHWING (not 100% sure on the loadout)




3x 5 man terminator squads with a mix of claws, fists, TH/SS, CML, and an apothecary in the squad with Belial

2 venerable dreadnoughts with TL autocannon/missle launchers

2 typhoon land speeders





Rolled for the game type, and it ended up being capture and hold, with dawn of war deployment.

The 2 objectives ended up both being middle ish to the board (but each more in the other deployment zone than the other obviously) and about 24 inches apart,


Deathwing won the rolloff, and decided to deploy first, sticking a squad with the librarian on the objective in his table half, and having another squad start near to my home objective. (keeping belials squad and the speeders in reserve - he later realised his mistake of keeping the speeders in reserve)


I then deployed my rune priest with the plasma GH squad behind some cover (as he'd deployed his terminators really far forward, i didn't have much choice), and one of my other grey hunter squads in their rhino near the back of the board.


-------------Turn 1----------


venerable dreadnoughts walk onto the board, and the terminators not on their home objective move in towards my objective (which turned out to be the worst mistake they could make)

The rune priest squad was out of LOS so all the shooting was directed at my rhino - which took 6 krak missles and two TL autocannon shots - and was only immobilised!


On my first turn, the squad in the immobilised rhino disembarked and moved towards my home objective. i brought the rest of my army on, the wolf lord and his 15 wolves moved onto the board and ran towards that encroaching terminator squad, the other rhino moved on to support him, drove up the oard and popped smoke. My dreadnought came on but due to a lapse on my part, i forgot to fire the plasma cannon despite having perfect LOS to the termies camping on the DW home objective. The long fangs came on and ran into the nearest sets of cover, setting up some fire lanes. The rune priest squad advanced towards the DW home objective, with the rune priest successfully casting tempests wrath despite librarian interference.


With not much shooting to do, the wolf lord unit (which do to a lucky run roll - i went 3 inches - anything less and i would've been short) charged the squad of terminators advancing on my home objective, and despite 3 wolves not making it into combat, killed 3 of them before they could attack back, and then suffered no wounds as he directed the remaining 4 fist/TH attacks towards my wolf lord and missed with all 4.


-----Turn 2------


Belials squad arrived, but due to tempest wrath, only really had one side of the board to deep strike onto, which was the side with my wolf lord. SO they arrived next to the current combat, and ran so that they wouldnt be bunched up for plasma cannon fire.


The librarian squad held its ground on their objective, and popped off some krak missles at my dread, achieving nothing. The dreadnoughts fired on both my long fangs (who made all saves) and the rhino supporting my wolf lord, and managed to blow off its storm bolter (smoke saves prevented any further damage)


On the deathwings assault phase, the wolf lord + Wolves finished off the remaining two terminators form the first squad


On my turn, the GH backing up the lord had their rhino drive up to belials squad, disembarked, and rapid fired/combi melta'd one terminator to death.

The rune priest meanwhile began advancing on the deathwing objective, and living lightning took out one of this squad (the rest of his squad was still out of range for other shooting)

Mydreadnought did very little due to some unlucky rolling, as did my long fangs (dawn of war conditions does not suit long fangs).

My oringal GH squad however put a couple of wounds into belials squad with combined bolter/melta fire


My wolf lord then charged belials squad, killing all but one of them, including that pesky apothecary.


------ Turn 3 ------


The two land speeders arrived and managed to kill a couple marines from the rune priest squad (my first casualties of the game!)

The dreadnoughts manage to pick off another couple of marines, and the librarian decided to leave his squad of terminators and go 'rune priest hunting'


The last remainding guy in belials squad fell to another 30 FW attacks, and my wolves then consolidated 5 inches..which just so happened to put them within charge range of that final terminator squad ;)


On my turn the rune priest separated away from his squad, and blasted one of the speeders from the sky in a blaze of lightning, whilst the rest of his squad opened up on the librarian with plasma and bolter rapid firing, reducing him to one wound.

One of my other grey hunter squads got back in their rhino and drove towards the two dreads(who were still lurking at the back of the board), whilst my original squad took up a defensive position on my home objective.


The wolf lord charged the last terminator squad and cut all but two down, again suffering no wounds.



------ Turn 4 ------


With not much else to do, the librarian charged my grey hunter plasma unit, and was killed in the ensuing melee (although did take a grey hunter down with him), the remaining land speeder shot at the rune priest, doing no damage.


One dread shot at the rhino carrying melta hunters towards it, and wrecked it, the other dread managed to kill one long fang.


On my turn, the rune priest and plasma squad took down the remaining speeder, the wolf lord and wolves finished off the terminators, and my grey hunter metla squad who jsut had their rhino wrecked advanced towards the dreads, but missed with the melta gun shot.


However at the end of this turn, with only two 'shooty' venerable dreads left - both of which were at least 18 inches away from either objective, and with me still having everything left bar 6 men, 1 wrecked rhino, and 1 immobilised rhino, my opponent graciously conceded the game.



---- Review -------



So yeah, i was very happy with this victory, especially since two weeks ago, this same deathwing army in a 1250 pt game had tabled my wolves by turn 4.


The wolf lord and his wolves were devastating. That unit alone killed 13 terminators, without losing a wound, and managed to not get shot at once due to always being in combat on my opponents turn. If he hadnt unwittinlgy moved that first squad of terminators toawrds my objective, or if my run roll had gone badly, they may well ahve been shot to pieces and wouldnt have been as effective, but as it was they jumped from combat to combat exterminating terminators like theyd been trained by john connor himself.

Everything else did its job nicely, with the PC's in the fangs (once theyd got into position - damn you dawn of war!) and dread being enough of a threat that he had to manoeuver around them. The rune priest getting tempest wrath off in the first turn also helped, as it meant that he had no choice but to DS belial within charge range of my lord (or put him so far out of the game he'd be useless for 2 turns).


He made a mistake not bringing on his speeders earlier (apparently he forgot they were missle launcher and not melta), and hed also kitted out his army to be anti MEQ with the two shooty dreads (as recently ive been packing a lot of MEQ - usually around 4-5 rhinos/R-backs), but with me only taking two rhinos in this game, the dreads were mostly wasted.


With both objectives secure, and only 1 kill point lost, i couldnt really have been happier with the outcome!


----------Battle Rep Over-------------

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oh ill be trying them out in future for sure :eek although they werent neeeded in the end for this victory :D


byt he way, how come thie thread is now marked as ADMOVEO? have i put it in the wrong place? Thought this would be the correct forum as teh list I used for the battle was discussed in here earlier?

Nice job Brother!! I like your Bat Rep style. Quick and to the point. Not too much text getting in the way!!


Plus I like hearing about TWL's killing the crap out of everything!! :)


End of Line


cheers sir! hopefully next time ill get a few photos/maps up for illustrative purposes...next big battle we'll be doing is a 4000pt orks vs wolves/deathwing (thats right, im teaming up with those dastardly dark angels) - so was gonna do a proper report for that :P


aye the wolf lord unit was fair fun! i think the lord ended up with only 5 termie kills, compared with his pet dogs, which got about 8 termie kills! (this was mainly just cos i was working out the wolves attacks first, and all the terminators were dying from those wounds before even rolling for the power weapon wounds from the lord.


Whats better than a bunch of the dark angels finest warriors kitted out with the best equipment and weapons the imperium can field? A pack of dogs thats what!


I believe it is because the Space Wolves Lists are solely for Lists and builds for characters, wereas Space Wolves proper is for everything else. I would've thought that Battle Reports go with Lists, but I suppose not.[/quote/]


cool, noted for future reports ;)


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