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Librarian Conversion


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Here is my newly completed librarian. A bit unorthodox for a loyalist librarian but I wanted a more baroque, warlock-y character.

My painting isn't awesome so be nice! C&C welcome! (also I've posted a backstory below that explains his appearance somewhat)



Stokahn Hammerhand is an enigma, a novice librarian yet powerful and

wise beyond his years. His first encounter with the denizens of the warp would be brutal

baptism of fire, one that would be leave him scarred and bitter.

On Inokahn IV his force defeated an Ulthwé force that was assailing the planet.

During the final battle Stokahn dueled with a powerful psyker. Stokahn's physical strength

and prowess was too much for the Warlock, Stokahn struck him down with a swing of

his sword. A moment before the blow fell the Warlock unleashed a physic attack that momentarily

stripped Stokahn of his psychic barriers. Daemons of all shapes and sizes flocked to the unprotected

mind. Stokahn fell to the ground as a daemon invaded his mind.

wracked with pain Stokahn writhed on the ground as the daemon took hold. What used to be Stokahn

now arouse, fire in it's eyes and a soul of darkness. The possessed marine slew his squad and roamed

the battlefield, wild-eyed and enraged.

Stokahn however, was not finished. A titanic battle was taking place in the warp. Stokahn's soul

battled the daemon with every fibre of strength. In an incredible feat of willpower Stokahn managed

the almost unheard of feat of 'self-exorcism'

Stokhan awoke on the body-strewn battlefield, He roared in triumph. His victory was short lived.

Stokahn saw his reflection in a pool of water. The possesion had left terrible scars. Two gnarled

black horns protruded from his head and his teeth were now a row of sharp fangs.

Stokahn rejoined his chapter but not before being subjected to grueling interrogations and physchic

screening. The chapter librarians concluded that Stokahn was free from daemonic influence, that he was

in fact, illuminati. Stokahn had mastered the chaos within himself.

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i'll go back and read the story later, but after a long day reading a lot doesn't sound appealing :/


any way, looks good, and i love the reuse of the mephiston model, looks really good to me, but with the horns looks like he belongs to chaos.......



after reading, i'm not sure how likely anyone with horns is to be trusted after being possesed by a deamon, even if they had undergone the most grueling of inquisitorial and astartes interrogation and psychic screening (after all there'd be no way of the chapter denying the inquisition the right to interogate and screen him if they found out...or if the chapter did deny them they'd be excomunicated and made renegade. remember renegade doesn't necesarrily mean evil or chaos. this is just the sort of event that could get a perfectly loyal chapter excommunicated.)

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Unless he's one of the Excorcists Chapter? They get possessed and exorcised on purpose!

And they have to do the self-exorcism to prove they have the strength of will(Isn't this a battle cry for a Renegade Chapter?) to fight the daemons of Chaos and not be possessed. They're like mini-Grey Knights.

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