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Ezekial Crowe

Jupiter Forge

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Hi there,

This is my first post here but I've been "lurking" for quite a while and I finally thought that I'd put one of my first Command Units on here to see what people think. I know there are a few flaws but I'm loath to go back over them for fear of messing something else up.

Without further ado, here's the model:


Base not completed yet, and the "bloodstains" on his power fist look more like he's crushed a juice-box in anger... but that's fine, even Fabricator's get displeased when they can't insert a straw with power armoured fingers. I'd like to say all the excess black was intentional to make it look like he'd got oil all over his armour due to being in the forges... but that was just me being liberal with the Badab Black Wash!


His Cloak, Generator and Sheathed Power Sword... Emperor knows how he reaches it from there.


His proudly displayed Mechanicus Icon. Mould Lines everywhere; I admit to being slack with this and not cleaning them off the model, same with pretty much all my completed models so far.


And finally his Power Fist + Stormbolter combo - right off one of the old-school terminator models (I think it may even be a Grey Knight one).

Well, that's Fabricator Crowe. He's the Chapter Master of my own creation; the "Sons of Jupiter" (or the Crows of Jupiter" to their enemies). I'm not sure if image resizing works when I post this as it doesn't for preview... and I can't seem to see any options or tutorial for that. So here's for the best!

*Edit: It didn't... oh well, at least they're not too large. If anyone has any tips for this it would be appreciated*

Cheers for looking,


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If you intend on dressing up that power fist, try some Tamiya Clear Red..

Eeyup- a glossy red will make it look nice 'n wet . . . probably a good idea unless you are planning on the other hand clutching a bendy straw. :D

It looks good other than that, though the all-grey armor combined with pale gold and tan robes is less than eye-catching. But that is just IMO.

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Thanks for the comments. :D


I may revisit him at some point and take your advice on the power fist paint, but as I say anything I do may fluff it up further... so I'll get some more practice on clean models first! I think I'll be doing my "Blood Gorgon" character next (as I just read the book) so I'll practice with the blood on him... a bit of chaos for testing blood effects sounds perfect!


Just taken a look and you are correct; it is the RT Termie captain fist... I just bought it off Ebay. I've got about 6 sellers I use for bits as I mainly just kitbash things rather than modify the bits, I haven't tried green stuff yet though I do "have" it on my shelf. I'm just afraid I'll be really terrible with it and it'll make the models look bad.


I'll be making a 2nd post about another model in just a moment; one of the "Made from the book" characters I'm going to start doing more of.


*Edit: That post is here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=249128 - and it explains my Book Character idea a little more.*

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