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This made me sad last night, Please help


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welll where to start


turn 1 - the baal pred twins murder lots of gaunts and the assault marines pile foward backed up by landraider full of TH&SS termies.


Turn 2 - the twins do the business again and murder lots more things Hooray!! assault marines charge kill squad of warriors and a squad of gaunts and a squad of stealers (I rolled like a dice god!!) did lose a few marines :(


Turn 3 - OMG :devil: is that!!! a swarmlord, tryranid prime and 3 tyrant guard. THATS WHAT THAT IS!!!! well this is where the piled into combat murdered my libby and a full squad of assault marine and a sang priest. Held up by the half a squad or assault marines (Yes my turn next assault termie charge with F.Dread and Reclusiarch - totally maul them in combat easy!)


Turn 4 - OMG :) - all of the listed above dies bounces of and kills a tyrant guard.


Please can someone help me in how to completely destroy the swarmlord, Tyranid prime and the guards in the most quick effective and considerably less painful (less kill points lost) way


Thank you all

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shoot the stabby stuff.... *shrugs*


tyranids are monsters in combat mate. its no small miracle that they killed off your troops :devil: its what they do


take as many wounds off as possible with shooting and hope he arrives with 1/2 wounds remaining before you commit your troops to combat :)

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yeah tried that but tyrant guard take wounds first and they hide behind gaunts so always get cover save :P


i have decided i have no other option but to take mephiston............


Hopefully he should solve the problem. :D

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swarmlord cost like 280 pts. tyrant guard around 50 or so. nid prime is also about 100 pts. theyre not the cheapest choices to take ;) for those 400 pts you could take 8 close combat termies with a priest in termi armour :huh: (unmolested ofcourse!)


charging a furioso into a MC is also a recipe for disaster as you found out :P but a big enough terminator squad should at least hold them off. if theyre able to kill them off though im unsure. i wouldnt worry to much about losing that combast if i were you :D

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This will probably sound stupid, but the Swarmlord and crew deathstar is slow by Tyranid standards. You have 2 Baal Preds which can kite around that mess and shoot it up. Maybe add a razorback with TL AssCan carrying 6 Sternguard with combi-plasmas, and I bet that in 2 turns you will have that thing down to half wounds.


I don't think that you need a radical rework at all, just kite that thing around for as long as you can. My buddy plays Bugs, and I ALWAYS bring that SG sqd. If nothing else it draws his attention until it's gone. :down:


food for thought

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First mistake was wasting your first turn of shooting from the Baals on gants (lol gants). I play a tyranid friend a lot, and he fields a lot of toughness 6 multi wound spam. The trick is to concentrate fire and shoot one target out first. Also, tyrant guards have 3+ armor anyway, so cover wouldn't matter. If I got first turn I would usually scout move the full 18" with my twin Baals, then first turn move up 6 and fire all weapons into a HT with 3 hive guard. They get armor save, but it doesn't matter, since I have 8 AC rounds that reroll to hit and rends, plus 12 HB sponson shots, which are bound to get lucky with at least 2 or so shots.


And you shouldn't have to worry about cover saves given from stuff like guants anyway. The most that would get cover from them are tyrant/hive guard, stealers and warriors. The rest of the MC's are just way too large to gain cover saves from friendly infantry units. Carnifex's might get cover saves because they are so hunched, but the only other thing would be warriors giving cover saves to the HT and Carnifex. In any case, you should never have to shoot guants because they provide cover to anything, and even if they did, it's still not worth shooting at them with anything but bolters.

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Multi assault, use your superior mobility to make that happen. After you shoot them to pieces as described above.

Load a bunch of wounds on the weaker unit/s and wipe them out. Make sure you put a couple of attacks on the big bad units but concentrate totally on destoying the gants etc so as to place as many fearless wounds on the big bugs left alive.

Big Orange Wrote a good piece on this in detail on his blog http://greenblowfly.blogspot.co.nz/

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A gaunt screen can be an incredibly usefull tool to your army. If you dOnt shoot them up and. An pull of a good multi charge. The best units to do this would be your assault squad and furioso dreadnaught.


If you can get your furioso(with blood talons) to assault the guants and then string your assault squad out across his swarm lord and guant squad you should getting as many assault squad dudes hitting the swarm lord as possible. The furioso should almost be guaranteed to eat the entire guant squad in 1 turn which should tip the combat hugely in your favour. If the assault squad is lucky you should be able to do 2-3 wounds to the swarm lord and tyrant guard. You will loose 3-5 assault marines in reply but since the furioso just did about 10 wounds to the guants the swarm lord is going to have to pass about 10 armour saves or die to fearless wounds!

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A gaunt screen can be an incredibly usefull tool to your army. If you dOnt shoot them up and. An pull of a good multi charge. The best units to do this would be your assault squad and furioso dreadnaught.


If you can get your furioso(with blood talons) to assault the guants and then string your assault squad out across his swarm lord and guant squad you should getting as many assault squad dudes hitting the swarm lord as possible. The furioso should almost be guaranteed to eat the entire guant squad in 1 turn which should tip the combat hugely in your favour. If the assault squad is lucky you should be able to do 2-3 wounds to the swarm lord and tyrant guard. You will loose 3-5 assault marines in reply but since the furioso just did about 10 wounds to the guants the swarm lord is going to have to pass about 10 armour saves or die to fearless wounds!

The huge gap of a flaw in that tactic though is that the swarmlord and the tyrant guard have a very good save. That and they hit before your assault marines do :tu: (swarmlord no question, tyrant guard im not sure about actually...) and they hit hard, very hard.... so even if it works (not sure how multiple combats works in this edition of the rules actually ^_^ ) youd be....shall we say in a pickle if you dont massacre them in 1 turn....


they are all T6 have rending attacks and/or ignore armor altogether (and force rerolls on invul saves <_< ) and hit you on 3's.


sending a squad of assault marines to charge the swarmlord+co is basicly throwing them away. even with a trick like this. like some here already mentioned hes basicly slogging 6 inch +run speed a turn max towards you. so you generally decide where and how he hits your lines. use this to your advantage to soften them up a few turns with shooting attacks. make sure he gets as little aid in combat as possible (either take out the rest, pin them in combat or otherwise...) and try to take him out in 1 swift go. preferably with ranged attacks. if you have to resort to combat it will be costly fight no matter what you throw at him...

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