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Skoby's ad mech project


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I've been thinking about starting an ad mech army for a while, I figured my converting skills have got to the point that I can do a half decent job. My plan is to have a counts as Corteaz for my archmagos, a second inquisitor as another magos along with a couple of techmarines, each with their own retinue of henchmen/skitarii. So far Im focusing on warrior acolytes as they will be the backbone of my army. I'm still considering how to represent crusaders and assassins, I've had various ideas but they are all impractical or don't line up with the stats they represent. My other army is Iron Hands, and is on hold for the moment, theyve been stored for a while in my damp flat and need some work repairing stuff where the florists wire I used for bionics has gone funny:( but the plan is to eventually have around 2k points for both armies and field them together for apocalypse games.


I finally got all the parts I needed for my basic skitarii (will count as warrior acolytes with storm bolters) I've gone the route of using flagellants for the basis of the models, using cadian arms with a grenade launcher that I chop up for a storm bolter. The pictures make the model look worse than it actually is, I blame poor lighting and a cameraphone. I've learned a few things doing the test model so my next attempt I'm doing a few bits differently but mostly I'm happy with how it's turned out. I'll try to get better pictures once I've painted it.






My second guy is already underway and is going to be a lot neater, although I'm still having issues with getting the arms positioned right. Combination of greenstuff, cutting and the plasticard shoulderpads is helping cover that tho.

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